Crushing The Serpent

Crushing The Serpent

What is to transpire, and what is next to happen? Things happen so fast you don’t know what is going on in the other side of the world while you stand and watch the passing of time. But you are here and you are on the perimeter of one of the most important events in history. The only thing that you have to do is to maintain full consciousness, continual conception of what God has said. There is nothing as important to you as what God has said. As we said to you a week or two ago, the scriptures cannot be broken. And that scripture cannot be broken because that is what God has said. And with that which HE ‘hath said’, we shall deliver our responsibilities in this hour.

Control of Space

Control of Space

Tonight we are speaking on a subject which becomes more and more timely in the era in which we are living, “Bible prophecy and the control of space.” Twenty years ago if someone talked about the control of space and described the areas around our solar system, and the earth, or talked about a program which might reach out beyond our solar system in which men of earth would be flying through space, in the areas around us, reaching the summit of our atmosphere and planning on military equipment for the upper stratums, then someone would have said: You have been listening to fiction. You have been listening too, too many stories. Twenty of thirty years ago, they would have classified this as the futuristic Jules Verne story. But I think that you who remember the writings of Jules Verne of yesterday, that very timely and prophetic was his writing, for his submarines and his airships are now a reality. And we have gone far beyond his wildest imagination which actually might have been vision in forms of fiction writing. But still, the pattern is of what men can think and what men can understand. I might make a statement that might seem fantastic to you, but the fact is, what the mind of man can conceive, the mind of man can do. This might seem strange to you, but there is behind it the capacity to animate it and to carry it forward into action. And to find the vehicles to accomplish the results.

Conquest of The Nether World

Conquest of The Nether World

We are turning in our thoughts today to this one great event of Christendom in which year after year all men have to give affirmation to the great magnitude of tremendous events in the life of Christ. It is a unique thing, but I had the radio turned on and I tuned into the program of a church whose Pastor at no other time during the year talked about or believed in the Deity of Christ, but whose Choir on this day sings: “Up from the Grave He arose.” This Pastor had to preach an Easter Sermon and as you put this together here at Resurrection time, then this is a triumphant even among agnostics, and among the churches who have forgotten their responsibilities. For there is a “Truth” so great that it even conquers their voice and their testimony, and their choir are even a part of that Greatness.

Conquest of The Last Enemy

Conquest of The Last Enemy

Before we go into our subject of the ‘Conquest of the last enemy,’ we think we should mention a few incidents that have been taking place in our time. It makes it very clear that we are approaching that point, and I think we would point out several situations which we want to go out on these tapes to all over the United States so that the people will be informed of the various circumstances which carry within them a very serious consequence. As we discuss this factor, it only goes to show you that the design of the forces of darkness is an anti-Christ and makes up the Beast system which we find in the 13th chapter of Revelation which says that no man can buy or sell unless he has the ‘mark of the beast’ (the world) except he did it with their permission, and the domination over their economy and eventually a domination over all government if they could attain it. We realise that there is a difference between the program of the enemy and the design which we see ruling the entire world and then ruling the Kingdom of God.

Conquering Faith

Conquering Faith

As we turn to our subject Conquering faith, let us first look at the events of this past week. Perhaps this is one of those weeks that was. One does not normally have a week like we just had although it had little bearing upon our activities. We were in northern part of California to speak this week, And during that week we were under a central attack, and the main part of that attack was on KFLA’s broadcast. They had made quite an elaborate preparation for this in advertisement and in newspapers concerning this panorama and background of HATE. Then they proceeded to try to prove the KKK or clan like institutions, although they specifically did not refer to those that they attacked as members of the clan. For there is no functioning Clan in the State of California to our knowledge. The fact is that this is a Jew operation, and it is quite obviously one. They would not have gone into such a libellous broadcast if they were not ready to pay off, or willing to pay for the chance they took. They thought effective that what they were trying to accomplish in the propaganda field would be of sufficient advantage to take the chance. But it is not working out that way. This is always one of the errors that the enemies of Christ or of Christianity make when they move into these fields. You cannot float any part of truth without that truth having its impact upon its listeners. It is rather interesting to note that if you oppose the enemies of God’s kingdom, that if you love America and hate communism. And if you support the philosophies of the bible and condemn the pagan philosophies that you disagree with, then you are a ‘hater’. You can overlook all of the areas of tyranny that is carried on by the world revolution. And you can overlook all of the areas of persecution that is carried on by economic manipulation and design, from the days of the crucifixion of Christ to today to the persecution of the church. All of this you must overlook. None of these are to be pointed out as a perpetual satanic hatred against the kingdom of God. But if you take the position against those forces taking over your own society or you advocate the carrying forward of the kingdom of God and its divine purpose then you must be a ‘hater’. So by this process they made this attack.

Confusion Throughout The Land

Confusion Throughout The Land

The patterns of the scripture are easy to follow in the trail of government. And the kingdom of God is without doubt the most important government in the earth today. The scriptures talk about the program of God’s kingdom, and Jesus the Christ went out and preached The Gospel of the kingdom throughout all of the land of Galilee and throughout all of Judea. And of course the Gospel of the Kingdom is of course the administration of God’s kingdom over the earth. You can call it the kingdom of God or the kingdom of heaven, but definitely it was marked in distinction as the power of the Most High, and was resting upon His program for his kingdom.

And in the policy of his kingdom it is noted that it is to be declared in his kingdom, that some people are ordained, and that this Gospel of the kingdom is based upon divine law. The Kingdom of God lies in the midst of the earth, and its great strength lies in the administration of LAW. There is no government of any kind which does not have laws, whether good laws or bad laws. The laws of the kingdom of God are good, they are righteous, and they will never be cast aside.

