Gulf War Illness

Gulf War Illness

EVERY MONDAY NIGHT MICHAEL ELLIS AND ALFRED ADASK CO-HOST A DALLAS RADIO TALK show called the “Christian-Patriot-Connection” (8-10 p.m., KPBC-770 a.m.). The following is an edited transcript of their interview with Doctors Garth and Nancy Nicholson (husband and wife) on May 15, 1995.

To save space, questions posed by Michael or Alfred are simply identified as “CPC” (Christian-Patriot-Connection), and the responses of both Doctors are generally identified as “Dr.” Further, the italicized text is their emphasis and the [bracketed comments] are the hosts insertions. Also, note that this is not a “professional” transcript; it’s based on an audio tape and therefore its technical terms and personal names are only phonetically approximated and can be assumed to be misspelled. Nevertheless, you will soon get the idea.

The Nicholsons’ credentials are impressive and lend weight to their allegations: Dr. Nancy Nicholson: Undergraduate degree from Johns Hopkins University; Ph.D. in Molecular Biophysics from Florida State University; post-doctoral training at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at Houston; Baylor University faculty in the Pharmacology, Microbiology, and Immunology Departments; President of the Rhoden Foundation for Medical Rhoden Foundation for Medical Research.

Dr. Garth Nicholson: Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Professor of Internal Medicine, and Chairman of the Department of Tumor Biology at the University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at Houston; 25 years experience; published over 400 papers and scientific and medical journals; member of the editorial boards of 13 scientific and medical journals; nominated for the Nobel Prize. [1]