The Modern Witch Doctor

The Modern Witch Doctor

AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO TALK ABOUT THIS SUBJECT OF ‘THE MODERN WITCH DOCTOR,’ it becomes a most timely subject in this hour. Because from all times, and through out all time, through the Biblical history and lore and under the guidance of knowledge and law, and under the guidance of God’s spirit, one must be diametrically opposed to, in all of the impact of his living in what is referred to as the witch doctor.

When we talk about the witch doctor, we are not talking exclusively about those masters of cunning which control and dominate the Negro race. We are talking about modern witch doctors who are moving through out all nations and all countries, who might resent the fact that you are calling them witch doctors. But they are the same Satanic patterns of evil and the same type as those who have dominated and existed through out the ages past.

We might pause here to tell you that the origin of the doctrine of the witch doctor in the earth started with the Luciferian rebellion against the MOST HIGH GOD. Out of the most ancient documents which relate to the background of our race, out of the earliest writings in the book of Seth and out of the ancient Zohar, we discover, that in the Luciferian rebellion, one of the Angelic forces, a fallen Angel, a fallen power, one of the fallen Angels who fell with Lucifer was an Angel by the name of Voodoos. And his assignment was over the areas of earth which today we know as Africa. And a large part of the revolutionaries of those ancient times gathered in those areas of trouble and they were people who were dark of face and curly of hair.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – November 1991

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – November 1991

QUESTION: What day is the Sabbath? ‘One man esteemeth one day above another; another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully assured in his own mind. He that observeth the day, regardeth it unto YAHSHUA (The Lord)’ Romans 14:5-6

QUESTION: Saints, who are they? The Apostle Paul in Acts 17:28 ‘For in HIM we live and move and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, for we are HIS OFFSPRING.’


Morovia, Liberia: Jimmy Carter is in Monrovia to mediate the, and settle the 20 month old dispute, and bring about an election which would be representative of all the people. This is the little west African nation which was founded by freed slaves. Jimmy Carter has already worked as a mediator in Nicaragua, Panama, Haiti and Zambia. So says the International Press. Who does he work for??

Orthodox Jews in New York City say that because of the events taking place in the Mid-East, that the time for the coming of the Jewish Messiah is at hand. An Elderly Rabbi in New York City was stating this in his interview on CNN. Some of the Jews say that maybe this elderly Rabbi is the Messiah, but he himself said he would not go to the Holy Land, until Messiah arrives there.

The Israeli’s feel that the U.S. should be more on their side at this Peace Conference than on the Arab side.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – November 1990

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – November 1990


LAKE BAIKAL IS THE OLDEST AND DEEPEST LAKE IN SIBERIA, it is said to be more than 25 million years old. Heat was now found rising from deep in the earth through vents in this lake bottom such as occurs in an ancient sea- bed. This is the first time such a discovery has been made in fresh water. The find was one result of a JOINT project of U.S. and Soviet Scientists. Tourists this year were told, to wash ones face in the Lake’s cool water is to become 5 years younger.

Remember the DUCK BOOK and Bob White? And that crusade against those in government who were more interested in being re-elected than in what is good for the U.S.?

As the President of the ‘Sound Money Investor’ magazine and Newsletter carried on Bob’s work, they have now discovered that the so called Conservative Organization has been infiltrated and is no longer ‘Conservative’. Well! Well! Sure took a long time to find that out, but this editor also thinks that this ‘New World Order’ being talked about may be used to stop the rise of the ISLAM RELIGION. He says we are entering the beginning of a struggle between the Western World, and the Arab World.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – August 1987

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – August 1987

DID YOU NOTICE THAT THE ASTRONOMERS HAVE FOUND THAT THERE IS OTHER ‘SUNS’, out there and they have planets in orbit around them as does our earth.?? My-they are going to catch up with our thinking one of these days.

After the Challenger Disaster of 1-28-86 and our failure to move ahead in space explorations, then the Soviets are said to be well ahead of the U.S. in that area. Defensively speaking the soviet Union has perfected its spy satellites so that they can track U.S. Warships anywhere in the world, and can now relay their location directly to Soviet Vessels. Thus the soviet satellites can provide time-critical tracking and targeting of U.S. ships as they patrol the area such as the Persian Gulf. Wonder who really gave the orders to fire on the battleship Stark?? Was this a warning strike in this battle of nerves?

