NOW I DO NOT THINK THAT THERE IS ANYONE IN THIS AUDITORIUM THAT WHO DOES NOT THINK THAT WE ARE LIVING IN A GREAT PROPHETIC HOUR. As we meet in this auditorium tonight, the forces of the world are preparing for a struggle. The powers of evil plan to engulf the world by the sheer masses of their numbers. And by all of the Satanic trickery and cunning that they can use.
The program planners of Antichrist have already laid their format for a super government to use to rule the world. They have fifth columned the world of God’s kingdom with inassimilable people. They have sought to capture the world thinking of religion and politics. And the great bulk of the people who make up this nation and the rest of the Western Christian nations do not necessarily give ascent to this evil. The great majority of the people in this nation are white in background and heritage. And to preserve the continuity of that culture and that society they must carry out the program that builds the responsibilities of their faith.
They must learn again to serve the laws of the Most High God, and see that this is done at a national level. And even in the midst of those organizations that say that they are fighting communism and yet they want to keep people away from restoring the laws of God. I tell you that there is no solution short of divine law for a society to carry out their development and to implement the achievement that God ordained for his kingdom in the earth and in the environment which depends upon God for its substance and its existence.