The Dawn of a New Day

The Dawn of a New Day

WE ARE THINKING THIS DAY OF THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY, AND WE DISCOVER THESE WORDS REFERRED TO IN THE FIRST CHAPTER OF II PETER, in which this voice came out of the heavens which we heard when we were with HIM in the Holy mountain. This is the testimony of Peter when he had been on the Mount of Transfiguration with Jesus. For we have also a more sure word of prophecy (vs:19) “For we have also a more sure word of prophecy, where unto you do well to take heed as a light shinning in a dark place, until the day dawns, and the Day star arise in your hearts.”

This passage carries more significance than many people realize, when it was stated thus, by Peter. Because it has great portents of an ancient symbolic mystery. Finally a connecting point in the background of your race, and is very significant for the people of the Most High to understand. We therefore, have a more sure word of prophecy looking forward to the day when the day dawns and the Day star arises in your hearts. In this declaration it is as a light which shineth in a dark place. And in this instance Peter was extending the symbol of a Great mystery.

One of the oldest and most important symbols of symbol mystery is the symbol of Light, and is the Light of men. It was a symbol known to our ancient forbearers, when the ancient patriots in the House of God marched forward on the earth to fulfil areas of their destiny. We find it called to our attention in the book of Malachi, chapter 4 and verse 2. It says: “But unto you who fear my name.” And this is significant because this word fear or love in the Hebrew, it is unto you who love my name. Unto you who are entirely wrapped up in my being, that believe on ME, that love ME, who are MY Life, My issue in the earth, shall the son of righteousness appear, arise with healing in HIS wings.