Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1995

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1995

Catastrophe struck in Oklahoma City, a few minutes after 9 o’clock on April 19th.

WE WERE STUDYING THE LINE UP OF THE PLANETS AND EXPECTED THAT THE MONTH OF APRIL WAS SET FOR TROUBLE. Not only were the two planets Venus (the great revealer) and Saturn (Satan) coming to a stunning conjunction in the eastern dawn on April 13, but they would be a mesmerizing pair through much of the month of April. The two planets were only ½ a degree apart on April 13th. And by April 22nd, Saturn had moved 10 degrees to the upper right of Venus. The coming together of the two planets Neptune (chaos) and Uranus (money) would also come into conjunction after the middle of April.

The Catastrophe in Oklahoma City shocked the nation. Of all places, why would an ex-soldier even if disgusted with the work of a wing of our government, choose the middle of the Bible Belt to strike? And at his own people? The ‘left’ was quick to blame the tragedy on the Conservatives, the Republicans, and the talk show hosts. But who was taking political advantage of this great tragedy?

What is the story of the computer chip that the soldier who is being convicted for the crime is trying to tell us. One of the Militia was telling of army experiments with computer chips. But I have heard it no other place.


Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1994

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1994

WHO MORTARED THE SARAJEVO MARKET? As first expressed by Ambassador Rurary in this Newspaper, authorities are now wondering just who is responsible for the SUPPOSED attack on the market at Sarajevo which finally triggered Western Intervention in that war?

Many now doubt that the Bosnian Serbs were responsible. One of the doubters is Dr. Sevket Karduman of New York, an American medical doctor of Turkish extraction. He was in the emergency ward in Sarajevo when the dead and wounded were brought in. He reported that 80% of al the injuries were from the waist down, that there were burns on the legs and cases of heavy bleeding from shrapnel wounds. Experts reviewing this evidence concluded:

1. No shell could have caused such devastation.

2. The nature of the injuries indicate that they wee caused by a cone shaped explosive device
placed among the crates.

3. That the device containing a propelling charge (which accounts for the high proportion of Internal Injuries) was a phosphorous charge, and also some shell heads of hand grenades were found.

4. It was probably detonated by remote control.

5. It probably weighed no more than 15 kg.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1991

Now; I sit me down in school,
where Praying is against the rule;
for this great nation under God
finds public mention of HIM odd.
Any prayer a class recites,
now violated the Bill of Rights,
any time my head I bow,
becomes a Federal matter now.
Teach us of stars, or poles, and equator,
but make no mention of their Creator;
tell of experts in Denmark and Sweden,
but not one word of Eve or Eden.
The law is precise,
praying out loud is no longer nice;
praying aloud in public hall,
upsets believers in nothing at all.
In silence, alone can we meditate,
and if God should get credit;
well that is great; this rule
however has one gimmick in it,
you have to be finished in less than a minute.
So all I ask is a minute of quiet,
and if I feel like praying then maybe
I’ll try it; if not OH! LORD,
this one plea I make;
Should I die in school, ‘My soul you’ll take.’

Author Unknown

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1990

Gradually the cover-up of Sandinista election violations by Ex- President Jimmy Carter is being revealed. United Nations officials said they could only hope that on Election Day Carter would tell the world the truth. He could hardly do anything else that day. Remember that it was the Carter administration that helped the Sandinistas come to power, even though they proclaimed Marxist tendencies. According to behind the scene reports it is the Contras who deserve the credit for forcing the election even though the U.S. Congress under pressure from the Internationalists in our nation, cut off aid to the Contras in 1988, thus giving the Sandinistas hope. But the Contras did not quite fade away as was hoped, for on February 14, 1989 at the meeting of the Central American Presidents in El Salvador, Ortega agreed to hold elections by February of 1990 in exchange for Contra demobilization.

After the Nicaraguan elections Castro, should be worried but Washington D.C. seems to be reluctant to press Gorbachev to stop sending supplies to Castro, the fear was that he might turn on Eastern Europe as they try to come out from under the Communist yoke. Now that Gorbachev is using Lithuania as a lesson for all the other countries, perhaps Washington will react differently. Remember the Kennedy-Khrushchev agreement gave Cuba to the Communist, accepted the fact that Cuba was to remain a Communist Country int the Soviet orbit. Did the Carter administration quietly do the same with Nicaragua? The Reagan Administration never accepted the idea that Nicaragua was to remain in the Communist orbit, thus trouble erupted in Central America. And the Administration was tested in Grenada.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1988

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1988

DID YOU SEE THE TV DOCUMENTARY, ‘JESUS OF NAZARETH? ‘This was produced and narrated by 4 ministers from different denominations? I could find no tie in for this man of Nazareth to the Christian Faith, although the pictures were pretty good. However the documentary ended with the cry for you to call in, to confess and be saved.

