The Four Baptisms

The Four Baptisms

MANY PEOPLE THINK THERE IS ONLY ONE BAPTISM, THE BAPTISM OF WATER, while some believe there is also a baptism of the Holy Spirit. Some people believe that there is a baptism of the Holy Spirit before a water baptism and visa versa. Scripture tells us that there is more than one type of baptism in the book of Hebrews where it states:

“Of the teaching of baptisms…” (Hebrews 6:2)

Since the word “baptism” is used in the plural, it should be obvious that there is more than one baptism. The purpose of this study will be to discuss the four types of baptism: Water, Fire, Spirit and Death, and to describe each of them.

It is difficult to describe the normal person’s acceptance of Christ but we will assume that a person hears of God’s Word and Christ through the testimony of others, and hears a preacher or two and decides to become a believer in Christ. Once a person believes, Scripture requires a confession of faith:

“And it shall be, that, whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Acts 2:21)

“Because if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved: For with the heart {mind} man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Romans 10:9-10)

“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” (Mark 16:16)

The Culture War Against The White Male

The Culture War Against The White Male

AND I WILL GIVE CHILDREN TO BE THEIR PRINCES, AND BABES SHALL RULE OVER THEM (there is little doubt that anyone would not say that the bunch of misfits that were in the White House were, in deed, unruly children). And the People Shall Be Oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the Child Shall Behave Himself Proudly against the Ancient, and the Base against the Honourable. (Isaiah 3:4-5) (KJV)

“As for My People, Children Are Their Oppressors, and Women Rule over Them. O My People, THEY WHICH LEAD THEE CAUSE THEE TO ERR, and DESTROY THE WAY OF THY PATHS (Can there be any doubt that this is what is happening to America, with the Jews, the feminists, the queers, perverts, degenerates and etc., in places of power).” (Isaiah 3:12) (KJV)

This century alone has witnessed a growing contempt for the White Male and the traditional patriarchal culture of western civilization. Nearly every social movement of our time seems to have identified the white Male as the culprit of their movement. No other racial gender of our time has suffered such widespread cultural contempt and condemnation for the historic role they have played in western civilization. Every feminist, every homosexual (Queer), and every Jewish propagandist have sought to identify the White Male as the villain of western history.

The Chosen Servants

The Chosen Servants

EVEN THOUGH IT WAS NOT REPORTED HERE, other scripture references give ample evidence that the event most assuredly took place. This is a prime principle which we must acknowledge and accept, that the whole of Scripture testifies to all parts of Scripture. This principle is clearly evident in the case of Satan’s advent; it is evident and necessary in other cases which we shall soon see.

There is an all-out war of words being waged in the circles of the Israel Truth, otherwise known as the Israel Identity. Parties on both sides of the issue have drawn a line in the sand, and ideological clenched fists are being shaken from indignant participants.

Each participant, in his own way, is trying his best (or maybe his worst), in the most brutal manner, to draw ideological blood. They are aiming their rhetorical cutting words for no less than the proverbial jugular vein of their opponents in order to kill what they believe are damming heretical influences.

Both sides go to long and contentious lengths in an attempt to prove their undying convictions on this subject. To these opposing adherents, there is no common middle ground for compromise, nor can there ever be any. This is a matter where one is either totally correct or totally wrong; no grey middle areas.

Many simply do not have a complete knowledge of this subject, but will find themselves eventually, on one side of the fence or the other. If one tries to straddle the fence on this subject, he will only find himself with his pants torn, and espoused in the most unseemly location.

The Bottomless Pit Abyss

The Bottomless Pit Abyss

THE BOTTOMLESS PIT OR THE CHAOTIC DEEP – [AH BISS]‑. Originally, this term represented a deep mass of waters, and was associated with the water which God created with the earth. Darkness is said to have been on the face of the deep or abyss (Genesis 1:2).

The term is used in several other ways in the Bible. It describes the prison of disobedient spirits, or the world of the dead (Luke 8:31; Romans 10:7). Terms like “the pit” and “bottomless pit” represent the abode of all the wicked dead. (from Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Copyright (c)1986, Thomas Nelson Publishers)

The Abyss

(a‑bis’), (he abussos): In classical Greek the word is always an adjective, and is used (1) literally, “very deep,” “bottomless”; (2) figuratively, “unfathomable,” “boundless.” “Abyss” does not occur in the King James Version but the Revised Version (British and American) so transliterates abussos in each case.

