The Age of Restoration

The Age of Restoration

WELL IN THE PATTERNS OF OUR HISTORY, THIS IS ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE WEEKS THAT HAS COME TO PASS. We are talking to you on the subject of Restoration, the age of Restoration. But I want you to know that it is not tied to the statement that was made last week on the Restoration. For we had a Jew come to America as the first Bishop of the World, and as the Vicar of CHRIST. He tells us he is going to be the Pope of the Restoration of human brotherhood and beasts. And there shall be restored to the world, not only complete reconciliation of all men, all governments, and all people, and he hopes to be the man to accomplish this. So he used the words that he was going to be the Pope of the Restoration.

Some of the people wonder what the Restoration is all about. There is a restoration, but it is the Restoration of the Kingdom to the Household of God in the earth. It is referred to as the Restoring of Israel. But it is not talking about the Jews.

If by some circumstances you do not know that the Jews are not Israel, you will before we are thru.

The Israel of God is the Household of God, the Issue of God. This is what Israel is. Princes, Issue ruling with the Father in the earth and its purpose that HIS Kingdom shall rule supreme. And as it reigns supreme, it shall triumph and the triumph of that Kingdom shall continue forever.

This is one of the great mysteries that David pondered and then later many others pondered this saying, ‘how is it that David refers to HIS offspring or son as LORD? How is it then that David who has an Eternal covenant with One greater than he, refers to ONE greater than he, who emerges from him?’

The Adamic Race Became Nations

The Adamic Race Became Nations

WE HAVE BEEN DISCUSSING OF EVENINGS PART OF THE AGE OLD PASSAGES OF EARTH, of the ages of anthropology and the evidence of geology, of the ethnic tracing of men and of nations of the last eight thousand years. The traces of human existence back to 600,000 years and then on back to one million years, and not one and three-fourths periods of years times of human existence or man’s existence.

We have cited to you in these messages the differences in the men of the earlier creations and the hu-men who were the children of the Most High God. We have pointed out to you in the book of Genesis, the difference in two creations, one of early men who were created upon the earth and whom God said were good, and then the sending of His own begotten spiritual children out of the heavens to earth, the embodied offspring of the Most High as the Adamic race. The earlier creations then the sixth creation of earth, this Adamic creation after the seventh day, or in the climax of it.

The Abomination of The Desolator

The Abomination of The Desolator

THE SCOPE OF THE MEASURES WHICH RELATE TO THIS YEAR ARE SO MANY AND OF SUCH MULTITUDE, that it would be almost impossible to cover them in any given night or evening. We discussed with you last week some of the significant foretokens which relate to this period. We will discuss more tonight for there are many of these factors still before us. And we will discuss them through the year as we progress through these weeks ahead.

There is no question of the fact that this is one of the most important periods in the history of your race. We have pointed out to you in the past that to understand the hour and the measures, you must seek to show yourself approved by studying the truths God has placed before you. We have the mouth of two or three witnesses to bear witness to the testimony of the things which god has proposed. One of them is of course the revelation of HIS Spoken Word, revealed Word. This we have coordinated in the scriptures through the records of the Apostles and the Prophets. This was stated also by the Christ. Then we have, of course, the measure of the Pyramid which is most significant since this is a great measuring pyramid, a pillar of witness. Remember again that along with this, we also have the great Gospel Message of the Sky. And the marked measure of God’s great sidereal clock.

You must understand that if you go back to the beginning from whence our knowledge for our race comes, in all these matters, we must go back to the furthermost writers. And again, this leads us to Enoch. To the experience of that great Patriarch, 5000 years before the Christ. For he was taken into the presence of God. Travelling into the presence of God, he was given the instructions which make up that marvellous and important set of revelations known as the ‘Towers and Pillars of Enoch,’ the ‘Secrets of Enoch,’ and the ‘Book of Enoch.’ It is out of this knowledge and the knowledge bestowed upon Job in direct revelation from the MOST HIGH, that two pillars of wisdom and the great wisdom schools of your race started to parallel the revelations of Divine appearance and inspiration with your race. The two important men, Enoch and Job, stood out as the two great Patriarchs. And these two symbols also like the two great pillars of wisdom so well known in the foundation of your knowledge and wisdom, and still symbolized as the Universal and Jerusalem symbols in the great Masonic and background truths of your race. Known also in ancient Druidism as well as of course, through your race as a people. These were a part of the foundation of your Mystery. These mysteries were given unto you. But your enemy was not given an understanding of this mystery. It is important that you understand that to measure these things, requires a certain amount of diligent inquiry.

