Wednesday Night Bible Study 14 December 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 14 December 1966

QUESTION: Please explain “I will not blot out your name from the Lamb’s Book of Life.” A man who I have been listening to says no name can be added, but your name can be blotted out?

ANSWER: That is erroneous, it comes from mistranslation. This is contained in the message to the church ages in Revelation 3:5., to the church of Sardis: ‘He that overcometh the same shall be clothed with white raiment and I will not blot his name out of the Book of Life. I will confess his name before my father and before his Angels.’ This is a positive statement. In the Ferrar Fenton version it says: ‘To he who overcometh I give white raiment of righteousness because his name is written in the Book of Life from whence it can never be erased.’

This King James Version is still positive but the Ferrar Fenton says it can never be erased. And we believe it can never be erased because in the Book of Romans we have this: ‘Those He did foreknow He did predestine to conform to the image of the son.’ So He started a positive program. Chose the elect before the foundation of the world, and His children where destined to arise in His own image and eventually in the climax of this age they were to put on His righteousness. So to say that anyone can have his name erased out of the Book of Life would be very foolish.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 13 April 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 13 April 1966

QUESTION: Explain Judges 12:6;

ANSWER: Well, they would ask the Jews among them to say ’Shibboleth’ and when they said the word, ‘Shibboleth’, they would know that person was not an Israelite. At that time the Ephramites wanted to determine if some among them were true Judahites. And if they could say ‘Shibboleth’, then they were Israelites. But if they could not pronounce the ‘H’, they were the enemy and they slew them.

QUESTION: Concerning the 11th chapter of Daniel, verse 6, who were these kings and the kings daughters, and where are they located?

ANSWER: This passage referred to and is tied to in with the Assyrian king of that time. So we will start reading here in Daniel, chapter 11: ’In the first year of Darius the Mede, even I stood to confirm and to strengthen him. And now I will show thee the truth. Even now shall stand up yet three kings in Persia, and the fourth shall be far richer than all. And by his strength and through his riches, he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece.’ This is talking about Zerzes. And he was very wealthy and he hired people from Europe and from Rome, and people from the East, out of the Steppes, and he hurled them against Greece. He was stopped at the Marathon. Then; ’A mighty king shall stand up, and shall rule with a great dominion, and do according to his will.’ This is Alexander the Great. And he stood up with power to extend his kingdom as far east as China, and as far north as the Walls of China, and the Steppes of the North. And he went as far as India in the East also. He controlled all the land from Palestine to India.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 12 December 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 12 December 1966

QUESTION: How can we produce different races since the flood covered all the earth and everybody drowned, how can we produce different races from the sons of Noah?

ANSWER: Well, we are sorry but someone has given you a bum steer. The flood did not cover all the earth at that time, and all races do not come from Ham, Shem and Japhet. The pattern is quite clear, when God sent that flood it was to cover all that Upper Tarim Basin and destroy those in that place who were Luciferian mongrel offspring. They were seizing, the women of the white race and forcing them to marry with them. There every thought was evil continually, and in the original Hebrew it says that God would not permit these people to destroy his race. The translation in the King James Version is not quite accurate, when it says that God repented that he had made man, He determined that he would not permit those people to destroy man which he had begotten. In the areas of the scripture it says God warned Noah of the coming flood.

Noah was a righteous man he came out of the Seth line of the House of Adam. You can trace the genealogy from Adam through Seth. You remember that after the seduction of Eve and the fall of the Adamic race that God drove them out of Eden and it was not until Seth was born that the Adamic Race was established as the House of God. Adam said: I have now begotten a man in my own image, in my own likeness, of my own race. And of course the cleansing of the womb had required seven gestations according to Biblical law. Then when Seth was born then on down the line came Enoch a descendent of Seth, and you come on down to Noah who was also directly descended from Seth. And Noah had three sons who were just like he and his wife, as white as Noah was.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 11 May 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 11 May 1966

QUESTION: Will you please explain where the Negro came from? Do we have any evidence that they were pre-Adamic?

ANSWER: This is an interesting question. And we do have evidence that they are pre-Adamic. In the book of Seth, and as Enoch wrote, he referred to them as the ‘dark skinned people’ having come in with Lucifer in the days of this rebellion on the part of Lucifer. When Lucifer fought his war against God and against the household of God, which was you and I in the spiritual realm, before we became embodied in the physical world, as we were Children of YAHWEH, then Lucifer refused to acknowledge the children of God and was very incensed at the fact that anyone could be higher than himself. But, ’To which of the Angels did God ever say, ‘Thou art My son?’

In this instance Lucifer rebelled, and went out into the Universe, in that area which he controlled, and got axe men and swordsmen. These were Negroes who came out of one part of the Milky Way. Lucifer you see controlled 1/4 of the Universe, under YAHWEH and had been a good cooperating Angel until this rebellion rose up in him. So these were Negroes he gathered up out of the Milky Way and he taught to battle, and they were on his ships in the first recorded battle of this ancient war. Of course Michael was given command of the Hosts of the Most High.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 10 August 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 10 August 1966

QUESTION: What is the Biblical evidence for the superiority and supremacy of the White race. And is there any place in the scriptures to confirm this?

ANSWER: The entire theme of the old and new Testament is the story of the superiority of the white race. There are many passages that confirm this. In turning to the scriptures we always turn to the seventh chapter of Deuteronomy. Here in verse 6 is a statement made to the Adamic race, the white race, and this is the statement: ”Thou art a holy people unto the LORD thy God, the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all the people that are upon the face of the earth.”

