Why Censorship Will Not Work in God’s Kingdom

Why Censorship Will Not Work in God’s Kingdom

WE ARE LIVING IN A UNIQUE AGE and certainly one of great transition in these United States. One whose changes and transitions shall not be permanent. We point out to you that fundamentally, from the day that we became a nation and our Constitutional foundations were established, that one of excepted positions framed up in Article 1 of the Bill of Rights was that Congress should make no law abridging freedom of speech, or freedom of the press, or concerning the establishment of religion. These are the guarantees of assurance which have strength and power as long as you the people of these United States implement these guarantee of rights which your founding fathers created for you, and which you give assent by determining that this is how the government is to operate.

I think it quite significant that you realize that the Constitution in itself as an honoured document, possesses no strength whatsoever, unless you implement it with a will to enforce it. That you are the people, the great force of people who live in this country and as such must determine that the Constitution is in force if you wish to live under the kind of government that the Constitution gives the sense to. So with these factors, we can cite that the articles of government as they were developed by our founding fathers were one of the finest constitutional foundations that any society ever possessed.

It is well recognized today that it guarantees more liberties, and has managed in its processes as being carried out in the past as far as it was implemented, to produce more liberties and freedoms for the people of this nation than man had ever previously enjoyed.