The March Ahead of Time

The March Ahead of Time

IN THIS OUR SUBJECT WE SHOULD TURN TO THE NINETEENTH PSALM and read the passage which gives indications of God’s purposes:

“For the Heavens declare the Glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiworks. Day by day and night by night cometh forth speech and knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them He set a tabernacle for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth to run a race. His going forth is from the ends of the heaven, and His circuit unto the ends of it; and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. The law of the LORD is perfect, the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise His Temple.”

Then in Genesis 1:14 He also says: “Let their lights therefore show forth in the firmaments of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and for years.” Signs, and He intended for them to be read. Seasons, He intended for them to be computed. For the measure of the days and of the years also He set the orbits of the heavens and the circuits of His handiworks.

Thus in the 19th., Psalm as He made the decree and talks about the orbit of the earth around the sun in relationship to its passage through the heavens and their constellation, remember that He was to make this statement long before men recognized that the earth did not stand still and the Universe revolve around it. And in the hours when the Psalmist wrote of these things as the pattern of revelation’s inspired him to write, then he wrote of the magnitude of God, of the sun in its position and its orbit, and of the travelling of the earth and the planets in their circuits, and said that there was no line where their voice was not heard.

The Star of The New Order

The Star of The New Order

Col. Greer:

THERE HAS BEEN AN ATTEMPT BY EVIL MEN TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND DESTROY GOD’S KINGDOM. God is not mocked nor is He defeated by the events going on around us because they were known of God before time began. Who ever sits in the White House is permitted by God and we get what we deserve. God is not about to lose the world to the age old enemies of His Kingdom. It is only because of the blindness of Israel that we have to go through the troubles of the day.

We were to occupy the earth until Christ returns as our King, but we have not done this. Instead we have let God’s old enemy, and ours, rule over us. We have stood by complacently while forces, which know not our God, tear our nation apart. Under God’s Divine Law over our nation we would prosper and be free from the hideous crime which stalks every street of our cities. We would be free from the sickness that fills our hospitals and our mental institutions to over flowing. America is a Christian Nation, a Nation of Destiny, and it is up to the hundreds of thousands of people who know that the White Christians of the world are the Israel of the Old Testament, to awaken our nation as to the reason for our great blessings, and why we are going through the troubles that we are in.

As we come to the Christmas season we feel sure that you will thrill to the tremendous message of the late Dr. Swift. I feel sure that you will like the tremendous challenge that it gives us for the message to our day. Lorraine Swift is to be congratulated in her efforts to continue to make these tapes available for you to hear. Now; Dr. Wesley A. Swift speaking on the subject, ”The Star of the New Order.”

The Star of Destiny

The Star of Destiny

IT IS A MOST SIGNIFICANT THING THAT OUT OF ALL OF THE GREAT EVENTS WHICH ARE CONTAINED IN SCRIPTURES, that are the history of our race. Probably the most significant was the visitation of YAHWEH to His household, to His family.

We are told by the Apostle Paul that in the Eternal name of our Father, and in the incarnate manifestation of His name in the earth, the whole family in heaven and earth is named. And we have been assured by the Apostle Paul after his heavenly experiences and his trip into the dimension of Spirit and back, that we are the kinsmen of YAHWEH. And that YAHWEH was not ashamed to be called a kinsman. For He took a body for Himself, out of our race so that He could be one with His kinsmen and like unto you.

We are aware that out of the study of the background of the scriptures and out of the great wisdom and mysteries that belong to our household of the Adamic race and to its developing knowledge that was unveiled again to them in the earth, that which was unveiled, was of the great and mighty purposes of YAHWEH and for His Kingdom which is constituted by the people of your race, and what the purpose of YAHWEH is for the entire earth and what He purposed to do in the ages to come throughout His Universe. All of this affects you. For you are members of His family and of His household. The Apostle Paul says in Ephesians to explain this, ‘Flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone.’

The Spiritual Race

The Spiritual Race

THE CHALLENGERS OF THESE CHRISTIAN NATIONS ARE KNOWN AS THE NATIONS OF THE ANTI-CHRIST. Now the difference between the two is easily identified. The anti-Christ nations do not recognize that Jesus is the Christ. They serve the powers of darkness and the forces of evil by their ambition and their greed, and by their design and power to crush and rule the world and hold it in slavery. This makes them the system of the world order, which are the nations that had their origin in the earth.

