The Mantle of Divine Power

The Mantle of Divine Power

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO THE SUBJECT OF THE POWER THAT BELONGS TO THE KINGDOM, the ‘Mantle of Power’ which the Kingdom is now receiving. Probably there is nothing more significant in the things which we have preached for you that in your race and in your destiny, that is this race alone something is possessed which is not in any other race upon the face of the earth. And because of that there rests upon you a greater responsibility than upon anyone else. It is significant that we continue to divide in the semantics of our thinking, the difference between responsibility and accountability.

Accountability is the recognition and response which comes from acts committed and which can take place to a certain extent by anyone. But it is the content of their acts and its relationship with Divine Law. Responsibility is the response to conditions and to conditions in the personal makeup of the individual and to the overflowing energy to the life and power which moves forth from God. Therefore, you can respond if you have a capacity to respond. But you cannot respond if it is not there. It is significant that you may plant a seed and you may water the earth, and the sun may shine upon it and the plant will grow. But if there is not any seed there, the sun can shine and you can water the earth, but the plant will not grow.

There cannot be responsibility where there is not something kindred to the response which can react to the conditions which have been placed. Thus it is that when we talk about responsibility as it relates to the plan and the purpose of God, it can only emerge from the race and the house and the people whom God hath called to this purpose.