The King James Version renders the Greek by “the deep” in two passages (Luke 8:31; Romans 10:7). In Rev the King James Version renders by “the bottomless pit” (Rev 9:1‑2,11; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1,3).

In the Septuagint abussos is the rendering of the Hebrew word tehom. According to primitive Semitic cosmogony the earth was supposed to rest on a vast body of water which was the source of all springs of water and rivers (Genesis 1:2; Deuteronomy 8:7; Ps 24:2; 136:6). This subterranean ocean is sometimes described as “the water under the earth” (Ex 20:4; Deuteronomy 5:8).

The Blessings

The Blessings

WHEN THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES ADOPTED BY STATUTORY LAW THE SHIELD AND THE MOTTO “IN GOD WE TRUST,” together with each feature on our escutcheon and the dies of the coinage of our mints, they wrought far better than they knew.

This national armorial motto stamped on our gold and silver, our nation’s only international medium of exchange, sent to the commercial marts of the world, a sign which provides a means for the national heralding of a national trust in Yahweh, the God of our fathers, who is specifically the nation Israel’s God, their shield and help.

This brings us to another of the thirteen features on our great national seal of the United States of America namely, Annuit Coeptis (He (Yahweh) hat prospered our undertakings). Connected with this motto are three other symbolic features with which we must deal in order to understand its full significance in relation to Ephraim; by adoption the thirteenth son of Israel though by birth the firstborn of Joseph, Jacob/Israel’s son. He and his posterity, together with Manasseh, his brother, and his posterity are the birthright holders and national representatives of the House of Joseph. (Genesis 48) Hence all historic facts concerning Joseph, together with the promises and prophecies relative to his posterity, must find their fulfilment, be enjoyed and reflected by the brood of his sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.

Consequently, a most potent evidence that the United States is the national and racial posterity of Ephraim, and member of the House of Joseph, lies in the fact that our nation has engraved on its national escutcheon, “He hath prospered our undertakings.”

Bible A National Book

Bible A National Book

THE BIBLE IS THE BOOK OF THIS ONCE CHRISTIAN NATION. It staggers the mind at how many of our brothers and sisters, who call themselves “Christian” and know absolutely nothing about the Bible or who it is about and who it is to. When confronted with some scripture they always, ALWAYS attack the one who has tried to give them some knowledge. But you will see they never, one time, state what they believe to be the truth. Only that the writer is in error and is all sorts of an evil person. Which only shows their ignorance.

Oh they say they will pray for that evil person, so that their god will lead them in the path to go, but they do not pray to Yahweh they pray to a false god; one who has already led them astray. For they have been led by and listen to Jewish fables which the Scriptures tell us that will turn a man/woman away from the truth.

“I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long suffering and doctrine. for the Time Will Come When They Will Not Endure Sound Doctrine; but after Their Own Lusts Shall They Heap to Themselves Teachers, Having Itching Ears; and They Shall Turn Away Their Ears from the Truth, and Shall Be Turned Unto Fables.” (2 Timothy 4:1-4)

Those who try to teach the truth to the lawless and deceived, those who are still in the world hate them with an undying passion, because that one points out their own failures, and for that, because of their own pride which will not allow them to see the truth, will hate him just as the world hates Christ.

A Spiritual Thread

A Spiritual Thread

THERE ARE MANY WHO DENY THE TRUTH OF THE ISRAEL KINGDOM MESSAGE; which is that the True Tribes of Israel are the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, Celtic and Kindred people of the earth – The White Race. Therefore, we have prepared this book as a counter to those who deny the truth.

Karl Marx said: “Take away the heritage of a people; and they are easily persuaded.”

God, in His wisdom, chose Israel to be used by Him in His great plans for the transformation of a lost world. He also had a large portion of the Bible to tell us about Israel’s part in His plan. As a result earnest Bible Students have found the Israel Truth to be a “Key” which opens up the Bible from the first promise made in [1], until at the end of the age the Lord Jesus Christ will come to claim His Kingdom here on earth.

It is like a Spiritual Thread which runs through almost every chapter of Bible History every Doctrine, Symbol, Type, Promise, Covenant and Act of God: A thread which, when found, makes possible the unravelling of most of the mysteries of the Word of God. This is why that everyone, who has found and understood the Israel Truth, has declared the Bible to be a “New Book;” to their surprise, that it is consistent, harmonious, symmetrical, progressive and most satisfying to the mind.

