The Mystery of Christ and His Kingdom – His Church

The Mystery of Christ and His Kingdom – His Church


We spoke to you on the subject of the mysteries of Revelation. And in this mystery of Revelation we also have the mysteries of God’s Kingdom. The mysteries of God ‘Likeness and Godliness’ is also there. And in it we discover the background of spiritual truth that we brought together with the knowledge of scientists and great surgeons, neurologists, psychologists, psychiatrist and the facts could also be added to this of the modern physicists. And you find it all fits in to the Mysteries of God’s Universe made up out of light, out of knowledge, out of the groups of energy which we call the atoms after they have been put together.

Now; the mystery of God likeness is that we are in the Image of God. That we have a Celestial body of Light, a physical body made up out of the electronic field and that we have a soul conscious body made up of thought itself. We are turning today to what we refer to as the Mystery of the Kingdom, this mystery identifies the seed of God planted as the children of the kingdom as His own household and own offspring in the earth.

Today we are talking about the Mystery of Christ and His Church, the reason why this is a mystery is because it has a lot of hidden truth in it and a great number of the people who make up the Church itself don’t understand it. It is a Mystery because of the hidden things which have to be revealed and because God Himself inspired the Apostle Paul to call it a Mystery.

The Mystery of Assurance

The Mystery of Assurance

As we turn to this subject this afternoon, we must remember that there has been a number of spiritual forces which have operated out of the nature of God. And have been directed toward those who are of HIS Household and operation as functions of reality because they are, and HE is. And many of them are not thought about and a few of them are not as understood as they should be.

Probably there is nothing more vital and probably nothing more necessary in your society in this hour, and for those who would carry out the objectives of God, than to possess one of the greatest heritages which they can possess and that is ASSURANCE.

When we talk about Assurance, this is a quality of perception and understanding and cognition that leave the individual in complete emotional stability, intellectual perception, and spiritually strong. It is one of the most vital patterns of cognition that you may possess. An individual who lacks assurance concerning Divine destinies and prerogatives, who lacks assurance concerning the nature of God and HIS purpose toward him will lack the assurance of God to carry out these objectives and finds himself in a kind of mental torture.

The Mysteries of Spiritual Truth

The Mysteries of Spiritual Truth

WE ARE TURNING TO DISCUSS A SUBJECT WHICH MAY BE SOMEWHAT REPETITIOUS TO SOME OF YOU and yet there is nothing over‑repetitious concerning the greatness of God’s Purpose and your relationship, and your hours of origin. We are talking to you this afternoon abut the Mysteries of Spiritual Birth, and probably there is no subject which is more significant, and less understood, but more talked about. Some might say: why is that? It is because almost every Christian congregation that you know of will make the whole emphasis of their message and discussion more or less surrounding the areas of Spiritual Birth. In fact whole areas of Evangelical activity will surround the declaration that, ‘Ye must be born again.’

And whole areas inside of Christianity would that if even one decided to discuss this subject and not agree fully with what they had previously said about this that you would be a heretic, and they would write you off. But I think it is most important that we know what the Bible does teach as to what God had to say. It is very important that we understand what we have been placed here for, and as to what the program of God’s Kingdom really is. There is no doubt that there is nothing more important in human understanding than to recognize the embodiment of God as HE was embodied in earth. And also to recognize that Jesus The Christ came in the flesh. To also recognize why HE came is very important because HE came, because you were here. He came because HE sent you here, and before He sent you here He told you what would happen unto your race, and its posterity until He came to rectify that situation. He also stated many things concerning your origin, your background, your present destiny during the time of His Ministry.

The Mountain of God

The Mountain of God

AS WE READ THE BOOK OF MICAH WE COME UNTO THE MOST UNIQUE PASSAGE IN CHAPTER FOUR. “In the last days it shall come to pass, the mountain (nation) of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains and it shall be exalted above the hills; and the people shall flow into it.” What are we talking about? The mountain of the house of God shall be established in the highest of the mountains upon the face of the earth? We have come through about 7400 years of the transplanting of God’s household from heaven to earth.

The household of God existed in the heavens through out the ages of the past. Yet the vastness of the sidereal systems and the immensity of the creations has held us in awe as we recognize the limitless expanse of all that HE hath wrought, but we, as his children existed with HIM in the dimensions of Spirit. We walked with HIM, and we rejoiced when he produced a new creation. When the morning stars sang together, the Archangels were there and the sons and daughters of God shouted for joy as he brought forth new creations after new creations.

