The Mark of Israel

The Mark of Israel

BEFORE WE GO INTO OUT SUBJECT WE WANT TO CALL TO YOUR ATTENTION THE FALSE PROPHET WHICH WE TALKED TO YOU ABOUT THE OTHER DAY. We were talking about where the False Prophet would have the most effect, would be in the Church. It wouldn’t do him much good to prophecy anywhere else.

A False Prophet which would arise in the Church of Jesus Christ would be a serious thing, for he would seek to turn many away. We have cited to you that most of the False Prophet’s are heard today inside of the National Council and the World Council of Church’s. We pointed out to you that they no longer believe in the Virgin Birth or the Deity of Christ or the Blood of Atonement. Then this week they came out with the limit of Apostasy. In Geneva the W.C.C. lavished praise on Communist China. Then the Ministers under Blake came out to say that Communist China was making more progressive gains than any nation on the face of the earth. They were relieving the problems of their people and they would fight to relieve the problems of the people of the world.

They apologized to Red China for our fighting the Viet Cong. Then they said: all countries were going down the road to Communism and Socialism so the sooner the world revolution is established then the better off the world would be. Since they no longer believe that Christ was the Embodiment of God, then they can move into the camp of the Communists, because they said that Communism was like a great Religion, and in their sacrifice they were pouring themselves out to save the world.


The Mantle of Divine Power

The Mantle of Divine Power

WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON TO THE SUBJECT OF THE POWER THAT BELONGS TO THE KINGDOM, the ‘Mantle of Power’ which the Kingdom is now receiving. Probably there is nothing more significant in the things which we have preached for you that in your race and in your destiny, that is this race alone something is possessed which is not in any other race upon the face of the earth. And because of that there rests upon you a greater responsibility than upon anyone else. It is significant that we continue to divide in the semantics of our thinking, the difference between responsibility and accountability.

Accountability is the recognition and response which comes from acts committed and which can take place to a certain extent by anyone. But it is the content of their acts and its relationship with Divine Law. Responsibility is the response to conditions and to conditions in the personal makeup of the individual and to the overflowing energy to the life and power which moves forth from God. Therefore, you can respond if you have a capacity to respond. But you cannot respond if it is not there. It is significant that you may plant a seed and you may water the earth, and the sun may shine upon it and the plant will grow. But if there is not any seed there, the sun can shine and you can water the earth, but the plant will not grow.

There cannot be responsibility where there is not something kindred to the response which can react to the conditions which have been placed. Thus it is that when we talk about responsibility as it relates to the plan and the purpose of God, it can only emerge from the race and the house and the people whom God hath called to this purpose.


The Man of Sin

The Man of Sin

THERE HAVE BEEN SO MANY FACETS ADDED OVER THE PAST DECADE, that have added a great range of experiences to what has been known and what has been anticipated in this range of truth. As we talk about this title ’The man of sin,’ this title was given to him by none other than the Apostle Paul.

We always review the writings of the Apostle Paul as an authority, because few men had the experience that the Apostle Paul did to establish that he would be an authority. For he was one of the men whom we have the Biblical record of being transported into the spirit. He could not tell whether he was in the body or out of the body, but he knew that he had gone into the plains of spirit. He knew that he had stood in the presence of the Most High God and he had been in the dimensions of heaven, in the far off corners of space. And he had been sent back and had recorded these things in a book. ‘The Apocalypse of Paul’ became the foundation for the writings of his many Epistles. And it contained more mysteries than any book which has been hidden from the church. The Apostle Paul has left for us in the Epistles that have been preserved, and even though the forces which invaded the church sought to contaminate and obscure areas of what the Apostle Paul was revealing. They have been unable to obscure this man’s vision or the message he delivered to the church.


The Lord is a Man of War

The Lord is a Man of War

WE TURN TO THE BOOK OF EXODUS FOR OUR SUBJECT. “The Lord is a man of war”; back to the hour of deliverance of the Children of Israel from the hand of Pharaoh. We see where Pharaohs’s armies were completely decimated and we hear the Children of the Israel as they sang with Moses; ”I will sing unto the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously. The horse and his rider, He has thrown into the sea. The Lord is my strength, and my song. He is my salvation and My God. I will prepare for Him a habitation, My father’s God, I will exalt Him, for Yahweh IS A MAN OF WAR, and YAHWEH IS HIS NAME.”