The Knowledge of a New Age

The Knowledge of a New Age

AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO THE SUBJECT OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF A NEW AGE,’ I think it is quite evident to all observers that we are standing in the hour of the great motion. Upon the face of the earth, things are moving at such greater speed than ever before, that our knowledge in technology in the course of that last few decades has increased. We stand on vistas of human understanding that dwarf the concepts of the Universe as we knew it yesterday, into almost insignificant and small beginnings. For at this hour, we can study every phase of our natural sciences. In the last decade astronomers have added ten times the measurement to the Universe as they had before. They are thinking in terms of limitless space with limitless planets, suns, moons, and stars. The realm of the physicist has discovered greater power than he has wielded before in his conscious earth history.

We have joined our experimentation in all realms of chemistry and physics, the taking of units of things apart. And we have discovered the secrets of the Universe that the last fifty years have brought to fruition, until today you can say the men of your race have a system of thinking which gives them a pattern of the smallest units of the solar system, the atom, its molecular masses and the construction of substance. And you have watched in the pattern in the last twenty years, the taking apart of the atom, the tremendous energy which it has released, the great explosive power in their hands.

You have watched the development of fields and patterns of combustion. You have moved into an age where men can create rockets with such thrust, they can place themselves out into space. You have watched the movement in your own time of objects, satellites, arching the earth. Man made asteroids with the ability to bring them back into orbit. All these things have happened in the span of the last two decades.


That You Should be Mine

That You Should be Mine

AS WE GO INTO OUR SUBJECT TONIGHT, ‘THOU ART MINE,’ it is a magnificent thing for a people who can recognize that the ‘Majesty’ of all the Universe and all the creation and the greatness of it, the immenseness of the great sidereal systems and the Galaxies and the island Universe, into this small solar system that you are in, makes up all things by the Eternal YAHWEH and that without HIM, was not anything made.

Recognizing the tremendous power and knowledge of such a Creator and then recognizing HIM, not as just a force, but as a person and then finding a relationship to this person, and that relationship stems forth the great Mystery of the Ages.

Out of the majesty of all of the things we see created, we reflect upon the personality of HE who created them and know that this Eternal YAHWEH, GOD was embodied, as a man in the earth and still retained the fullness of HIS Godhead. Thus it was that the man Christ Jesus walked the earth and in HIM dwelt the fullness of YAHWEH-God, as HE walked bodily here on earth. Thus we are told that by HIM were all things made and without HIM was not anything made. When we think of these things and we look out over the races on the face of the earth, we see an adverse pattern. We see these races in every type of revolution and revolt against these things we know to be the Word of God, because they have been maintained unto us in our time.

Terror by Night

Terror by Night

NOW I DO NOT THINK THAT THERE IS ANYONE IN THIS AUDITORIUM THAT WHO DOES NOT THINK THAT WE ARE LIVING IN A GREAT PROPHETIC HOUR. As we meet in this auditorium tonight, the forces of the world are preparing for a struggle. The powers of evil plan to engulf the world by the sheer masses of their numbers. And by all of the Satanic trickery and cunning that they can use.

The program planners of Antichrist have already laid their format for a super government to use to rule the world. They have fifth columned the world of God’s kingdom with inassimilable people. They have sought to capture the world thinking of religion and politics. And the great bulk of the people who make up this nation and the rest of the Western Christian nations do not necessarily give ascent to this evil. The great majority of the people in this nation are white in background and heritage. And to preserve the continuity of that culture and that society they must carry out the program that builds the responsibilities of their faith.

