Bringing Sons Unto Glory

Bringing Sons Unto Glory

As we go into our subject this afternoon of Bringing many sons unto Glory, there are areas of knowledge that is vital for the church to understand, and many of these areas are not often discussed in the areas of theology. Some of them are the developments in which God himself participated in. Others are areas of gossip and superstition in which we know not too much about or from whence they have come. But before we go into our discussion this afternoon there are some developments which follow the superstitions and fears and discussed in some matters and not in others, this is the mechanism and awareness, the processes by which men think and the tremendous impact that proper thinking and spiritual force may have upon your life and the environment. And the greatest thing you may have and the most important thing that you may have, and the greatest treasure which is yours, is the retention of your individual identity and your consciousness, the sun total of your experiences which make up the embodiment of your remembrance. For the soul that is you, celestially embodied and now physically embodied is a force, this personality which is the resident you.