When I see this Jesus of Nazareth I see YAHWEH, the great Father (spirit) who came in the flesh for a definite purpose. He came, born as a babe, in the flesh to identify with his kingdom children who were also here in the flesh. Then here in the flesh he preached the Gospel of the Kingdom for the world, and even his people here in the world were not ready for the gospel of atonement. But the foundation of the Gospel of Atonement was of course in this Gospel of the Kingdom, which was preached to the House of Israel. This Gospel was established in Israel, recorded in Exodus chapters 19 and 20, for here was YAHWEH as YAHSHUA, Messiah, King, and the law for the administration of the kingdom in Earth. And while here in earth then Jesus of Nazareth said to his disciples: ‘Take up this cross and follow me.’ But to do this, to be his disciple you must accept the doctrine of atonement. He was the only ‘ONE’ who could redeem HIS Israel. Thus inspired the disciples could not be stopped as they moved out to Lost Israel. And Yes, HE also added the doctrine of ‘coming again’ into the affairs of earth: ‘For the Son of man shall come in the Glory of the Father (spirit) with the Angels, and then shall give unto every man according to as his work SHALL BE.’

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1987

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1987

IN FEBRUARY, IF YOU WERE WATCHING THE NIGHT SKY YOU SAW THE MOON COVER THE STAR, SPICA, IN THE SIGN OF THE CONSTELLATION OF VIRGO. This star is the brightest of that constellation, but there is also found much of the story of what we call ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom.’ If you were able to view this conjunction of the moon and the star then remember that the moon is also the earthly sign of the kingdom in earth, and you would have seen that the moon was not able to blot out the brightness of the star. It was as though a great blazing diamond shown above the moon’s sunlit landscape, for even in symbolism this symbol of the earthly kingdom was not able to blot out the brightness of the symbol of the Heavenly Kingdom. But also tied together they tell us that earth’s kingdom shall in time be as ‘it is in heaven.’

Now; you ask, does this sign in the heavens have any meaning for us today? Well, always there is this promise of the kingdom which YAHSHUA taught us to pray for. Is it a sign for our day, in other ways? Time will tell. Pastor Butler tells us he met a man who had been studying much, and it seems that the ancient Aztec calendar which was considered very accurate, tells us that we should watch for some event in August of 1987, so again time will tell.

The Mark of The Beast

The Mark of The Beast

AS WE TURN TO THIS SUBJECT OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST, it is with the continuing realizations that this great Nation under God was designed and developed out of the blueprint of Divine purpose, known before the foundation of the earth.

That in the days of the migrations and the developing of our society, the Almighty God made His proclamation unto Patriarch’s, and unto Prophets. Proclaimed to those of His Household and His race, the great promises and destinies He had in mind for His people.

The foremost among them was of course the establishment of this great Nation, of His Kingdom, in this land He had established and prepared by His declaration as the Destiny of His Kingdom. Repeated by the Prophet’s Isaiah and Jeremiah and given in intent and purpose unto His Prophet David, as he stood by his coronation stone.

He promised a land which was Westward. Westward out of the lands of Africa and Western Europe, a land beyond the great waters, in which He would establish a great and final location for a great nation of His Kingdom. A place where they could move to and then never be moved again. A place where though there would be oppression, yet they would triumph.

A land where we have cited to you, by measure, would be the great and mighty Red Wood trees, where the people would be moved, where they would grow with the promises and the timelessness of God as His Creation, and as He planted them there. A land of Myrtle wood would grow even as it did in Palestine.

Numerous identifying factors, identifying His Kingdom. And no place on earth fulfils these happenings but in this area of America, in this land of these United States. For, in our Red wood belt we have the only mighty Red wood trees just as they grew as the Cedars of Lebanon. We have the only place in the world where Myrtle wood grows, and here it grows as a great tree, while in Old Palestine it grew as a brier.

This nation blessed with rivers and blessed with all that God promised to bless it with, in all the geological purposes of the past with which He has given it richness. For, here we discover all the minerals vital to our society. We discover at every turn, the preparations of God as He made good His promise to our forefathers. There can be no question about the fact that North America was to play a very vital part in the plan and purposes of god. We, as citizens of the most powerful nation in the Western world, should be happy in our inheritance and our heritage, for our nation is in the Bible Prophecies of the Scriptures. At the same time we are involved in the problems that face all our race, cause this great nation is basically a white race nation and a Christian nation.

