Wednesday Night Bible Study 11 May 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 11 May 1966

QUESTION: Will you please explain where the Negro came from? Do we have any evidence that they were pre-Adamic?

ANSWER: This is an interesting question. And we do have evidence that they are pre-Adamic. In the book of Seth, and as Enoch wrote, he referred to them as the ‘dark skinned people’ having come in with Lucifer in the days of this rebellion on the part of Lucifer. When Lucifer fought his war against God and against the household of God, which was you and I in the spiritual realm, before we became embodied in the physical world, as we were Children of YAHWEH, then Lucifer refused to acknowledge the children of God and was very incensed at the fact that anyone could be higher than himself. But, ’To which of the Angels did God ever say, ‘Thou art My son?’

In this instance Lucifer rebelled, and went out into the Universe, in that area which he controlled, and got axe men and swordsmen. These were Negroes who came out of one part of the Milky Way. Lucifer you see controlled 1/4 of the Universe, under YAHWEH and had been a good cooperating Angel until this rebellion rose up in him. So these were Negroes he gathered up out of the Milky Way and he taught to battle, and they were on his ships in the first recorded battle of this ancient war. Of course Michael was given command of the Hosts of the Most High.