IN FEBRUARY, IF YOU WERE WATCHING THE NIGHT SKY YOU SAW THE MOON COVER THE STAR, SPICA, IN THE SIGN OF THE CONSTELLATION OF VIRGO. This star is the brightest of that constellation, but there is also found much of the story of what we call ‘The Gospel of the Kingdom.’ If you were able to view this conjunction of the moon and the star then remember that the moon is also the earthly sign of the kingdom in earth, and you would have seen that the moon was not able to blot out the brightness of the star. It was as though a great blazing diamond shown above the moon’s sunlit landscape, for even in symbolism this symbol of the earthly kingdom was not able to blot out the brightness of the symbol of the Heavenly Kingdom. But also tied together they tell us that earth’s kingdom shall in time be as ‘it is in heaven.’
Now; you ask, does this sign in the heavens have any meaning for us today? Well, always there is this promise of the kingdom which YAHSHUA taught us to pray for. Is it a sign for our day, in other ways? Time will tell. Pastor Butler tells us he met a man who had been studying much, and it seems that the ancient Aztec calendar which was considered very accurate, tells us that we should watch for some event in August of 1987, so again time will tell.