Dr. Robert Jastrow, president of the George C. Marshall Institute warns that if recent House action in reducing the Presidents SDI funding is held it will mean disaster for the program, for it will put on hold the part of the program which is necessary to defend this country, until it is to late.

As you know the Soviet Union is nourishing an insurgency against South Africa to pave the way for a thrust against the U.S. and they are using the system as a tool. And instead of defending even the U.S. interest in South Africa our state Department is attacking South Africa thus aligning our foreign policy with the Soviets. This stance is Suicidal for if the South African nation is conquered all of that area will fall, and the west will be denied access to the strategic minerals of South Africa, and also the oil of the Persian Gulf, for this is a strategic waterway that the Soviets are after. Thus it all ties together, and the west is being led down the path of appeasement, the scripture warns against this but also points out that this will occur for Israel is blind, and being led by those not of our thinking.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1998

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1998

ONLY ONE PLANET IS IN THE EVENING SKY IN MAY AND THAT IF PLUTO WHICH HAS A MEANING OF INTENSITY. But before dawn you find Jupiter and Venus very bright, in the east before sunrise. Mercury and Saturn are lower down and harder to spot. But those two are close together on May 12th and 13th. Then Saturn has a close encounter with Venus in the morning of May 28th and 29th.

In the latter part of May then mercury and Saturn are locked together and Neptune and Uranus are still close together so May should be a very interesting month, with a lot happening here in the U. S. A.

The Washington Times:

Then they were hippies, protestors, black power advocates, many of these boomers threw off the shackles of traditional relationships unzipping pants, and raising skirts with the arrival of the slightest warm breeze.

The word left has disappeared from the English language. The difference is that being right wing is at best an affliction, at worst a pathology.

Not too many years ago the overriding issue in this country was unemployment and job security. Today it is skilled, high paying jobs that are going begging and the spectre of the mighty American economy turning away business opportunities and markets because it lacks qualified workers.

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1996

Ella Rose Mast Newsletter – May 1996


Watchers have been watching for Hale-Bopp to emerge from behind the sun. This comet discovered in 1995 fascinated watchers as its brightened to I0th magnitude in December. February 1, 1996 brought this Comet back into view and its brightness had not faded. It is to be found with a telescope at this time in the sign of Sagittarius, and then from April through July will see it move to Serpens. On April 1, 1996, it was about 20 degrees about the south-eastern horizon, but by June of this year, it will be high in the south. It is expected to be 5 magnitude during the fall of 1996 as it moves northward on the evening sky across Serpens and Ophicuchus. It will disappear into the sunset in December. Then by next March 1, 1997, it will be low in the northeast at dawn, and from mid March through April of 1997, move to low in the northwest after dusk.

Now there is also another comet that will be attracting telescopes this spring and summer. This is comet 22 Pikopff. It will be only a few degrees from Hale-Bopp as is shown on the accompanying chart. For several days around June 11, 1996, they will be just 30 degrees apart and perhaps similarly bright. You will find them a little north of the Teaspoon asterism in northern Sagittarius.

The Mission of God

The Mission of God

WE TURN IN OUR THINKING THIS AFTERNOON AS TO THE MISSION OF GOD. For there have been specific experiences in the existence of God in periods of history where HE carried out some specific missions. One of the most important missions of God is in relationship to HIS coming into earth. This is identified as a very personal experience of the Father. You say, ‘How do we know about these things?’

This is by a very mysterious process; a process of spiritual understanding of connections. And is tied to a word called ‘FAITH.’ If you will turn to the book of Hebrews, you will read these words: ‘Faith is the substance of substantiation of things that you hope for and also is the evidence of things which many times, you do not see by the eye. And you understand how the Universe was framed by the energy, the essence of divine command and the power that emanates from God, so that the things which are seen are not made of things which do appear.

