The Dragon’s Seed

The Dragon’s Seed


O MIGHTY AND ETERNAL FATHER, WE ASK THAT YOU GUIDE US BY THY SPIRIT AND TO HAVE THY WILL UNVEILED TO US. We thank thee as we study thy Word, learning the keys to all the conditions of the world around us, the patterns of Darkness and the patterns of Light, the victory of our Kingdom, the powers of destruction that seek to gain control of the Earth. But thank God that thy Word gives us assurance that thy Kingdom shall survive and triumph, and we recognize that the powers of Darkness will be brought to seek to gain control of the Earth. As Lucifer moves around to seek whom he may devour, he has a strange twist in his mind, thinking that he can obtain victory.

But we know that victory is reserved to thy Household, and to thy Kingdom. As we acknowledge you and thy Grace unto thy Household, then we thank thee because thou hast raised thy hand. Thine arm is not shortened. You have looked upon thy people and removed their transgressions as far as the East is from the West. You have redeemed thy Household, and with a great redemption which is yet ahead. We know that it shall come to pass because we know that thou art our God. So we commit ourselves into thy hand for the guidance of thy Spirit to descend upon the peoples that are elected to power in our Nation.

That they shall turn unto thy ways and rebuke the policies and strategies of Darkness. The infiltrators shall be removed and the powers of Darkness shall be destroyed. So, Our Father, as we see this Nation as it moves, then we pray that it shall move to thy Standards, which will lift up thy Standards as a witness and testimony. We commit ourselves into thy hands saying, ‘Thy will be done on earth, as it is in Heaven.’ In your Name we ask it. Amen.