It is a rather fruitless attempt on the part of a great many who call themselves Christian when they seek to advocate an area of total pacifism and to refer to war as a very sinister and dangerous operation. We are discovering that the N.C.C.’s repudiates all the procedures that relates to war. The American Synagogue Council calls for a complete area of Pacifism as it relates to war. Though I would say that while it talks about this area of pacifism, it does not hold any area of pacifism as it pertains to anything connected with Germany. It however does call for liquidation, extermination and all kinds of judgments on Germans. But never the less it does say it is against war, especially the type of war we are engaged in with the Communist. So it is calling for Militant Pacifism on every turn.


The Little Horn of Daniel

The Little Horn of Daniel

IN THE HOUR in which we live, we stand face to face with the great perimeter of the powers of darkness, now gathered with all their energies and strength for the conquest of God’s Kingdom. If that be possible.
We do not look out over this situation with any fear concerning our destiny. We do not fear concerning the final outcome of God’s Kingdom, because we have a sure word of His own cognizance.
From the writings of the Apostle Paul, we know that we have inherited a Kingdom and its spiritual life exists in you. That is why Jesus, when addressing you, said:–­’The Kingdom of Heaven is in you.’ — But also He has the purpose of translating that Spiritual Kingdom into a physical manifestation. This manifestation He did when He transferred His spiritual sons and daughters into earth through the household of Adam. And from Adam’s time until your time, this continuous stream of light came through this great racial stream of this household, and produced HIS KINGDOM. And this Kingdom is still here, and thus it is a part of destiny and divine intent.
In the time in which we live–we are probably at the most troublesome period for the kingdom of God. Now that is not concerning whether it will survive, but we mean concerning those who make up the kingdom, and in the problems which they face, and in their responsibility as they occupy and establish the kingdom.
For many years, I have considered and studies the times and prophecies of Daniel, and have looked at them from many angles, and have read throughout the years ecclesiastical studies of leaders of institutions and their interpretation of Daniel. They had some things in Daniel interpreted for them and then other things they could not understand. So the interpretation of Daniel had suffered much violence. The difference between the Alexandrian text and the King James Version are many. The description of the things in Babylon, especially the beasts that rise up out of the sea, and the various things like that also found in Revelation, often times face various interpretations.
Not so long ago all the interpretations of Daniel focused around the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, and the interpretation of that dream, and the interpretation of the hand writing on the wall in Belshazzar’s experience. All was to show the spiritual guidance on the man Daniel and his ability to interpret through that guidance those things which had occurred.

There is little doubt that Nebuchadnezzar saw four empires rising, and that his was the first, but he only knew that he saw a great image, with the head of gold, the breast of silver, and the belly of brass, and the feet and toes of iron and clay. And he saw a great stone–as though it was hurled from heaven itself, and he saw the great stone strike this image and break it into pieces and crumble it to the ground. –Then being troubled Nebuchadnezzar sent for his soothsayer, and astrologers, and wizards, and all those who worked for him, and they chirped and muttered and brought their superstitions into play and by those methods they had made many interpretations in the past, that were not necessarily so.

The Light That Went Before Them

The Light That Went Before Them

As we have turned thru these panorama of events for this time of year, we find significant things. And now we will go back and look for more significant things which took place. We can be sure of the absolute divine authority thru out the Universe. There can be no question about the mind of the observer that the Eternal has always had all things in the hollow of HIS hand. We have cited to you that you were with the Father before the world was framed. And as the children of the Most High God, you viewed the vastness of HIS creation when in HIS great fiat and majestic purposes, HE rolled out solar system after solar system at HIS command.

And as we cited by measure 124,000 years ago, there was a star that was moving across space. You could say that 124,000 years going out and 124,000 years coming back. Actually we well know that the sidereal calculators say that it came out of the south. It swept across the Southern Cross and moved high up to the head of Aquila, then started back the position that we see into the head of Virgo.

This the sign of the measure of prophecy. There is no doubt but that it made its turn in the tail of hydra, because sidereal calculators continue that course. But the Father started this great comet, this sword of the LORD started this great comet in motion, 124,000 years going out and 124,000 years coming back in. Thus 248,000 years, all most a quarter of a million years from the hour in which it would consummate its journey as far as destiny was concerned as to what transpired.

The Light That Did Not Fail

The Light That Did Not Fail

AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT ‘THE LIGHT THAT DID NOT FAIL’, we would divide our subject into two parts because there is a full panorama of fulfilled prophecy of events which are challenging, and should be considered. And we would like to correlate these into your thinking before we go on with the area of our subject.