Thus the Apostle Paul, as he wrote these words in the book of Hebrews to your race, is stating that relating to the things which God has performed in the ages past, the energies which HE set in motion, the era which HIS mind had supremely ordained, that we can only understand these things thru this mysterious process which we call FAITH which is the essence of God’s knowledge and wisdom being passed on unto you. Faith therefore is an internal knowledge, a knowledge that you feel and perceive that functions deep inside of your consciousness or your intellect. This is the evidence that no one can come along and talk you out of. No one can come along and cause you to question, because Faith is not questioning. Faith is received as a special gift of the Father by the capacity to receive these thoughts; a knowledge of purpose of yesterday and tomorrow that is never taken away, one of the problems that besets our enemies when they talk about the children of God that knoweth.

The Miracle of Resurrection

The Miracle of Resurrection

THIS MESSAGE IS BUILT AROUND THE SUBJECT OF THE RESURRECTION. Here at Christmas time we thought of the birth of Christ, the other important day of all the years in time and history, for the birth of Christ and the resurrection of Christ are the two most important events in all human history, for your race and unto your time.

The Resurrection of course was the great and tremendous transition for the Disciples, but before that time they had suffered mightily from the terrible conditions which had taken place. After all they had walked before this for three years with the body of God, they had walked with Messiah, they had witnessed as He raised the dead, as He opened the eyes of the blind, as He opened stopped up ears, as He fed the five thousand, stilled the wind and the waves. These were the evidence and the power of the Eternal God. Without question they had been walking with the Messiah.

The Essene company was looking for the ONE who would head the kingdom, who would sit upon the throne of his father David. Had they not heard the words spoken by the Angel unto the Virgin Mary when he had said: This one would come in the name of YAHSHUA and would take the throne of His father David?

The Message to The Nation, Church, And Throne

The Message to The Nation, Church, And Throne

THE SUBJECT IS THE MESSAGE TO THE NATION, CHURCH, AND THRONE. And we tell you that this is a very vital hour, in this crisis through which we are passing. Sometimes, not understood by many because they are not aware of anything that is going on. Thus, they are asleep and sleeping men never know what is going on round about them. They are not aware, and are oblivious as far as their environment is concerned. There are a great number of our people through out our nation, and through out God’s Kingdom who are asleep this afternoon. This is why they do not know what is going on. They are not even aware that there is any problem. Thus, they are the walking, sleeping people and it is sort of a kind of a sleeping sickness which only the spirit can quicken and cause this to end. But when they wake up, you will find that these people will be a powerful force added to those already awakened children of the MOST HIGH GOD.

There is not doubt that there is a message which must be understood by the entirety of God’s Kingdom. A lot of people today have the idea that the church makes up the structure entirely of God’s Kingdom in the earth. There is no question of the fact that the people who make up the church are a powerful essence of God’s Kingdom. They are a definite part of the Household of the MOST HIGH GOD. And I want you to realize that there are a number of people in the world today, who do not know that the Kingdom of God is tangible and real and made up of men and women who are a part of a Household of God who have been transplanted from heaven to earth.


The Measures of Prophecy

The Measures of Prophecy

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT TONIGHT, WE HAVE BEEN WARNING YOU AS TO THE LATENESS OF THE HOUR AND AS TO OUR DESTINY AND BEYOND THIS TO THE DIVINE PURPOSE. We gave you at the beginning of the year, a preview of world events fixed upon the prophetic value of both the scripture and an hones evaluation of the trends based on the logistics and the supply patterns of the nations of our enemies as well as our friends. We are also aware that there is a measure across the sky which our Father has given us to measure, that the wise are to understand. And although He has given us this at all times, yet He has also given us those who can measure and know what to look for to measure.

There are certain things to look for in a measure as we told you, which will make this one of the most turbulent years in history. This is one of the climax years which may well find you in struggle as you pass into the October area of this year. And this may well start this struggle that starts Armageddon after the 13th of June. We told you as we gave you the alignment patterns that related to the year, certain circumstances to look for. But today the great turbulence spot is the great land of Judah.

Now, those that understand that the White race is the Kingdom of God and Household of His Kingdom in earth, you well know that the White race are Adamites and the word Adam means White man. This was not necessarily a personal name for Adam, but they called this begotten man of God. Adam and that goes for his race. But the ancient documents and even this knowledge which was yours, even though you lost much in your physical bodies here.