Why Censorship Will Not Work in God’s Kingdom

Why Censorship Will Not Work in God’s Kingdom

WE ARE LIVING IN A UNIQUE AGE and certainly one of great transition in these United States. One whose changes and transitions shall not be permanent. We point out to you that fundamentally, from the day that we became a nation and our Constitutional foundations were established, that one of excepted positions framed up in Article 1 of the Bill of Rights was that Congress should make no law abridging freedom of speech, or freedom of the press, or concerning the establishment of religion. These are the guarantees of assurance which have strength and power as long as you the people of these United States implement these guarantee of rights which your founding fathers created for you, and which you give assent by determining that this is how the government is to operate.

I think it quite significant that you realize that the Constitution in itself as an honoured document, possesses no strength whatsoever, unless you implement it with a will to enforce it. That you are the people, the great force of people who live in this country and as such must determine that the Constitution is in force if you wish to live under the kind of government that the Constitution gives the sense to. So with these factors, we can cite that the articles of government as they were developed by our founding fathers were one of the finest constitutional foundations that any society ever possessed.

It is well recognized today that it guarantees more liberties, and has managed in its processes as being carried out in the past as far as it was implemented, to produce more liberties and freedoms for the people of this nation than man had ever previously enjoyed.

Who Are The Jews? 2

Who Are The Jews? 2

WE HAVE LETTERS COMING IN FROM THE TAPE AUDIENCE ALL THE TIME AND FROM TIME TO TIME PEOPLE ASK, ‘Who are the Jews?’ ‘Was Jesus a Jew?’ About once every year it seems, we must speak on this subject to bring these facts to the attention of the people across the nation as to just who are the Jews.

As people talk about the Jews, they do not realize that the Jews are a mongrel society and thus, sort of a mongrel race. Thus, when they talk about the pattern of God being a Jew, and thus, Jesus, Himself being a Jew, then of course, this is fantastic. The Jews themselves picture God as a Jew. And in Jewish literature you will find that they have YAHWEH pictured as a Jew sitting way back in the high heavens ruling the Universe. But of course, we know that those things are not true because Jesus said, ‘He who hath seen Me hath seen the Father.’ (John 14:9).

Now, the Eternal Father, the Eternal God, the Master of all creation, the ONE who was before the foundation of the whole world, HE who through out the yesterdays was the creator of all things which have transpired, and which have been put together in all the Universe, was surely not a Jew. More than this, in HIS opposition to these patterns of darkness, HE has identified the Jews as the offspring of Lucifer.

Who Are The Jews

Who Are The Jews

IT IS FRIGHTENING TODAY TO SEE MANY PREACHERS HAVE GONE ALL OUT FOR THE JEWS, especially since their success was so skilfully engineered in Palestine, but you must remember that they do not change their identity, their way of life, or, their method of living. Also remember that nothing had changed as to what Jesus had to say about them as He identified them when He walked the earth and in His ministry called the Jews the children of the devil. He doesn’t now turn around here in our time and call them the children of God and “the chosen people”, as so many Christians are doing today! The Jews are still the same seed of the serpent and still up to the same chicanery that they were using in the days when Jesus identified and denounced them.

In Chapter 8 of the Book of John, Jesus says the Jews are of their father the devil, and the lusts of their father they would do; that their father was a liar and a murderer from the beginning. We find that Jesus denounced them thoroughly and identified them, and all Jewry was in this same boat. Jesus said they could not understand His speech, and that they had no spiritual capacity whatsoever. This is brought out very clearly, and we use these passages quite often. Remember, we have only four books in our Bible with the Words of Jesus in them, and yet He spent more time denouncing Jewry than any other fact brought out in the New Testament.

Who is Jesus

Who is Jesus

As we turn tonight to this great panorama of long ago which affected us so vitality, so long ago, as we went through this panorama this afternoon with the events that led to the nativity fulfilment into the accompanying triumph we have gone back over these events to see what other significant events took place. There can be no doubt about the absoluteness of divine authority through out the universe.