Without the Israel Truth, as is evidenced in the commentaries and “helps,” the Bible becomes a field of conjectures, an array of, for the most part, disconnected stories; and a grab bag of texts without much reference to the context, of where the truth of the texts fit, in the Divine scheme of things. The whole Gospel of individual Salvation, wherever it is presented in the Word of God, one can, with careful study realize the fact that the Israel Truth is the context that makes it plain and sets the Scriptures in its spiritual perspective.

HARP – Heavenly Music or Humanity’s Requiem

HARP – Heavenly Music or Humanity’s Requiem

RECENTLY A BOOK CALLED “ANGEL’S DON’T PLAY THIS HAARP,” by Jeane Manning and Dr. Nick Begich, became available. The authors claim in this book that an experiment now being conducted in Alaska, named HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), can:

1). Disrupt human mental process;
2). Jam all global communications systems;
3). Change weather patterns over large areas;
4). Interfere with wildlife migration patterns;
5). Negatively affect health;
6). Impact the earth’s upper atmosphere.

At first blush, one would believe this was a far-out book by “amateur science-fiction writers,” but upon an examination of the claims on the back cover with the strange weather patterns in recent years, and with knowledge of “Weather, and Environmental Modification Treaties,” one should at least check the claims of the book out.

There is enough information, already available to fill two manila folders; and Jeane Manning is an experienced magazine journalist, reporter, and researcher, author of “The Coming Energy Revolution,” and co-author of “Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries,” published by Auckland Institute of Technology Press. Dr. Nick Begich is the eldest son of the late U.S. Congressman from Alaska, and holds a doctorate in traditional medicine.

Gulf War Illness

Gulf War Illness

EVERY MONDAY NIGHT MICHAEL ELLIS AND ALFRED ADASK CO-HOST A DALLAS RADIO TALK show called the “Christian-Patriot-Connection” (8-10 p.m., KPBC-770 a.m.). The following is an edited transcript of their interview with Doctors Garth and Nancy Nicholson (husband and wife) on May 15, 1995.

To save space, questions posed by Michael or Alfred are simply identified as “CPC” (Christian-Patriot-Connection), and the responses of both Doctors are generally identified as “Dr.” Further, the italicized text is their emphasis and the [bracketed comments] are the hosts insertions. Also, note that this is not a “professional” transcript; it’s based on an audio tape and therefore its technical terms and personal names are only phonetically approximated and can be assumed to be misspelled. Nevertheless, you will soon get the idea.

The Nicholsons’ credentials are impressive and lend weight to their allegations: Dr. Nancy Nicholson: Undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics from Florida State University; post-doctoral training at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at Houston; Baylor University faculty in the Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Immunology Departments; President of the Rhoden Foundation for Medical Rhoden Foundation for Medical Research.

Dr. Garth Nicholson: Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Professor of Internal Medicine, and Chairman of the Department of Tumor Biology at the University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at Houston; 25 years experience; published over 400 papers and scientific and medical journals; member of the editorial boards of 13 scientific and medical journals; nominated for the Nobel Prize. [1]

The Black Pope & Meyer Amschel Rothschild

The Black Pope & Meyer Amschel Rothschild

VATICAN II AFFIRMS CATHOLIC DOCTRINE DATING BACK TO 1302, [‘Unam Sanctam’], when Pope Boniface VIII asserted that “it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff.

This was the inspiration for the papacy to create the United States of America that materialized in 1776, by a process just as secret as the Reagan‑ Vatican production of  Eastern Europe in 1989. What? American government Roman Catholic from the beginning?”

“Consider: the land known today as the District of Columbia bore the name ‘Rome’ in 1663 property records; and the branch of the Potomac River that bordered ‘Rome’ on the south was called ‘Tiber’ (Scharf, History of Western Maryland, Baltimore (1882), p. 27‑30).

“This information was reported in the 1902 edition of the Catholic Encyclopaedia’s article on Daniel Carroll. The article, specifically declaring itself ‘of interest to Catholics’ in the 1902 edition, was deleted from the New Catholic Encyclopaedia (1967).

“Other facts were reported in 1902 and deleted from the 1967. For example, when Congress met in Washington for the first time, in November, 1800, ‘the only two really comfortable and imposing houses within the bounds of the city’ belonged to Roman Catholics. One was Washington’s first mayor, Robert Brent. The other was Brent’s brother‑in‑law, Notley Young, a Jesuit priest.”