This is speaking of the white race, thus this is white supremacy if you want proof. This is the pure seed of the Adamic race, and of course the word Adam means the race that can flush red in the face, and this is the highest strain of his race and they came out of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Now the other passage in Genesis II, God created in the seventh period, the Adamic race, the starting of the bodies for the Adamic race, while in Genesis I in the sixth day he created them male and female.


Wednesday Night Bible Study 9 March 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 9 March 1966

THE PLAN FOR ATLANTIC UNION SURFACED IN WASHINGTON, D.C. this week and even Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon supported it. Paul Finley a Republican representative, said that this would be good for America, although America would have to give us one of her sovereignty, but the United States would no longer stand alone. All the NATO nations would then be linked together. More Republicans came out for the idea of an Atlantic Union, putting the Republicans farther left than the Democrats. (In 1969) Dr. Swift supported Nixon and was sure that he had changed his mind on Atlantic Charter. As the drive for a One World Government gained speed, so also did the movement to oppose it. Thus party leaders are still trapped in their thinking, but the ‘Right Wing’ is growing in its resistance.

Our leaders did not advocate joining with the whole world. They only wanted to join with the NATO members who are the Western Christian nation of God’s Kingdom. But the fly in the ointment is this little nation of Israeli a ‘5th column’ in God’s Kingdom.

Last week in our meeting, we had several representatives from several of the African countries. And they tell us that the money coming into Africa to be used to supply the arms used against the White people of Africa, comes from the Jewish bankers. Even the Red Chinese leaders go home by way of Israeli.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6 March 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6 March 1966

QUESTION: Can you tell me in the Bible what day we are to observe as the Sabbath? How do we really know which day is the Sabbath?

ANSWER: Well we can come to the first day of the equinox, then the seventh day thereafter the equinox, that was the day thereafter for the Sabbath unto Israel under the old Testament law. The Adventist today hold that Saturday is the seventh day therefore Saturday is the Sabbath. However it would be hard to, and rather impossible for them to have given you a seventh day from the creation Sabbath because they don’t even know the time involved in that period, whether 1000 years, or 10,000 years or 20,000 years so how could they say every seventh day thereafter. They tell you they are working from day one, the Creative Sabbath, but this is not true. It is impossible for anyone to denote or carry forward an accurate measure, so this is not the procedure by which the Sabbath is kept.

The only Sabbath given in the Old Testament was the one given to Moses. Then when they came to the end of the year then all the extra days thereafter as they came up to the Equinox was a Sabbath unto them, so they had a whole week of Sabbaths some times, and then they would start out with a new moon. So the time changed, some years it might be a Wednesday, sometimes a Saturday, and sometimes it might come out on Friday and so forth. But the Christians have not tried to keep that kind of a Sabbath.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 9 February 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 9 February 1966

WE HAVE QUESTIONS COMING IN FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD AND LAST WEEK WE RECEIVED A QUESTION ABOUT THE PRIESTHOOD, and they wanted to know the relationship of the King and the Priest in the Holy Nation, thus we decided to use this question in our bible study for tonight. This is basically founded on the fact that we being the offspring of the MOST HIGH GOD, and occupying a physical body which is our earthly Temple as an individual, is connected symbolically to this Temple which Moses was instructed to have the children of Israel build with its Inner Holy of Holies, and with a central Court, and an outer Court, for THIS WAS THE IMAGE OF MAN. The outer Court being the physical body, and the activities of service done in the outer Court is the work done in the world, physically, for the Kingdom.

The Inner Court has the area of revelation and here was the Molten Sea. As the Priest’s looked into the clear water they watched as they said: “Hallelujah”, and as their voices rippled the water they were to discern or see in the water the image of the thing revealed by the spirit, in the Holy of Holies.

The Holy of Holies was where the Ark of the Covenant rested, and in the Ark of the Covenant resided the Law, and the Abiding presence of the MOST HIGH YAHWEH, in His Shekinah Glory was standing over the Ark, and in fact it was radiantly covering this Ark with Glory.

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6 July 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6 July 1966

Here are some questions that have come in from our tape audience that I think that we should answer.

1. What evidence do we have that we pre‑existed before we were born
2. What did we do before we were born into the world?
3. If a man goes to heaven when he dies, then what evidence is there that he comes back?

In the first place as to the evidence of Pre‑existence let us turn to the 90th., Psalm: ‘Lord, thou has been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou has formed the earth, and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art Our YAHWEH‑God.’ This declaration does declare our pre‑existence through all generations, and of course all the generations of the Adamic race certainly before HE brought forth the mountains or the earth, HE was our dwelling place.

In the Gospel of John we find the pattern of pre‑existence. In chapter 17, we find that as Jesus lifts His eyes into the heavens He puts this prayer in the Scriptures as a more or less, teaching prayer. Here the Scripture says: ‘As thou has given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life as thou hast given him.’

Wednesday Night Bible Study 5 October 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 5 October 1966

Question: Genesis claims God created Adam and not Eve for a while until Adam had a chance to look around and couldn’t find a mate, why did he do this?

Answer: So as to get it into the record.

Question: Well did God himself have to look around and find out that there was no mate for Adam?

Answer: Of course not.

Question: What are the origins of mankind distinguished from the Adamic race.

Answer: This of course is a rather heavily covered question, but when the Adamic man was begotten of God, remember we have in the Hebrew so many words which may come out somewhat the same, or are used for many words which are not interchangeable. The word Bara and Yastar are both words used for creation. But Bara in Hebrew means to begat, to bring out of the womb, or to form an issue thus a procreation of creation by birth. Yastar means to mould or make, like make something out of putty or create something. So to begin with these words existed.