Casting That Mountain of Evil into The Sea

Casting That Mountain of Evil into The Sea

We discussed this afternoon, the mysteries of the Kingdom. And now we must say that we are in a very important period in which we must understand the difference between the children of God and the children of the evil one. It is significant for us to know that there are whole races in bondage, and the earth, itself, is being rocked with the rising vibrations of the coming conflict. If you do not think that we are on the road to a conflict, then you are not aware of the blueprints. We are not far removed from the beginning of the battle of Armageddon.

Now, Armageddon has one factor in which we are involved. And it is a world wide conflict enveloping all races and nations and peoples. But it has one meaning for the Child of God and another for the other races. And that is that we have the end of the story and we know what is going to happen. We are going to win!! And any battle that overthrows tyranny and evil, is not one which we should avoid when we are surrounded with the protection of the MOST HIGH GOD which HE has given to HIS race and HIS nation. But a most disturbing thing in our national life is the discovery that promises and covenants are not always kept as they move into high places of office. Or when a nation becomes a pawn to those who try to keep their heads above fears and superstitions. Especially is this true when a President has 73 non-Christians in his cabinet. And among these 73, are 61 who are pledged to the building of a Socialist society. And among these 193 direct appointees, are many more leaning in that direction. Thus, America is put in the position of being in trouble, unless someone without the high offices is called to become a leader of values.

By Can These Bones Live?

By Can These Bones Live?

The symbolism of Ezekiel for our times: There are a great number of mysteries and symbols, parables, and visions in the scriptures. They are applied with a consecutive chronology, and without the realization that these skip from one to another. And in the patterns of translation, and the arrangement of the documents, they overlap and contain material that should have been placed in other portions of these writings. It happened because human instruments, also, shapes the scripture as they feel or see that it should be.
There is no question of every word out of the mouth of God being truth. But it has to be studied to shape and divide it. Part of a prophecy may be for that time and then other parts for our time. The day still ahead will see the transitions with great speed.
You are to study to show yourself approved, so this spirit in us can commune with the Father.
Ezekiel’s time found Israel in captivity. But Ezekiel 37, was thinking ahead and he thinks of how God stirs HIS children.
Dead bones: This is allegory vision. And Ezekiel sees a deep valley completely surrounded by mountains, and it is full of bones. Dry bones could be many of our churches today, or in areas of leadership. But the Spirit said, ‘can these things live?’
Now, it may be our blindness to prophecy. But these bones are the whole House of Israel. Not one tribe or two tribes, but the whole House of Israel. They were in captivity there in the old in the Mid-East when Ezekiel did his prophecy. But YAHWEH said, ‘I will cause breath to enter into these bones and they will live.’

By Creation and Design

By Creation and Design

One of the major fields today in this culture which is yours, and in this great nation which is your heritage, and which has such a part to play in God’s Kingdom, as well as this civilization of which you are a part, is that you are being challenged. And the measure by which great success is being given to the powers of darkness at this moment is their ability to capture minds. To relieve them of vision and to bind them with the darkness seems to be the most important job that the powers and forces of darkness undertake. If there is any way to undermine a civilization, or a culture, you must find the spirit that animates it. You must find the very essence of spirit and vision that makes this culture possible. The enemies of our Christian civilization know therefore that if they can remove the faith of your fathers, if they can remove the vision you possess, activated by the spirit, if they thrust into the mind of your youth, doubt and superstition, and supplement materialism for spiritual understanding, then they have moved on a program for the defeat of your society. Nothing destroys a people like destruction of the foundations upon which they are built.

Bringing Sons Unto Glory

Bringing Sons Unto Glory

As we go into our subject this afternoon of Bringing many sons unto Glory, there are areas of knowledge that is vital for the church to understand, and many of these areas are not often discussed in the areas of theology. Some of them are the developments in which God himself participated in. Others are areas of gossip and superstition in which we know not too much about or from whence they have come. But before we go into our discussion this afternoon there are some developments which follow the superstitions and fears and discussed in some matters and not in others, this is the mechanism and awareness, the processes by which men think and the tremendous impact that proper thinking and spiritual force may have upon your life and the environment. And the greatest thing you may have and the most important thing that you may have, and the greatest treasure which is yours, is the retention of your individual identity and your consciousness, the sun total of your experiences which make up the embodiment of your remembrance. For the soul that is you, celestially embodied and now physically embodied is a force, this personality which is the resident you.

