THIS MESSAGE IS BUILT AROUND THE SUBJECT OF THE RESURRECTION. Here at Christmas time we thought of the birth of Christ, the other important day of all the years in time and history, for the birth of Christ and the resurrection of Christ are the two most important events in all human history, for your race and unto your time.
The Resurrection of course was the great and tremendous transition for the Disciples, but before that time they had suffered mightily from the terrible conditions which had taken place. After all they had walked before this for three years with the body of God, they had walked with Messiah, they had witnessed as He raised the dead, as He opened the eyes of the blind, as He opened stopped up ears, as He fed the five thousand, stilled the wind and the waves. These were the evidence and the power of the Eternal God. Without question they had been walking with the Messiah.
The Essene company was looking for the ONE who would head the kingdom, who would sit upon the throne of his father David. Had they not heard the words spoken by the Angel unto the Virgin Mary when he had said: This one would come in the name of YAHSHUA and would take the throne of His father David?