AS WE TALK TO YOU ABOUT THE DAY THEY TRIED GOD IN EARTH, it opens up the facets of the trial of Jesus. It opens up the important areas of the animosity of certain of those who were against Christ, how they operate and think. Leopards do not change their spots. Children follow in the course of their fathers. It is very important then to know who the enemy is and who their father is.
When we talk about the magnitude of God’s ministry in the earth, there can be no question of the mighty impact of God embodied in the flesh. There can be no question of the impact upon the land of Palestine and upon Judah and Benjamin of this great and mighty visitation. We can well understand that from prophecies bestowed upon Israel as to the manner in which Christ would come, it had been anticipated and looked forward to until the signs were fulfilled with the birth of Christ. The ancient customs of the people had long been maintained and the expectation was that ultimately Messiah would come and complete and put into operation the mighty intervention of God for the full establishment of freedom, for the manifestation of an area of Grace they could not understand at that time.