Both Lord and Christ

Both Lord and Christ

In our message, we turn to the 2nd book of Acts in which Peter is speaking to the great crowds of people who are not gathered together in Jerusalem. As he speaks to the crowds, there are Jews in the crowd. The Disciples of Christ are there and of course, the people who had been travelling and were in Jerusalem for this occasion. As Peter speaks, he says, ‘Therefore, let all the House of Israel know assuredly that YAHWEH (and of course Peter would not have used the word God) hath made that same YAHSHUA whom ye crucified both YAHWEH and YAHSHUA.’ (Acts 2:36)

The scripture which has been translated from Aramaic into Greek, and then out of the Greek says, ‘Therefore let all the House of Israel know assuredly that God hath made this same Jesus whom ye crucified, both LORD and CHRIST.’ Thus, as Peter makes this declaration, what he is actually saying to the people, is that YAHWEH had predetermined the Messiahship of HIS own ministry. This Messiah who was crucified and who was raised from the dead was the Master Creator of the Universe, the Almighty YAHWEH. At the same time, when embodied, was this Christ or Messiah, YAHSHUA. Thus, YAHWEH who made the heavens and the earth is also the Messiah or Saviour.

Born Again Hoax – Mysteries of Spiritual Birth

Born Again Hoax – Mysteries of Spiritual Birth

Good afternoon friends let us unite in prayer. All mighty Eternal Father again we have come to worship you in Spirit and truth, recognize thy admonition that we are not to leave off the assembling ourselves together; too draw the mighty catalysed spiritual strength that descends upon thy household as we obey thy voice. As we meditate and think upon these things of thy purpose and are guided by thy Spirit; The catalyzation of such spiritual strength empowers us from day to day through out the week, we pray that you grant unto each one of us the understanding the basic truths essential to move through life for these tasks which are before us; recognising that we are in one of the great turbulent periods of human history, here in time of great tribulation, here in the period of the time of Jacob’s trouble; but also the hour of mighty victory for thy Kingdom.

Behold The Bridegroom Cometh

Behold The Bridegroom Cometh

We turn tonight in our thinking to the subject ‘Behold the Bridegroom Cometh’ because there is a symbolism to mystery here which reaches back to the knowledge of our race, to its relationship with God over a long period of time. The very understanding of the knowledge which God restored unto the Patriarchs and the Prophets sometimes is not discerned in the areas of contemporary theologians. As one goes back into this knowledge of the ancients, the writings of the patriarchs, the volumes of Enoch, the testimonies made known unto us from the book of Seth, as Seth the author, records these facts, the vast number of these ancient and sacred records became a symbolism of Mystery that is the relationship of God to His Household, His people.

In the teachings of Jesus there is then a multitude of parables which are illustrations of the Mystery, but which were not intended to be easily understood because of the KEY which is therein contained. ‘Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven, unto ‘them’ it is not given.’ Almost all these parables are directly related to the purpose, the development the plan of the Kingdom, and God’s own personal relationship to it. All are therefore vital for a Christian to understand.

In the ancient writings of these Patriarchs, the great mystery and wisdom of symbolism were discussed. This symbolism was in the higher orders of their race. And here the symbolism was a part of their wisdom and understanding. In fact, in the Assemblies, where they met together to discuss these revelations and these patterns of significance, there were many things that they understood in these measures of symbolism in the days that proceeded the Ministry of Christ.

Behold I Make All Things New

Behold I Make All Things New

In the 21st chapter of Revelation we read, in verses 3-5,“Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.”

How far does this go and what does it mean? It means the fullness of interpretation: all things new.

We turn to the Apostle Paul’s writing in the Book of Colossians and we find, in the 1st chapter, he is talking about the fullness of God having dwelt bodily with us, and he tells us, in verses 15-18, that this is, the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature. For by him (Yahshua or Jesus) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have pre-eminence.”

The Children of The Beast

The Children of The Beast

The Scriptures tell us many things about the peoples of the earth, and about brute beasts which are made to be taken and destroyed. Uniquely we are mistaken in our understanding as to the background of the distinction between peoples. All through the Old Testament we go into the foundation of races and people, and we translate the word “man” just as “a man,” not seeming to know that there are various kinds of “men”, backgrounds, and situations.

This is one of the reasons that you find the Old Testament in some places speaks about races of people, about men, where the word is “enosh”, meaning “beasts”. Then there happens to be another structure of the Hebrew word which means “brute beasts”, which is even lower than the structure of the symbol known as beasts. When the word Adam is used, the word is “man”, and it means “the offspring of The Most High”. Therefore, when Yahweh (God) begat Adam in His Own Image and began to transfer the sons and daughters of The Most High to earth, through the posterity of the Adamic race, He had established that the Adamic people were the children of His Kingdom.

Ask in My Name

Ask in My Name

As Yahshua The Messiah walked with His disciples, He explained many things, and He said unto them: “WHATSOEVER ye shall ask in MY NAME, I WILL DO IT ” (John Chapter 14). We have arrived at a very important period in our history, a time when the declarations of John will come to pass. The Prophet Joel also tells us in Chapter 2 that when we are in trouble as a nation, when the powers of darkness begin to overcome us, at that time, “whosoever shall call on the Name of Yahweh shall be delivered: For in Mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance” (Mount Zion and Jerusalem are modern names for Yahweh’s Israel people.) Throughout history we find a very significant thing: Israel has served ONE ETERNAL GOD, His Name is YAHWEH. I have not used the Name of Yahweh without authorisation.