Where Are My People?

Where Are My People?

THIS SUBJECT IS SIGNIFICANT BECAUSE IN THE HOURS OF CONFUSION, in the crisis of the world, the call is for Israel, and Israel shall come forth. We know where every Tribe of Israel is, we know every nation that has emerged from them. We know they are fulfilling their Destiny, and so we answer by this message, this question, of where are My People Israel? Then we say in this hour also when the world darkness is crying out against God’s Kingdom; Where is God’s Kingdom.

When they talk of opposition then they are holding against the white race. They mark one pattern that all African, Asian, and Jewish influence is against and that is the white Christians. Irrespective of those in power, irrespective of the number of white’s doing their will, they are still against your nation and the whole Western world. Why?

If you are acquainted with the Scriptures then you will know that God Almighty has called out His people, His Household of Israel, and Israel is those who shall rule with Him, Princes ruling with God. He has ordained and declared that in the course of ages, that they shall establish His Kingdom. He came as Messiah atoning for their transgressions, He bought the whole world by His sacrifice, and promised that His people Israel would lead in the redemption of the world. But the world doesn’t want the redemption, the world wants the destruction of Israel. So if you want to find Israel, you will have to find the areas of the world where the animosity of the enemy is the highest.