When Mortal Puts on Immortality

When Mortal Puts on Immortality

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON, TO OUR SUBJECT “WHEN MORTAL PUTS ON IMMORTALITY” with the realization that one of the greatest problems that besets me is the understanding of spiritual law and physical law. The understanding of this realization of the day and the hour. And how it changes everything which proceeded it. There are certain things which abide forever and one of those things is God’s plan and purpose. For what God has planned for any individual or day and hour shall come to pass. In the past this has always happened. And there is strange things which com to pass as God changes things and new things come to pass in the status of some area of His creation.

There are many mysteries which pertain to God’s Kingdom and He is now making them known unto His people. Through the lips of the Apostle Paul and then with personal revelation, He is now telling you things that were mysteries since the foundation of the world. Now, I presume to say this afternoon, that we have a greater working knowledge of these mysteries than Paul had at the hour of his declaration.

You say, ‘Why?’ Because the knowledge of God and the wisdom of God have not stopped with the Apostle Paul. There were a great number of things that he had comprehended that he had not apprehended, had not put on. We are standing on the edge of one of the greatest times in all human history, and the world today is trembling on the edge of the holocaust of WWIII. And if you want the biblical name of WWIII, it is the climactic struggle between Christ and anti-Christ. For WWIII and Armageddon are synonymous. There is not any question about the gathering of the uncommitted nations that are gathering in Yugoslavia and proposing to tell the rest of the world how it should be run. And at this individual point, they stand in dismay at how individual affairs are about to be enveloped in destruction.