The Lord is a Man of War

The Lord is a Man of War

WE TURN TO THE BOOK OF EXODUS FOR OUR SUBJECT. “The Lord is a man of war”; back to the hour of deliverance of the Children of Israel from the hand of Pharaoh. We see where Pharaohs’s armies were completely decimated and we hear the Children of the Israel as they sang with Moses; ”I will sing unto the Lord, for He hath triumphed gloriously. The horse and his rider, He has thrown into the sea. The Lord is my strength, and my song. He is my salvation and My God. I will prepare for Him a habitation, My father’s God, I will exalt Him, for Yahweh IS A MAN OF WAR, and YAHWEH IS HIS NAME.”

It is a rather fruitless attempt on the part of a great many who call themselves Christian when they seek to advocate an area of total pacifism and to refer to war as a very sinister and dangerous operation. We are discovering that the N.C.C.’s repudiates all the procedures that relates to war. The American Synagogue Council calls for a complete area of Pacifism as it relates to war. Though I would say that while it talks about this area of pacifism, it does not hold any area of pacifism as it pertains to anything connected with Germany. It however does call for liquidation, extermination and all kinds of judgments on Germans. But never the less it does say it is against war, especially the type of war we are engaged in with the Communist. So it is calling for Militant Pacifism on every turn.