They must learn again to serve the laws of the Most High God, and see that this is done at a national level. And even in the midst of those organizations that say that they are fighting communism and yet they want to keep people away from restoring the laws of God. I tell you that there is no solution short of divine law for a society to carry out their development and to implement the achievement that God ordained for his kingdom in the earth and in the environment which depends upon God for its substance and its existence.

Tare Time

Tare Time

OF COURSE THIS SUBJECT OF ‘TARE TIME’ HAD A DEEP SIGNIFICANCE FOR YOU TODAY, because of the conditions in your environment and because of the plan of God, for what we classify tonight as Tares. I point out to you that of all of the subjects, that Jesus spoke about when he explained to his disciples, and when he gave them to know and to understand the mysteries of the kingdom. When he had the chance to explain the deeper significance of the subjects, one of the disciples said: ‘Master tell us about the Tares. So you see that the desire of the disciples to know about the Tares was quite obviously marked, of all of the discussions that Christ had had, and which they wished to know.

Let us for a moment turn to the 13th chapter of the book of Matthew. For when one recognizes today the problems that face Christian Civilization, that the nasties of the forces of evil are seeking to destroy us. And the ramifications of their world conspiracy and their design, and the awareness that is now coming over the Children of God, by the process of his spirit. Their intensity and the awakened intensity of everyone on God’s side. Everyone on the right feels their intensity to participate. Some might think that when you hear the story of your time that this is something put together by a conservative journal. You might think that it was written by the staff of “The Cross and the flag.” Or that this was just some hopeful theology put together by someone who is just against something. But what makes this so vital it is that this is something that Jesus told, and this is his plan, and it is going to come to pass, and I cannot think of anything better that could happen.

Now; I turn to the 13th chapter of Matthew and I read these words: in verse 11, for Jesus turned to his disciples and said: “It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given.”

Book 11 Reigns of Henry VI and V

Book 11 Reigns of Henry VI and V


Chapter I

HENRY DUKE OF LANCASTER, SIRNAMED OF BOLINGBROKE, the place of his birth[1], having been proclaimed the 30th of September, took that very day the reins of the government. As the Parlia­ment then assembled was called in Richard’s name, and as their authority ceased upon his being deposed, Henry’s first care was to call another. He was con­tented, however, with impowering the same represen­tatives, to make, with the House of Lords, a new Parliament under his authority; and, after a few days interruption, the same Parliament met again on the 6th of October, as though it had been called by the new King.

Edmund Mortimer Earl of March, considering it would be no less dangerous than fruitless, at such a juncture, to assert his just right to the crown, retired to his Lordship of Wigmore[2], near the borders of Wales. The more incontestable his title was, the more reason he had to dread the new King’s jealousy. So, giving way to the torrent which he could not stem, he resolved to live in retirement, without showing the least ambition, or the least uneasiness, at the injustice that was done him.

The Parliament being assembled, Thomas Arundel Archbishop of Canterbury made a long speech, tending to inspire a high opinion of the advantages procured to the kingdom by the late revolution. He enlarged chiefly on the disorders of the late reign, and assured them, that the new Sovereign proposed to govern after a very different manner, and to preserve to all their rights and liberties. This prelate had been banished the realm in the late reign, and Roger Walden, who was appointed in his room, had hitherto performed the Archiepiscopal functions. But as Arundel was not canonically deposed, the Parliament in their first session, ordered that he should resume his dignity, and the rather as the other had not yet obtained the Pope’s con­firmation. The Archbishop’s speech, and some pre­liminary formalities, were the only things remarkable in the first session of the new Parliament, which was ad­journed to the 14th of October. This adjournment was necessary in order to prepare for the coronation, which was to be on the 13th.