I think it is rather pointed out by even the liberal’s, and the socialist minded and this includes even the defecting Clergy, and understand this tonight, this example, the new head of the Council of Churches, Dr. Carson Blake, called for an ending of our war with the Viet Cong, and he said; it would be a dangerous thing and would create great difficulties if we were to be victors in our war against the Viet Cong, because it would be creating an image of a white nation overcoming an Asian nation, and a Christian society forcing its will on an Asiatic society.


The Mark of Israel

The Mark of Israel

BEFORE WE GO INTO OUT SUBJECT WE WANT TO CALL TO YOUR ATTENTION THE FALSE PROPHET WHICH WE TALKED TO YOU ABOUT THE OTHER DAY. We were talking about where the False Prophet would have the most effect, would be in the Church. It wouldn’t do him much good to prophecy anywhere else.

A False Prophet which would arise in the Church of Jesus Christ would be a serious thing, for he would seek to turn many away. We have cited to you that most of the False Prophet’s are heard today inside of the National Council and the World Council of Church’s. We pointed out to you that they no longer believe in the Virgin Birth or the Deity of Christ or the Blood of Atonement. Then this week they came out with the limit of Apostasy. In Geneva the W.C.C. lavished praise on Communist China. Then the Ministers under Blake came out to say that Communist China was making more progressive gains than any nation on the face of the earth. They were relieving the problems of their people and they would fight to relieve the problems of the people of the world.

They apologized to Red China for our fighting the Viet Cong. Then they said: all countries were going down the road to Communism and Socialism so the sooner the world revolution is established then the better off the world would be. Since they no longer believe that Christ was the Embodiment of God, then they can move into the camp of the Communists, because they said that Communism was like a great Religion, and in their sacrifice they were pouring themselves out to save the world.


The Mantle of Divine Power

The Mantle of Divine Power

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO THE SUBJECT OF THE POWER THAT BELONGS TO THE KINGDOM, the ‘Mantle of Power’ which the Kingdom is now receiving. Probably there is nothing more significant in the things which we have preached for you that in your race and in your destiny, that is this race alone something is possessed which is not in any other race upon the face of the earth. And because of that there rests upon you a greater responsibility than upon anyone else. It is significant that we continue to divide in the semantics of our thinking, the difference between responsibility and accountability.

Accountability is the recognition and response which comes from acts committed and which can take place to a certain extent by anyone. But it is the content of their acts and its relationship with Divine Law. Responsibility is the response to conditions and to conditions in the personal makeup of the individual and to the overflowing energy to the life and power which moves forth from God. Therefore, you can respond if you have a capacity to respond. But you cannot respond if it is not there. It is significant that you may plant a seed and you may water the earth, and the sun may shine upon it and the plant will grow. But if there is not any seed there, the sun can shine and you can water the earth, but the plant will not grow.

There cannot be responsibility where there is not something kindred to the response which can react to the conditions which have been placed. Thus it is that when we talk about responsibility as it relates to the plan and the purpose of God, it can only emerge from the race and the house and the people whom God hath called to this purpose.


Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1997

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – March 1997

HAS THE FEMINISING OF AMERICA NOW BEEN COMPLETE? WE WOULD SUGGEST THAT THERE IS TWO PROMINENT WOMEN OF THE SCRIPTURES WHO SYMBOLIZE KINGDOMS. One being the ‘woman-Virgo-Israel’ of the Star Bible and the Written Word. The other woman to symbolize a kingdom is, ‘The woman on the back of the Red Beast of Revelation 17:3. This is the woman-kingdom of Lucifer. Thus, we have these two kingdoms always fighting for control of this earth. And today this battle seems to be centred here in the United States, this being the ‘last Great Nation of Gods kingdom.

We suggest, we have seen this ‘Feminizing’ of America here in our time. As this great political argument rages, as to who did wrong and who should be punished, did you notice that as the question arose as to the Paula Jones affair, as to whether the President can be sued for wrong doing? Then the first lawyers to jump up in his defence were women. You see this on C-Span and on Crossfire, and so forth. Then the explanation as to the election of the President for a second time, was accomplished by the help of women. Do we have people just taking the mark in their hand and head by doing the work of the kingdom of Lucifer, or do we just have so many people unaware of who they are and where we should be going as a nation?

Are we not reaching a climax in this whole war for the control of this earth? The purpose of the Feminizing of America was for the destruction of the Christian White male, the head of the family. Was it not?