They either were created here or came in the days of Lucifer’s rebellion, and scattered over all the world. They made up the races of people which are not part of the Adamic Race. They are not the people whom we know as the White nations today.

The Adamic Race from the time of Adam to out time, is marked by the Biblical anthropology of nations. As we study them carefully, we discover that the seed line of the Adamic Race is traced into all the great White nations of the world, the basically strong line descending from the days of Adam through Seth. When Seth was begotten of Adam, irrespective of the violation of Divine law that had previously existed, there had been a careful selection on the part of God of this individual to carry forward the program of HIS Kingdom

The Spirit Which is of God

The Spirit Which is of God

Before we go into the subject, I would like to recall to your minds what Christ said about our times.

CHRIST WARNED US THAT THE ABOMINATION OF THE DESOLATOR WOULD STAND IN THE HOLY PLACE AT THE END OF THE AGE, and we would see the abomination of the desolator standing in the Holy Place, and we would know that we had approached the very climax of the this age. Of course we well understand this abomination of the desolator for we have watched him at work, even as he seeks the desolation of our cities and our societies. We have watched the strange and peculiar development of Israeli in our time. We note that this abomination of the desolator has moved in. We know that his armies were made up of the most evil forces of mankind as they moved into the land of Palestine. They were made up of the gangsters of Chicago and of New York, and of the Sicilian Jew’s that had carried on their operations against the people of Europe and of the Mediterranean, and this was the forces that by violence and force of arms went into Palestine. Then we watched as in Palestine, as they desecrated Churches and Shrines and put to death Christians and Arabs alike, and they drove others out into the desert waste’s to die. All this we witnessed as we surveyed the periods of time.

The Spirit of The Ever Living

The Spirit of The Ever Living

Dr. Greer speaking: ‘Tidings out of the north and out of the east shall upset the bear and she shall come out against Israel. (Daniel 11:44)

ON THE MAP YOU WILL NOTICE THAT NORTH OF RUSSIAN IS THE U.S. and east is Red China. The recognition of Red China by the U.S. could well be the signal that the time has come for the final show. Also remember, that Christ fulfilled all the ‘spring festivals’ in His first coming. And He comes as the Reaper in the ‘fall festival’. So we can look for His appearance in the ‘Fall’ of what ever year He comes. As America recognizes her enemies and gives aide to them as she turns her back on all here, fellow Israelites, and friends, then we are fast being stripped of what ever physical power we might have. Thus it can be truly said that we will fall on our knees as a nation to seek the help of our Heavenly Father.

So as I listen to these talks from the library of the late Dr. Swift, I am always thrilled to hear again the inspiring plan of our Father. To know that His plan is to have His offspring on the earth for a nuclei of the world of tomorrow. Today’s talk, “The Spirit of the Everlasting” is one of the most inspiring you will ever hear.

The Weaving of The Spider’s Web

The Weaving of The Spider’s Web

AS WE STUDY THE WEAVING OF THE SPIDER’S WEB WE TURN TO THE 59TH CHAPTER OF ISAIAH, where first we have a declaration: Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy that it cannot hear.

Then we have a warning: He hath warned His people Israel, and this holds true especially in these last days: His people are to have grave and tremendous problems as they face the weavers of the spider’s web, and the layers of the cockatrice’s eggs. His warning says that the cockatrice’s eggs are scattered throughout the western world of His kingdom, and the spider’s web is seeking to engulf and enmesh all of Western Christian society with their multiple plots which they weave into one massive conspiracy. Then who are the weavers of the spider’s web? They are the children of Lucifer, and the cockatrice’s eggs are the plans and program of Lucifer’s kingdom.

As we look at our great nation with its standard of the outstretched wings of the eagle, we see the Great Nation which God ordained for HIS purposes: The nation that moved the farthest westward and took its position in the program of God’s kingdom. We see this nation developing from its beginning as colonies to a declaration of freedom, to a free nation, a free society where justice reigned, where men were tried by juries or by judge (whichever they chose) and where the Supreme Court was held in bonds by the Constitution; a nation of private enterprise stretching westward to the Pacific Ocean; a nation containing the trees of prophecy such as the myrtle trees. Yes-the great and final nation of God’s Israel emerging and worshiping the Most High God.