There can be no question upon the mind of the observer that the Eternal has the things always in the hollow of HIS hands. We have cited to you that you were with the Father before the world was framed. And as the celestial children of the Most High God, we viewed the vastness of HIS Creation when in the great majestic purposes of HIS program, HE rolled out solar system after solar system at HIS command.

And as we have cited by measure, that 124,000 years ago there was a star moving across space, we could say 124,000 years going out and 124,000 years coming back. Actually, in these measures, we know that the sidereal calculators can tell us that it came out of the south. It swept across from the south up high to the head of Aquila, then started back to the position we saw in the head of Virgo at the time of the sign of measure of prophecy. There is no doubt that it made its turn in the tail of Hydra, as the calculators consider its course. But the Father started this great comet, this sword of the LORD, started this great comet 142,000 going out and 142,000 coming back, thus, 284,000 years as far as the destiny that was to transpire.

Where Are My People?

Where Are My People?

THIS SUBJECT IS SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE IN THE HOURS OF CONFUSION, in the crisis of the world, the call is for Israel, and Israel shall come forth. We know where every Tribe of Israel is, we know every nation that has emerged from them. We know they are fulfilling their Destiny, and so we answer by this message, this question, of where are My People Israel? Then we say in this hour also when the world darkness is crying out against God’s Kingdom; Where is God’s Kingdom.

When they talk of opposition then they are holding against the white race. They mark one pattern that all African, Asian, and Jewish influence is against and that is the white Christians. Irrespective of those in power, irrespective of the number of white’s doing their will, they are still against your nation and the whole Western world. Why?

If you are acquainted with the Scriptures then you will know that God Almighty has called out His people, His Household of Israel, and Israel is those who shall rule with Him, Princes ruling with God. He has ordained and declared that in the course of ages, that they shall establish His Kingdom. He came as Messiah atoning for their transgressions, He bought the whole world by His sacrifice, and promised that His people Israel would lead in the redemption of the world. But the world doesn’t want the redemption, the world wants the destruction of Israel. So if you want to find Israel, you will have to find the areas of the world where the animosity of the enemy is the highest.

When They Say ‘Peace and Safety

When They Say ‘Peace and Safety

IN 1977, PRESIDENT CARTER IS SUPPOSED TO BE CONSIDERING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEUTRON BOMB. But Dr. Swift told us in 1968 that the reason the Russians were pushing for the non-proliferation treaty was because they think that Germany has perfected the Neutron bomb and has shared their secret with us and South Africa. Then Dr. Swift has this to say. ‘It is amazing that this bomb could be developed and the secret given to this government, and with so many Jews in our government, in Congress, and still they have not been able to seal this secret, and they haven’t been or they wouldn’t be so worried about it.

I Thessalonians 5:3, “For when they say Peace and Safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

Vs: 4; But ye Brethren (Israelites) are not in darkness, that that day should overtake ye as a thief.

Vs: 5; Ye are the children of light, and the children of the day; we are not of the night, nor of the darkness.

Here, he was talking about the children of the kingdom, the children of Light and the children of the darkness, or the kingdom of darkness.

The Word of YAHWEH never talks about Peace being acquired by giving in to the powers of darkness, or the forces of darkness.

When Earth Fights For The Kingdom

When Earth Fights For The Kingdom

TONIGHT AS WE ARE DISCUSSING HOW THE EARTH FIGHTS FOR THE KINGDOM, the events of the time should show us not only the lateness of the hour but show us that the pattern of the enemy has not changed nor his nature reformed. We hold no grief tonight for the removal of the first secretary of the Communist party, Mr. Khrushchev. We do not feel that he was any milder or any better than any of the others who were a part of the great Soviet conspiracy.

How often we have heard the threatening warning roll from the lips of Mr. Khrushchev in the United Nations when he addressed them, or even in the City of Los Angeles, when a guest in this city. When he said ‘I will bury you.’ And we will not forget that we had one mayor in the city of Los Angeles who stood up and embarrassed the State Department. He made a very apt prophecy when he said to Mr. Khrushchev, “You are not going to bury us. But if you try, we will bury you.” And the State Department got the shivers. And they said, “We don’t think a mayor in the United States should say such an insulting thing to our guest.” But he was not our guest, my friends.
One must not forget that when America was pouring out millions and millions of dollars to combat the Communist menace and when we were supposedly to see that we had the arms to hold back the Communist aggression, that we received this head of the Communist regime here in the United States. And as his plane landed in the Washington, D.C. airport, there he was received by President Eisenhower.