Conforming to The Image of The Son

Conforming to The Image of The Son

We are talking again upon the subject which relates to the family, to the household of God. And that subject is predestined to conform to the image of Son. Many of you now know that you are the children of God, and as we say this we are not speaking of a persuasion of mind, which comes with preaching. We are not talking about something which psychologically takes place because someone has asked you to believe. We are not talking about something which has made you a son because of what you believe. We are well aware that Evangelists throughout the ages have taught that if you only believe then you are a son of God, but there is nothing inside the scriptures which tells you that by any process of belief that you become a son of God. I want you to know that the only reason why you are the sons and daughters of God is because you were begotten by the spirit of the Eternal Father, and that your Celestial being is the issue in Spirit, in light, and life of the Father. And in earth, you are the children of Adam who was the son of God, in the flesh. I want you to know that this was the issue of God, the life of God, the breath of God. And it does not have in its original significance the same Hebrew word, as made or mould something. Instead the word is issue. There are two kinds of people and there are different kinds of creations. There are those male and female created He them, of the 6th day creation. And then there is the 7th day Issue, Audaum, the House of God. Adam, the man whom God placed in earth for the building of His Kingdom, this Kingdom being His own Household, and the Kingdom of God being an administration over this earth in the areas of government and of life. A full administration, which shall develop into every phase of given light. With this recognition then, God transferred a household from heaven to earth. He embodied that household and He has been transferring His Celestial sons and daughters from their Celestial realms to earth, by the process of birth. Involved in this process are many mysteries

Confirmed in Christ

Confirmed in Christ

We turn to our subject, “Confirmed of God in Christ” we go to the book of Galatians, to the words of the Apostle Paul: “For this I say that this (the covenant) which was confirmed before of God in Christ the law which was 430 years thereafter cannot disannul that it should make the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance be of law, it is no more of promise, but God gave it to Abraham by Promise. Gal: 3:17-18)

This was a very unique situation, “What was confirmed of God in Christ” What does it mean? What is the ramifications of this tremendous passage on the part of the Apostle Paul???

In fact the Apostle Paul was stating that there is a vast difference between the promises of God and the laws of God. He is also citing that they are given in two different instances. We know that God spoke to Abraham in the 12th.,chapter of Genesis and there he made a Covenant with Abraham: and he reiterated this Covenant several times. For God said to Abraham, “Get thee out of this country and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee. And I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee, and make thy name Great: and thou shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” Then God re-confirms this Covenant with the seed of Abraham. For he appears to Abraham when he is 90 years old, and he said: “I am the almighty God, walk before me and be thou perfect. I will make my covenant between me and thee, and I will multiply thee exceedingly. Behold as for me, my Covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations. I will establish my covenant between thee and me, and thy seed after thee in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God unto thee and thy seed after thee.

Communications With God

Communications With God

As we turn in our subject this afternoon, “Communications with God” this is one of the most valuable subjects that you and I could discuss. Because there is no more important area of subjects to discuss than to have communications with God, and be informed on all things. More than this the communications with God is a very vital subject, for the household of God. To the family of God, to the descendants of God. To the race which HE established, to the kingdom which He established. And from the areas of the direction and how to bring about all these things, all of this requires communication with God.

We are in a strange and peculiar time. For in our time we find that the National Council of Churches, and the World Council of Churches no longer hold a solid position on the Deity of God. The embodiment of God as the man Christ Jesus or the work of the Holy Spirit. In fact just a few weeks ago we listened to one from the World Council of Churches as he said that God is just a vast feeling of emotions, that could be called back by people as a force of nature. Not a real personality but just a kind of moving emotional thing. Then another man inside these two councils of churches said that all gods are a kind of man’s expression, as to what he believes as the highest principal. Thus God is a principal and therefore we should worship this principal as a common force of all human advancement.

Cities of The Anti-Christ

Cities of The Anti-Christ

Tonight we are considering a master plan being used by those who would take over the world, who would rule over your nation, and every Christian nation and reduce all to a status of political and social slavery. There are a great many people who when you talk to them about Anti-Christ are very much disturbed. Some are willing to debate that there is no anti-Christ. But I do not think that you have to go very far in the world today before you will admit that there is an anti-Christ and that the spirit of anti-Christ is already here.

Let us turn to the Epistles of John I, II, and III, for he truly outlined for you what the anti-Christ is and how its operation affects you. Those who deny that Jesus is the Christ are anti-Christ, and they have no concept of God, nor do they have any part of the Living God if they do not accept the fact that Jesus is the Christ.

This is also an interesting fact as we survey the Clergy who have been taken over by the enemy who has invaded the Church. There are a great number of them who have invaded the church. There are a great number of them who have invaded the church to carry out a great part of the brain-washing of the people of the Christian Church. I point out to you that psychiatry is a great part of this, and they brag about this in Bucharest and Romania when they brag about training Communists to infiltrate the Christ seminaries of Methodist, Baptist, and other with churches, then have them enter the pulpit as graduated, and fully credited as full Clergymen of this movement, where they put out the doctrines of the Revolution and seek to continually separate people from the areas of their Faith. In this process they also tell the church what their responsibility is in their teaching in the areas of Christ, but of course they do not believe that Christ was anything but just a man, and as such they reinterpret His teachings. The fact is that they do not make this admission to the church at large, for if they had brought out how they felt they would have been thrown out before they graduated from the seminary.