Who Are The Jews? 2

Who Are The Jews? 2

WE HAVE LETTERS COMING IN FROM THE TAPE AUDIENCE ALL THE TIME AND FROM TIME TO TIME PEOPLE ASK, ‘Who are the Jews?’ ‘Was Jesus a Jew?’ About once every year it seems, we must speak on this subject to bring these facts to the attention of the people across the nation as to just who are the Jews.

As people talk about the Jews, they do not realize that the Jews are a mongrel society and thus, sort of a mongrel race. Thus, when they talk about the pattern of God being a Jew, and thus, Jesus, Himself being a Jew, then of course, this is fantastic. The Jews themselves picture God as a Jew. And in Jewish literature you will find that they have YAHWEH pictured as a Jew sitting way back in the high heavens ruling the Universe. But of course, we know that those things are not true because Jesus said, ‘He who hath seen Me hath seen the Father.’ (John 14:9).

Now, the Eternal Father, the Eternal God, the Master of all creation, the ONE who was before the foundation of the whole world, HE who through out the yesterdays was the creator of all things which have transpired, and which have been put together in all the Universe, was surely not a Jew. More than this, in HIS opposition to these patterns of darkness, HE has identified the Jews as the offspring of Lucifer.