When we talk to you of the events that would occur in 1963, we discuss the fact that one of the events which we see would be of political significance and somewhat earth shaking unless God intervenes and slows it down. This would be if the Red Chinese explode an atom bomb. We have told you before that God has intervened to the extent of the explosion of cyclotrons, and the crushing of their plant. And that the Soviet designs, as well as those of Red China, had been seriously injured by, acts of God.

But that the Red Chinese are, according to the underground, sometime in February or March, are to explode the Atom bomb. Just where she would set off this explosion, was somewhat of a speculation even by her enemy. I think this has been a prophetic week for the observer who is aware. For if you are aware of the inevitable climax of the prophetic cycle we are in, then you know that the powers of Christianity and righteousness are going to be locked into struggles with the hoards of anti-Christ and the powers of darkness. We are aware that Biblically, this has been prophesied from Old to New Testament.

The Light in A Dark Place

The Light in A Dark Place

WE HAVE NOTICED IN THE PAST WEEKS AN EVER INCREASING NUMBER OF CLERGY THAT ARE GIVING IN TO THE IDEA THAT PROPHECY is literally fulfilled as the Jews have retaken the old part of the city of Jerusalem. This is true, but they have not expressed it with points of truth. They tell all the nations that these are the chosen people of God, and that God is smiling on these people. If face one Clergyman came out and said: In fact these people can do no wrong, for these are the chosen people, the righteous of God.

I thought this was going a long way from the interpretation of the Scriptures, for as these Clergy speak out on all these things, they shut their eyes against all these strategies of the workers of Darkness, they pay little attention to the powers and forces that have brought forth the 8th., horn of the beast. ‘Five are fallen, one is and one is yet to come, and the 8th is out of the 7th.’

The power that actually brought upon the world today, this 8tth horn out of the 7th comes from those whom they are heralding as God’s chosen people. We felt this is going along way according to the interpretation of the Scriptures. We can well be assured that what ever God had declared will come to pass for there will never be any confusion in God’s plan.

The Life of Christ

The Life of Christ

AS WE GO BACK INTO THE PANORAMA OF THE GREAT DRAMA OF THE LIFE OF CHRIST, it is important that we see its impact upon us, even today as we review some of these situations, as we do year after year, for they are quite dramatic. This is a most beautiful and colourful story of the patterns of history. We have the beautiful records of the scripture concerning the events which took place. We have the writings of Nicodemus. We have the records of the Sanhedrin which were basically against Jesus. We have the records of the Roman Empire. And of course, we have the records that came out of the people who were symbolically writing at that time. And so it is that we can see the whole pattern, the whole picture of what took place in that time.

We want to point out that as the life of Jesus approached the time of Palm Sunday, that the land of Palestine was filled with excitement. This excitement came from the great hope that now they would overthrow the power of the Roman Empire. And that the day would come when they would be able to overthrow the power of organized Jewry which had taken control of their Temple. For the true Israelites of Judah and Benjamin, and the Galileans of the land, understood and recognize that the Jews (Canaanites) of Jerusalem were not the proper administrators of the Temple. That they were usurpers of the areas of authority. So it was that they wanted to see the removal of these people that held power over them.
We want to point out that a whole area of the community, a private group called a pastoral cult of Pharisees, were meeting outside the city of Jerusalem in the land of Palestine, in caverns and caves.

The Liberating Power of Truth

The Liberating Power of Truth

WE PRAY FOR DR. SWIFT WHO MADE A GREAT EFFORT THIS MORNING TO BE WITH US AND DELIVER HIS MESSAGE; ‘The Bible is True.’ Our Father we pray that thou will make up for him the strength which he put forth to be here, and that thou will overcome this horrible Satanic poison attack which is still interfering with his full expression of mental and physical energy. Hasten that glad day when he will be made absolutely whole and free from the results of the attack of Satan upon him. So, Lord, bless his ministry and bless his message of this fact that the Bible is True. Be with us Father as we go forward with this service and we pray in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Dr. Swift regrets the fact that he did not feel able to be here tonight. The strain of the afternoon message was a little too much for him so he is resting now, but expects to be here Friday night and next Lord’s day also.
I want to speak to you on the subject, ‘The Liberating Power of Truth.’ Using the words of Jesus in John 8:32. “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

This afternoon Dr. Swift was speaking about the Bible and that it is true. He gave us some scriptures to prove that the Bible is the Inspired authorized Word of God. We are speaking about the liberating Word of God and this Bible is the Book of Truth, and we may know this by its effect on us. I Corinthians 2:14; “But the natural man understandeth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.”