The Source of Intelligence and Wisdom

The Source of Intelligence and Wisdom

AS WE TURN THIS AFTERNOON, INTO THIS SITUATION, WHICH IS A RATHER UNIQUE SITUATION, which has developed even in the radio broadcasting field of today. First, I would read from the 2nd chapter of Timothy, the 15th verse. ‘That you study to show thyself approved unto God. A workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. That you show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.’

One of America’s foremost Evangelist’s, in his radio address today, is supporting integration based on his information that all men came from Adam and were from this Adamic family. Thus, there is no distinction between them since they had all emerged from Adam. Then in a comparative statement, they had all again emerged from Noah and his household. This, my friends, was to support the policies of integration and the attitude of all Christians through out the United States.

The other night on a coast to coast broadcast, which was played from one part of the nation to the other, and talking about the social problems that relate to our times, an anthropologist was introduced. He has been associated with the Chicago University and with other universities. And he said, ‘Of course, all of our social problems will be resolved when the people know and understand all of the facts that we, the anthropologists understand and know. That there is no differentiation that marks one race from another. That actually, they are all the same. There is no difference among men.

The Significance of The Cross

The Significance of The Cross

TODAY ON PALM SUNDAY, WE FIND THAT CHRISTIANS ARE WORSHIPING IN DIFFERENT WAYS. Some churches are passing out Palms and calling attention to the significance of this being Palm Sunday. As we observe the areas of Palm Sunday we want to call your attention to the pageantry of history that is not often mentioned when we deal with the bare facts given to us in the scriptures. However, every man of god should consider this. I am speaking to your race, as I quote these scriptures.

‘I am thy Maker and thy Husband, I am YAHWEH of Hosts, this is My name, I am the Redeemer. I am the Holy One of Israel, I am the God of the whole earth.

Therefore, all thy children shall be taught of YAHWEH, Great shall be the peace of thy children, No weapon formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue raised against thee, thou shall condemn.

This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of Me, saith the LORD.’

Also, HE has expounded in HIS Word, and taught them that it was essential that God be embodied in the earth. And in the areas of this, we again turn to the words to the Virgin Mary, in which she was told that she was to have a child. And it was to be a Holy thing that she would bring forth. In this declaration, we discover also that Elizabeth, a cousin of Mary, was in her 6th month and her child would be the Prophet to prepare the way for Mary’s Child. One of the things that was declared, was that when Elizabeth’s child was born, the father Zacharias would say, ‘Thou child, shall be called the Prophet of the Highest, for thou shall go forth before the face of the LORD to prepare the way.

The Sign of The Sun, Moon and Stars

The Sign of The Sun, Moon and Stars

IT IS ONLY FITTING THAT WE UPON THIS MEMORIAL DAY, as Christian Americans, recognize that this great Nation, under God, has a Great Destiny, and was planned and purposed to do a Mighty Work, from the foundation of the world. That in the days of the writing of the prophecies in the Book of Isaiah, it was made known unto Isaiah and recorded in his Book that this Great Nation would have the symbol of the Outstretched Wings of the Eagle, Isaiah 19. That it would be a Nation powerful from its beginning. From this time onward it would be a Nation blessed with the many rivers which would divide it. A land which was to expand through out the courses of time into a mighty commitment unto God. The Prophecies made concerning this Nation was that it would be a leader among the Nations of God’s Kingdom. And during the hours of great trial and struggle it would stand out as one of the great forces, as a geo‑political centre for the Kingdom of God.

So, we have the privilege of being citizens of such a Nation. And this Nation would not be here if it wasn’t for the dedicated effort upon the part of those who had dedicated their lives, even all that was involved in their living, and the complete structure of their destiny, for the preservation of their society. They dedicated their lives and their fortunes, and their sacred honour, for this purpose. It is only fitting that there is a memorial day in a Nation like this, because as we have this memory of what we call our Soldier Dead, there is something which transpires in our consciousness that transcends this, for there is no death.