In the course of development of such time, he brought forth the heavens and the earth. And in the development of the heavens and the earth, a whole panorama of vast history has taken place both in the heavens and in the earth. The rebellion of Lucifer occurred, and the throwing out of Lucifer and his hosts from the realm of the upper heavens occurred. The establishing of God’s Kingdom in earth, and the bringing forth of this Kingdom out of one mans family occurred. Thus it is that HE produced Adam in his own image, and then separated Eve from Adam so that Adam might have a helpmate, and HE started HIS Kingdom from HIS household in the midst of the earth.

The Modern Witch Doctor

The Modern Witch Doctor

AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO TALK ABOUT THIS SUBJECT OF ‘THE MODERN WITCH DOCTOR,’ it becomes a most timely subject in this hour. Because from all times, and through out all time, through the Biblical history and lore and under the guidance of knowledge and law, and under the guidance of God’s spirit, one must be diametrically opposed to, in all of the impact of his living in what is referred to as the witch doctor.

When we talk about the witch doctor, we are not talking exclusively about those masters of cunning which control and dominate the Negro race. We are talking about modern witch doctors who are moving through out all nations and all countries, who might resent the fact that you are calling them witch doctors. But they are the same Satanic patterns of evil and the same type as those who have dominated and existed through out the ages past.

We might pause here to tell you that the origin of the doctrine of the witch doctor in the earth started with the Luciferian rebellion against the MOST HIGH GOD. Out of the most ancient documents which relate to the background of our race, out of the earliest writings in the book of Seth and out of the ancient Zohar, we discover, that in the Luciferian rebellion, one of the Angelic forces, a fallen Angel, a fallen power, one of the fallen Angels who fell with Lucifer was an Angel by the name of Voodoos. And his assignment was over the areas of earth which today we know as Africa. And a large part of the revolutionaries of those ancient times gathered in those areas of trouble and they were people who were dark of face and curly of hair.

The Mission of God

The Mission of God

WE TURN IN OUR THINKING THIS AFTERNOON AS TO THE MISSION OF GOD. For there have been specific experiences in the existence of God in periods of history where HE carried out some specific missions. One of the most important missions of God is in relationship to HIS coming into earth. This is identified as a very personal experience of the Father. You say, ‘How do we know about these things?’

This is by a very mysterious process; a process of spiritual understanding of connections. And is tied to a word called ‘FAITH.’ If you will turn to the book of Hebrews, you will read these words: ‘Faith is the substance of substantiation of things that you hope for and also is the evidence of things which many times, you do not see by the eye. And you understand how the Universe was framed by the energy, the essence of divine command and the power that emanates from God, so that the things which are seen are not made of things which do appear.

Thus the Apostle Paul, as he wrote these words in the book of Hebrews to your race, is stating that relating to the things which God has performed in the ages past, the energies which HE set in motion, the era which HIS mind had supremely ordained, that we can only understand these things thru this mysterious process which we call FAITH which is the essence of God’s knowledge and wisdom being passed on unto you. Faith therefore is an internal knowledge, a knowledge that you feel and perceive that functions deep inside of your consciousness or your intellect. This is the evidence that no one can come along and talk you out of. No one can come along and cause you to question, because Faith is not questioning. Faith is received as a special gift of the Father by the capacity to receive these thoughts; a knowledge of purpose of yesterday and tomorrow that is never taken away, one of the problems that besets our enemies when they talk about the children of God that knoweth.

The Miracle of Resurrection

The Miracle of Resurrection

THIS MESSAGE IS BUILT AROUND THE SUBJECT OF THE RESURRECTION. Here at Christmas time we thought of the birth of Christ, the other important day of all the years in time and history, for the birth of Christ and the resurrection of Christ are the two most important events in all human history, for your race and unto your time.

The Resurrection of course was the great and tremendous transition for the Disciples, but before that time they had suffered mightily from the terrible conditions which had taken place. After all they had walked before this for three years with the body of God, they had walked with Messiah, they had witnessed as He raised the dead, as He opened the eyes of the blind, as He opened stopped up ears, as He fed the five thousand, stilled the wind and the waves. These were the evidence and the power of the Eternal God. Without question they had been walking with the Messiah.

The Essene company was looking for the ONE who would head the kingdom, who would sit upon the throne of his father David. Had they not heard the words spoken by the Angel unto the Virgin Mary when he had said: This one would come in the name of YAHSHUA and would take the throne of His father David?

The Message to The Nation, Church, And Throne

The Message to The Nation, Church, And Throne

THE SUBJECT IS THE MESSAGE TO THE NATION, CHURCH, AND THRONE. And we tell you that this is a very vital hour, in this crisis through which we are passing. Sometimes, not understood by many because they are not aware of anything that is going on. Thus, they are asleep and sleeping men never know what is going on round about them. They are not aware, and are oblivious as far as their environment is concerned. There are a great number of our people through out our nation, and through out God’s Kingdom who are asleep this afternoon. This is why they do not know what is going on. They are not even aware that there is any problem. Thus, they are the walking, sleeping people and it is sort of a kind of a sleeping sickness which only the spirit can quicken and cause this to end. But when they wake up, you will find that these people will be a powerful force added to those already awakened children of the MOST HIGH GOD.