When The Canaanites Leave The House of God

When The Canaanites Leave The House of God

(This is a cassette tape with an opening from Mr. Greer)

GREETINGS FELLOW CHRISTIAN AMERICANS, FROM THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST CHRISTIAN. We are seeking missionaries to the so called Lost Tribes of Israel. Remember Israel was to have a new name. Not Israel, not Jew. A new land from which they were never to leave. They were to be followers of Christ, Christian. Christ said: ‘My sheep will hear My voice and follow Me.’ Christ also said: ‘I have been sent only unto the Lost Sheep of Israel.’ Thus the sheep that will follow Christ are the Israelites of the Old Testament.

The Christian nations, the White nations of today and the Chief of which is America, under the great wings of the Eagle and the symbol of the Stone Kingdom, the Great Pyramid found on our national seal. The time is short in which to alert our nation, to the fact of the enemy within and of our Destiny under Christ when He returns. The tape library of the late Dr. Swift contains the truths America must hear and hear very soon. These tapes or cassettes are designed for any group that cares to meet and study God’s word. Also many of his sermons are available in printed form. This tape ministry is carried on by Lorraine Swift. Your tithe and offerings are the only means of support. Today we present the late Dr. Swift on the subject ‘When the Canaanites leave the house of God.’

When Mortal Puts on Immortality

When Mortal Puts on Immortality

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON, TO OUR SUBJECT “WHEN MORTAL PUTS ON IMMORTALITY” with the realization that one of the greatest problems that besets me is the understanding of spiritual law and physical law. The understanding of this realization of the day and the hour. And how it changes everything which proceeded it. There are certain things which abide forever and one of those things is God’s plan and purpose. For what God has planned for any individual or day and hour shall come to pass. In the past this has always happened. And there is strange things which com to pass as God changes things and new things come to pass in the status of some area of His creation.

There are many mysteries which pertain to God’s Kingdom and He is now making them known unto His people. Through the lips of the Apostle Paul and then with personal revelation, He is now telling you things that were mysteries since the foundation of the world. Now, I presume to say this afternoon, that we have a greater working knowledge of these mysteries than Paul had at the hour of his declaration.

You say, ‘Why?’ Because the knowledge of God and the wisdom of God have not stopped with the Apostle Paul. There were a great number of things that he had comprehended that he had not apprehended, had not put on. We are standing on the edge of one of the greatest times in all human history, and the world today is trembling on the edge of the holocaust of WWIII. And if you want the biblical name of WWIII, it is the climactic struggle between Christ and anti-Christ. For WWIII and Armageddon are synonymous. There is not any question about the gathering of the uncommitted nations that are gathering in Yugoslavia and proposing to tell the rest of the world how it should be run. And at this individual point, they stand in dismay at how individual affairs are about to be enveloped in destruction.

When God Was Tried in Earth

When God Was Tried in Earth

AS WE TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE DAY THEY TRIED GOD IN EARTH, it opens up the facets of the trial of Jesus. It opens up the important areas of the animosity of certain of those who were against Christ, how they operate and think. Leopards do not change their spots. Children follow in the course of their fathers. It is very important then to know who the enemy is and who their father is.

When we talk about the magnitude of God’s ministry in the earth, there can be no question of the mighty impact of God embodied in the flesh. There can be no question of the impact upon the land of Palestine and upon Judah and Benjamin of this great and mighty visitation. We can well understand that from prophecies bestowed upon Israel as to the manner in which Christ would come, it had been anticipated and looked forward to until the signs were fulfilled with the birth of Christ. The ancient customs of the people had long been maintained and the expectation was that ultimately Messiah would come and complete and put into operation the mighty intervention of God for the full establishment of freedom, for the manifestation of an area of Grace they could not understand at that time.