The Dragon’s Seed

The Dragon’s Seed


O MIGHTY AND ETERNAL FATHER, WE ASK THAT YOU GUIDE US BY THY SPIRIT AND TO HAVE THY WILL UNVEILED TO US. We thank thee as we study thy Word, learning the keys to all the conditions of the world around us, the patterns of Darkness and the patterns of Light, the victory of our Kingdom, the powers of destruction that seek to gain control of the Earth. But thank God that thy Word gives us assurance that thy Kingdom shall survive and triumph, and we recognize that the powers of Darkness will be brought to seek to gain control of the Earth. As Lucifer moves around to seek whom he may devour, he has a strange twist in his mind, thinking that he can obtain victory.

But we know that victory is reserved to thy Household, and to thy Kingdom. As we acknowledge you and thy Grace unto thy Household, then we thank thee because thou hast raised thy hand. Thine arm is not shortened. You have looked upon thy people and removed their transgressions as far as the East is from the West. You have redeemed thy Household, and with a great redemption which is yet ahead. We know that it shall come to pass because we know that thou art our God. So we commit ourselves into thy hand for the guidance of thy Spirit to descend upon the peoples that are elected to power in our Nation.

That they shall turn unto thy ways and rebuke the policies and strategies of Darkness. The infiltrators shall be removed and the powers of Darkness shall be destroyed. So, Our Father, as we see this Nation as it moves, then we pray that it shall move to thy Standards, which will lift up thy Standards as a witness and testimony. We commit ourselves into thy hands saying, ‘Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.’ In your Name we ask it. Amen.

The Distinction Between Sons And Servants

The Distinction Between Sons And Servants

AS WE TURN IN OUR THINKING THIS AFTERNOON AS TO THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SERVANTS AND SONS. It becomes a more vital subject in this period, in which it seems that the undertaking of a great number of Clergymen to try to level all people, and equalize all areas of Society. And to have no distinguishing marks or characteristics of the various classes of the social order of earth. If you discuss these things you find this is not the responsibility of the church. But when the Clergy and the officials of the world order discuss it then they make it the business of the church to level all people to the least common denominator.

There then are a great number of people then who feel that this is a part of the Gospel. But I want you to know that the Gospel never worked on the policy of levelling all people to the least common denominator. Nor did it seek to say that at any time all people who lived upon the earth or dwelt in the Universe is in the same category, or nor were they all of the begotten of the Most High. There is no question about the separatism of the purposes of God’s kingdom. To keep those not of the kingdom, out, or to re-gather them that are of the highest order in the earth by the instances of God’s own will. Into a higher standard of living and function and operation, than they are accustomed to under the influence of the world order.

The Difference in People

The Difference in People

AS WE TALK ON THE SUBJECT OF THE DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLE WE REALIZE THAT THIS IS RATHER A DIFFICULT SUBJECT especially as it relates to the distinction between those who are Sons and Daughters. And especially is it a difficult subject as we find so many errors as to that identity of Sons and Daughters of God as, the processes by which the Church teaches that men become Sons and Daughters of God.

There is nothing more important for you to know than who you are and whether you are a Son or Daughter of God. Significantly so is this importance so I point out certain passages in the Scriptures that mark the difference in people. I listened to a Sociologist on TV that tried to tell us that all people are the same under the skin. This is where he made his greatest error. Whereas we may see differences in colour and in National origins, in Philosophy, in beliefs, and still I’m going to tell you that the greatest areas of differences can be marked by the quality inside of the container. It is an important thing for us to consider that God must see a great difference in people.

The word ‘people’ is a marked word and we like to use the word ‘people’ instead of Human being, because everyone is not a Human being. The word ‘Hu-man’ means ‘Spirit Man’, and does not apply to anyone but the descendants of Adam. So when we talk about people then understand that the word ‘people’ tells us that there are all kinds of people, for people are a progeny. Meaning ‘offspring or descendants or lineage.’

The Destruction of The Serpent

The Destruction of The Serpent

TONIGHT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THIS SUBJECT ‘THE DESTRUCTION OF THE SERPENT’ and how God has ordained this destiny as it relates to HIS Kingdom and to those who constitute that Kingdom. As we talk about that Kingdom this is a very definite description that we have used through out the scripture. This one HE has used in symbolism even when HE set up the vastness of HIS creation. For these symbols of constellations we see around the earth have no value but here in earth. Still, they were so set in form that they would make the indicated mark until the Gospel of the Heavens could be written with the entire story of the Gospel in the Heavens. This was made known to such men as Enoch in the days when he was given his special ministry.