There is not doubt that there is a message which must be understood by the entirety of God’s Kingdom. A lot of people today have the idea that the church makes up the structure entirely of God’s Kingdom in the earth. There is no question of the fact that the people who make up the church are a powerful essence of God’s Kingdom. They are a definite part of the Household of the MOST HIGH GOD. And I want you to realize that there are a number of people in the world today, who do not know that the Kingdom of God is tangible and real and made up of men and women who are a part of a Household of God who have been transplanted from heaven to earth.


The Measures of Prophecy

The Measures of Prophecy

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT TONIGHT, WE HAVE BEEN WARNING YOU AS TO THE LATENESS OF THE HOUR AND AS TO OUR DESTINY AND BEYOND THIS TO THE DIVINE PURPOSE. We gave you at the beginning of the year, a preview of world events fixed upon the prophetic value of both the scripture and an hones evaluation of the trends based on the logistics and the supply patterns of the nations of our enemies as well as our friends. We are also aware that there is a measure across the sky which our Father has given us to measure, that the wise are to understand. And although He has given us this at all times, yet He has also given us those who can measure and know what to look for to measure.

There are certain things to look for in a measure as we told you, which will make this one of the most turbulent years in history. This is one of the climax years which may well find you in struggle as you pass into the October area of this year. And this may well start this struggle that starts Armageddon after the 13th of June. We told you as we gave you the alignment patterns that related to the year, certain circumstances to look for. But today the great turbulence spot is the great land of Judah.

Now, those that understand that the White race is the Kingdom of God and Household of His Kingdom in earth, you well know that the White race are Adamites and the word Adam means White man. This was not necessarily a personal name for Adam, but they called this begotten man of God. Adam and that goes for his race. But the ancient documents and even this knowledge which was yours, even though you lost much in your physical bodies here.


The Mark of The Beast

The Mark of The Beast

AS WE TURN TO THIS SUBJECT OF THE MARK OF THE BEAST, it is with the continuing realizations that this great Nation under God was designed and developed out of the blueprint of Divine purpose, known before the foundation of the earth.

That in the days of the migrations and the developing of our society, the Almighty God made His proclamation unto Patriarch’s, and unto Prophets. Proclaimed to those of His Household and His race, the great promises and destinies He had in mind for His people.

The foremost among them was of course the establishment of this great Nation, of His Kingdom, in this land He had established and prepared by His declaration as the Destiny of His Kingdom. Repeated by the Prophet’s Isaiah and Jeremiah and given in intent and purpose unto His Prophet David, as he stood by his coronation stone.

He promised a land which was Westward. Westward out of the lands of Africa and Western Europe, a land beyond the great waters, in which He would establish a great and final location for a great nation of His Kingdom. A place where they could move to and then never be moved again. A place where though there would be oppression, yet they would triumph.

A land where we have cited to you, by measure, would be the great and mighty Red Wood trees, where the people would be moved, where they would grow with the promises and the timelessness of God as His Creation, and as He planted them there. A land of Myrtle wood would grow even as it did in Palestine.

Numerous identifying factors, identifying His Kingdom. And no place on earth fulfils these happenings but in this area of America, in this land of these United States. For, in our Red wood belt we have the only mighty Red wood trees just as they grew as the Cedars of Lebanon. We have the only place in the world where Myrtle wood grows, and here it grows as a great tree, while in Old Palestine it grew as a brier.

This nation blessed with rivers and blessed with all that God promised to bless it with, in all the geological purposes of the past with which He has given it richness. For, here we discover all the minerals vital to our society. We discover at every turn, the preparations of God as He made good His promise to our forefathers. There can be no question about the fact that North America was to play a very vital part in the plan and purposes of god. We, as citizens of the most powerful nation in the Western world, should be happy in our inheritance and our heritage, for our nation is in the Bible Prophecies of the Scriptures. At the same time we are involved in the problems that face all our race, cause this great nation is basically a white race nation and a Christian nation.

I think it is rather pointed out by even the liberal’s, and the socialist minded and this includes even the defecting Clergy, and understand this tonight, this example, the new head of the Council of Churches, Dr. Carson Blake, called for an ending of our war with the Viet Cong, and he said; it would be a dangerous thing and would create great difficulties if we were to be victors in our war against the Viet Cong, because it would be creating an image of a white nation overcoming an Asian nation, and a Christian society forcing its will on an Asiatic society.