The Little Horn of Daniel

The Little Horn of Daniel

IN THE HOUR in which we live, we stand face to face with the great perimeter of the powers of darkness, now gathered with all their energies and strength for the conquest of God’s Kingdom. If that be possible.
We do not look out over this situation with any fear concerning our destiny. We do not fear concerning the final outcome of God’s Kingdom, because we have a sure word of His own cognizance.
From the writings of the Apostle Paul, we know that we have inherited a Kingdom and its spiritual life exists in you. That is why Jesus, when addressing you, said:–­’The Kingdom of Heaven is in you.’ — But also He has the purpose of translating that Spiritual Kingdom into a physical manifestation. This manifestation He did when He transferred His spiritual sons and daughters into earth through the household of Adam. And from Adam’s time until your time, this continuous stream of light came through this great racial stream of this household, and produced HIS KINGDOM. And this Kingdom is still here, and thus it is a part of destiny and divine intent.
In the time in which we live–we are probably at the most troublesome period for the kingdom of God. Now that is not concerning whether it will survive, but we mean concerning those who make up the kingdom, and in the problems which they face, and in their responsibility as they occupy and establish the kingdom.
For many years, I have considered and studies the times and prophecies of Daniel, and have looked at them from many angles, and have read throughout the years ecclesiastical studies of leaders of institutions and their interpretation of Daniel. They had some things in Daniel interpreted for them and then other things they could not understand. So the interpretation of Daniel had suffered much violence. The difference between the Alexandrian text and the King James Version are many. The description of the things in Babylon, especially the beasts that rise up out of the sea, and the various things like that also found in Revelation, often times face various interpretations.
Not so long ago all the interpretations of Daniel focused around the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, and the interpretation of that dream, and the interpretation of the hand writing on the wall in Belshazzar’s experience. All was to show the spiritual guidance on the man Daniel and his ability to interpret through that guidance those things which had occurred.

There is little doubt that Nebuchadnezzar saw four empires rising, and that his was the first, but he only knew that he saw a great image, with the head of gold, the breast of silver, and the belly of brass, and the feet and toes of iron and clay. And he saw a great stone–as though it was hurled from heaven itself, and he saw the great stone strike this image and break it into pieces and crumble it to the ground. –Then being troubled Nebuchadnezzar sent for his soothsayer, and astrologers, and wizards, and all those who worked for him, and they chirped and muttered and brought their superstitions into play and by those methods they had made many interpretations in the past, that were not necessarily so.