The Enemy of Europe

The Enemy of Europe

These thoughts were intended to form part of my book IMPERIUM, but for personal reasons that was not possible. They owe their present incarnation to the fact that many of those to whom that work was really addressed were unable to draw offhand the necessary conclu­sions. In this treatise, as in IMPERIUM, there is nothing personal, and thus, here as there, I refrain from entering the debate over political tactics. Such matters are better discussed orally.
Organic Laws constitute the vernacular of Politics. With IMPERIUM, my aim was to present those laws so that everybody who somehow identified his personal destiny, as it were, with the Destiny of Europe could draw his own conclusions from the basic principles and select his own tactics. Some people misunderstood this possibility to such an extent that they regarded the presentation of these Organic Laws as just another contribution to the usual politico-theoretical discussion. Therefore the Organic Laws are more fully elaborated here in that they are applied to the world situation of the moment, to help provide the worthiest minds with a clearer insight into it and to unmask the Enemy of Europe.
Politics, History, Life, Destiny heed no system. Yet if Europeans would take an active part in the world power-struggle, now, more than ever before, they must put their politics on an intellectual basis, for no physical force whatever is available to them. They must outwit the enemy at every turn, outplay him, until, years later, they will eventually be in a position to dictate conditions and compel fulfilment of them. The Organic Laws are presented here in the form of an intellectual exercise from which may be evolved a method of evaluating events, possibilities, decisions. A grammar that proves inadequate can be revised, but every branch of thought advances only when it has a grammar at its disposal.

The Empire of The City

The Empire of The City

AT the end of World War I, the writer, then 27 years old, was released from the U. S. Army as a second lieutenant of the Coast Artillery Corps. Like many more servicemen, he was filled with resentment as the deluge of utterly obvious and brazen falsehood, by which participation in that war had been forced upon the American people, was exposed, and became more evident day by day after the war was won.

That the reasons advanced to the American people for their entry into World War I were largely fraudulent became common and accepted knowledge, and over 25 years after the end of that war the eminent American historians, Charles A. and Mary R. Beard, stated in their “Basic History” (page 442) that “the gleaming mirage that pictured the World War as purely or even mainly a war for democracy and civilization dissolved beyond recognition…;” and the well-known Internationalist publicist, Walter Lippmann, stated in his “U. S. Foreign Policy” (page 24) in effect that the real reasons for going to war in 1917 have never been admitted.

Many people realize that this mystifying situation, in which an alleged democratic and self-governing nation is actually controlled against the will of the people in its foreign affairs, is a clear indication that there must be a very powerful and well-financed secret organization which plans and directs American foreign affairs, and for lack of a more specific identification this suspected secret organization is popularly referred to as the International Financiers.

When the propaganda mills began their characteristic grind towards war in the early 1930’s, the writer began a more definite study of international power politics, and soon found it an entrancing and revealing subject. There was, however, no more free speech; and the most amazing documented aspects of a vast secret world order of International Finance could find no hearing in a situation where some Congressmen denounced overwhelming Nationalist expression of views in their mail as mere organized subversion.

The shelves of our public libraries hold thousands of books pertaining to some aspect of this vast subject; most of them dry as dust to the average reader and remaining unread by the public through the years. Most of these scholarly works are devoted to some passing phase of power politics in some part of the world, of which their author has made a specialized study, and have invariably been forgotten as the public has lost interest in that particular incident.

In running through these works some amazing nuggets of information come to light here and there, which fitted together gradually unfold the stunning history and the legal structure of a sovereign world state located in the financial district of the loosely knit aggregation of boroughs and cities popularly known as the city of London. The colossal political and financial organization centred in this area, known as “The City,” operates as a super-government of the world; and no incident occurs in any part of the world without its participation in some form.

Its pretensions are supported in the United States by the secret International Pilgrim Society, sponsor of the Cecil Rhodes “One World” ideology which was launched about 1897. The president of its American branch is Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, who is also president of the allied Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The ultimate objective of this camarilla was defined by one of its noted propagandists, the late William Alien White, as: “It is the destiny of the pure Aryan Anglo-Saxon race to dominate the world and kill off or else reduce to a servile status all other inferior races.”

After reducing the vast mass of data forming the basis of this work into a logical and readable sequence, it was finally put into print and privately published after long delay, and copyright was granted May 22, 1944. About 200 copies were sent to various members of Congress, thus largely performing the purpose of the first edition. Several members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee accorded some attention to this.