He was carried into space by a special ship which came and took him there. There he was told about things which should happen in earth, special things which the Adamic race, this White race, which had been placed in earth with a special mission which they were to accomplish. We all know from the secrets of Enoch that many of these mysteries became eventually enveloped into doctrine and tradition, and the creed of your race. They were understood of course, in the days of Enoch and Job when they built the city of On and the temples in Egypt. They were understood in the days of Solomon. And of course, in the history of the Wisdom Schools of your race.

The Day of Deliverance

The Day of Deliverance

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT WE THINK OF THE CONDITION WHICH HAS DEVELOPED IN THE LAST 50 YEARS that would seem almost impossible to the average student of Prophecy except that he has watched it, and saw it come to pass. Here we, a great nation, a dedicated nation committed to the carrying of the Gospel of the Kingdom to the ends of the earth. We were to lift up the Standards of God, and to carry forward the purposes of the Most High God. We were a nation who under the areas of our operation had extended our‑ selves from coast to coast. We had developed our raw material as we tended to the needs of our people, and as to the percentage of taxes which it took to run this nation, they were a very small part of our livelihood, and of our income. In fact during this time structure this structure of the Kingdom of God was growing, and growing, and it seemed that the end of the Age was not as close at hand as people had advocated that it might be.

But in the midst of all this there was an adversary working very hard. It even tried to rear its head out of the great waters, but was eventually hidden. Not destroyed, but just hidden. This is Communism. I want to point out to you that we have had quite a change in our relationship with the battle with Communism. In fact in the periods of time in which we have been engaged in this exposure of Communism, we have had public speakers speak out against the menace of Communism, and they have been publishing papers and magazines on this subject, in fact there has been an increase in what we call the Right Wing.

The Dawn of a New Day

The Dawn of a New Day

WE ARE THINKING THIS DAY OF THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY, AND WE DISCOVER THESE WORDS REFERRED TO IN THE FIRST CHAPTER OF II PETER, in which this voice came out of the heavens which we heard when we were with HIM in the Holy mountain. This is the testimony of Peter when he had been on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus. For we have also a more sure word of prophecy (vs:19) “For we have also a more sure word of prophecy, where unto you do well to take heed as a light shinning in a dark place, until the day dawns, and the Day star arise in your hearts.”

This passage carries more significance than many people realize, when it was stated thus, by Peter. Because it has great portents of an ancient symbolic mystery. Finally a connecting point in the background of your race, and is very significant for the people of the Most High to understand. We therefore, have a more sure word of prophecy looking forward to the day when the day dawns and the Day star arises in your hearts. In this declaration it is as a light which shineth in a dark place. And in this instance Peter was extending the symbol of a Great mystery.

One of the oldest and most important symbols of symbol mystery is the symbol of Light, and is the Light of men. It was a symbol known to our ancient forbearers, when the ancient patriots in the House of God marched forward on the earth to fulfil areas of their destiny. We find it called to our attention in the book of Malachi, chapter 4 and verse 2. It says: “But unto you who fear my name.” And this is significant because this word fear or love in the Hebrew, it is unto you who love my name. Unto you who are entirely wrapped up in my being, that believe on ME, that love ME, who are MY Life, My issue in the earth, shall the son of righteousness appear, arise with healing in HIS wings.

Hostis Humani Generis or Antis-Semitism Found

Hostis Humani Generis or Antis-Semitism Found

An essay on a pivotal issue of our era From GANPAC BRIEF, “News and Views by Hans Schmidt” No. 165, July 1996 and No. 166, August 1996.

This paper has been written for the benefit of those who, like the American conservative William Buckley, have been in search of anti-Semitism. Upon reading the enclosed material they may come to rest. They have found it here.

The problem with understanding anti-Semitism is that it is only through our Jewish dominated intelligentsia and media of mass communication that anti-Semitism is presented and explained. Only that anti-Jewish material which portrays anti-Semitism in a negative light is presented to the public. Responsible and substantive anti-Semitism is vigorously suppressed. Those who would oppose and criticize the Jews and their

agendas are demonised and terrorized into silence. Their speech is said to be “hate speech,” and this “hate speech” should not be allowed public expression. Little wonder that one must search intensely to find anti-Semitism. But unless one understands the Jewish question it is impossible to understand what has been happening in America and in Europe during the past century.

