WE TURN IN OUR THINKING THIS AFTERNOON AS TO THE MISSION OF GOD. For there have been specific experiences in the existence of God in periods of history where HE carried out some specific missions. One of the most important missions of God is in relationship to HIS coming into earth. This is identified as a very personal experience of the Father. You say, ‘How do we know about these things?’
This is by a very mysterious process; a process of spiritual understanding of connections. And is tied to a word called ‘FAITH.’ If you will turn to the book of Hebrews, you will read these words: ‘Faith is the substance of substantiation of things that you hope for and also is the evidence of things which many times, you do not see by the eye. And you understand how the Universe was framed by the energy, the essence of divine command and the power that emanates from God, so that the things which are seen are not made of things which do appear.
Thus the Apostle Paul, as he wrote these words in the book of Hebrews to your race, is stating that relating to the things which God has performed in the ages past, the energies which HE set in motion, the era which HIS mind had supremely ordained, that we can only understand these things thru this mysterious process which we call FAITH which is the essence of God’s knowledge and wisdom being passed on unto you. Faith therefore is an internal knowledge, a knowledge that you feel and perceive that functions deep inside of your consciousness or your intellect. This is the evidence that no one can come along and talk you out of. No one can come along and cause you to question, because Faith is not questioning. Faith is received as a special gift of the Father by the capacity to receive these thoughts; a knowledge of purpose of yesterday and tomorrow that is never taken away, one of the problems that besets our enemies when they talk about the children of God that knoweth.