Tare Time

Tare Time

OF COURSE THIS SUBJECT OF ‘TARE TIME’ HAD A DEEP SIGNIFICANCE FOR YOU TODAY, because of the conditions in your environment and because of the plan of God, for what we classify tonight as Tares. I point out to you that of all of the subjects, that Jesus spoke about when he explained to his disciples, and when he gave them to know and to understand the mysteries of the kingdom. When he had the chance to explain the deeper significance of the subjects, one of the disciples said: ‘Master tell us about the Tares. So you see that the desire of the disciples to know about the Tares was quite obviously marked, of all of the discussions that Christ had had, and which they wished to know.

Let us for a moment turn to the 13th chapter of the book of Matthew. For when one recognizes today the problems that face Christian Civilization, that the nasties of the forces of evil are seeking to destroy us. And the ramifications of their world conspiracy and their design, and the awareness that is now coming over the Children of God, by the process of his spirit. Their intensity and the awakened intensity of everyone on God’s side. Everyone on the right feels their intensity to participate. Some might think that when you hear the story of your time that this is something put together by a conservative journal. You might think that it was written by the staff of “The Cross and the flag.” Or that this was just some hopeful theology put together by someone who is just against something. But what makes this so vital it is that this is something that Jesus told, and this is his plan, and it is going to come to pass, and I cannot think of anything better that could happen.

Now; I turn to the 13th chapter of Matthew and I read these words: in verse 11, for Jesus turned to his disciples and said: “It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of Heaven, but to them it is not given.”