Because the viewpoints expressed here cannot receive a fair public forum under present conditions, this paper has been mailed to many thousands of politically active conservatives and to persons in government, academia, and the media of mass communication. Names were selected at random from various lists.

The Importance of Context

The Importance of Context

WHEN I HEAR OR READ THE WORD “CLEARLY” OR THE PHRASE, “The Bible clearly says”, alarm bells start to ring. My immediate thoughts are something like, “The guy must be out of context”, or “He has got something wrong”. My experience tells me this. Usually many problems in understanding the Bible stem from taking something out of context. It is so easy for any of us to get something wrong, and yet to think we are right when we ourselves are actually taking a matter out of context.

Few people really understand what context is and what the consequences are of misapplying or changing contexts in the Bible. From my observations, misuse of context happens both within Identity and outside of Identity. It happens often! The consequences are either wrong doctrine or wrong practice. Many people completely misunderstand the application of “context”. Where their mistake occurs is thinking that what applies to one context applies to a differing context as well. Doing this is a major cause of doctrinal conflict, and thus projects into our actions.

Most of us will have heard about a person who is supposed to have stuck a pin in a Bible and is supposed to have read, “Judas went and hanged himself”, and then stuck in the pin again and read, “Go thou and do likewise”. This might sound a bit corny, but in sermons and in writings this activity is an ongoing reality. Yes, it does happen; and of course, the consequences may be just as unreasonable and wrong.

This matter of context can be best be illustrated by means of examples. In this paper, we can look three context areas in a general sense and then at one in detail:

The Covenants of God

The Covenants of God

WE WANT TO BRING TO YOUR ATTENTION, GENESIS 17:7. Here God is speaking to Abraham and He says: ‘I will establish my covenant between me and thee, and thy seed after thee, in their generations for an everlasting covenant: to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.’ Then God continues to reiterate unto Abraham that his word will not depart out of the mouth of his seed or out of the mouth of his seed’s seed for ever. With this process then God has continued the revelation that the Adamic race is His household, His sons and daughters. And has declared that before the foundations of the world He has made covenants and promises to His household.

Uniquely as this subject comes to our attention in the areas of the everlasting covenants of the Most High God, then God makes this statement in the Book of Galatians 3:16, ‘For this I say, that the covenant that was confirmed before God, in Christ, the law which was 430 years after, cannot disannul that law, or it would make the promise of no effect.’ ‘For if the inheritance be of the law, it is not then a promise: but God gave it to Abraham by Promise.’ The inheritance came out of the promise of the Most High God, and the law cannot do away with the inheritance that God bestowed upon the seed of Abraham.

The Covenant Race

The Covenant Race

TONIGHT WE TALK TO YOU OF THE COVENANT RACE, AS TO THE ORIGIN OF RACES, and as to the antiquity as to how long man has been upon the earth, and the work in South Africa in 1961 and 1962 showing that there were intelligent men with weapons and ceramics on the earth a million and one half years ago. The mighty works of Dr. Ivor Lissner of 600,000 years of the tracings of archaeology and biological studies of the Torougs or the Asiatics, the work of Dr. Coons and other outstanding anthropologists, shows 73,000 years ago, that there were Negroes in Africa. In the caves of Kilaminjaro are the fossil remains and the evidence of bones and of campfires of Negroes who were buried in the caves of Kilaminjaro.

We are laying this foundation again for your thinking as to the antiquity of man, but also to the Adamic race, the Caucasians, as the man identified by anthropologists as they compared the skulls now identified as the White man. We cannot trace him back beyond 7400 years ago. We co not find his impact upon nations or races. For Sumerian dynasties or the Torougs existed over the world thousands and thousands of years ago. In the British Museum today, we have the tablets and the plates of the ancient Sumerians.

The Princeton University press reluctantly had to give the king line of 243,000 years. And the sidereal calculators had to confirm the developing events they describe as they timed their lives, and their kingdoms and their dynasties with the movement in the heavens which they could see, of the Celestial wanderers of the planets, or the eclipse of the sun or the moon, sidereal calculations from our greatest observatories, measuring back the astronomical date line to prove the antiquity of these kingdoms.