Wednesday Night Bible Study 6 March 1966

Wednesday Night Bible Study 6 March 1966

QUESTION: Can you tell me in the Bible what day we are to observe as the Sabbath? How do we really know which day is the Sabbath?

ANSWER: Well we can come to the first day of the equinox, then the seventh day thereafter the equinox, that was the day thereafter for the Sabbath unto Israel under the old Testament law. The Adventist today hold that Saturday is the seventh day therefore Saturday is the Sabbath. However it would be hard to, and rather impossible for them to have given you a seventh day from the creation Sabbath because they don’t even know the time involved in that period, whether 1000 years, or 10,000 years or 20,000 years so how could they say every seventh day thereafter. They tell you they are working from day one, the Creative Sabbath, but this is not true. It is impossible for anyone to denote or carry forward an accurate measure, so this is not the procedure by which the Sabbath is kept.

The only Sabbath given in the Old Testament was the one given to Moses. Then when they came to the end of the year then all the extra days thereafter as they came up to the Equinox was a Sabbath unto them, so they had a whole week of Sabbaths some times, and then they would start out with a new moon. So the time changed, some years it might be a Wednesday, sometimes a Saturday, and sometimes it might come out on Friday and so forth. But the Christians have not tried to keep that kind of a Sabbath.