FROM THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE HISTORY OF OUR RACE IN THE EARTH, we have been engaged for the consciousness of man. We as the children of the Most High God have a different origin from any other people upon the face of the earth. The offspring of the Most High sent into the earth by the process which he has ordained, the embodiment of his children in the Adamic household makes probably the most important phase of human understanding concerning our origins and our destiny, and the necessity of understanding of what the bible teaches, and what the words of inspiration not found in this bible, but are also scripture in the word of God have had to say about our being transplanted from heaven to earth.
For this is what God did, he established his household and the seat of his kingdom in earth. Brought forth his issue in the Adamic race and ordained that they should occupy the earth and build his kingdom. And that this kingdom coming down thru his posterity, by his foreknowledge he had written in the heavens as the ‘Lamb’s book of Life’ written before the foundation of the world. This a flowing stream of people the embodied household of the Most High in the earth. The only way to carry out his responsibilities in earth was to dwell in bodies of flesh, like the people of earth dwelt in. That they might use the mentality of such an occupation to transfer in a working order, the program of God’s kingdom which was an enlightening spiritual force.