The Great Election

The Great Election

WE ARE LIVING IN A TIME WHEN ELECTIONS HAVE A GREAT IMPORTANCE ALTHOUGH WE DO NOT HAVE TOO MUCH TO DO WITH THEM.  We think that we have to take our choices and take our chances, and think that we have voted for something.  In these instances, we watch our candidates selected in our national elections, at the conventions.  And the general thought is that if you are a Republican you will get a Republican candidate and if a Democrat then you get a Democrat candidate.  Although today the issues which divide the two parties are not the essentials of a modern election. The modern election today is decided before you ever get to the polls.  They have selected candidates who do not give you any place to go.  So you go down and select a person who you think will do you the least amount of harm instead of selecting someone who will do America the most good. But the idea is that we vote and we have selected the individual that we desired to elect.  And we accept the decision of the people and we think it is the decision of the people.  But we are not always sure.  We are not sure, but we think in the last election that Mr. Nixon lost Illinois and Texas by fraud.  So you cannot depend upon these elections.

But the election I am interested in this afternoon had only one person casting the ballot.  And this ballot was cast by HE who can make all things come to pass.  And that, my friends, is the election of God.  In this instance, the most important thing for you and I, is to be classified as the Elect of God, for the task of God which God commits HIS Elect.  For in this instance, it does relate to offices and power.  It does relate to destiny.  And it does relate to the earth and all that is in it.

The Great Apostasy

The Great Apostasy

AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT IT IS WITH THE REALISATION THAT WE HAVE MOVED INTO A VERY STRANGE PERIOD OF TRIBULATION. The Book of Revelation talks about the day and the age in which we live. It refers to a large physical institution called the church as being in the church age of Laodicea. At the same time it talks about a true church that has been built out of the household of God’s family who have been guided by the Spirit of God, to whom the knowledge of God is constant. And from which the doctrines of God’s truth emerges forth from this church, and is referred to as the church age of Philadelphia. But in the course of these patterns the doctrines of the true church stand so far apart from the doctrines of Apostasy that today are sweeping the nation until we can well see that we have arrived at the period spoken of in the Book of Thessalonians as the period of Apostasy and falling away.

In fact in the second chapter it tells us: we beseech thee brethren, by the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, and by our gathering together unto HIM, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter. Let no man deceive you by any means for that day of Christ shall not come except there be a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the sons of perdition.

There is no question of the fact that we have approached the climax of events that lead up to the return of The Christ. And we have also come to the day of the Great Apostasy.

The Grace of God to You

The Grace of God to You

WE TURN IN OUR THINKING THIS AFTERNOON TO THIS SUBJECT “THE GRACE OF GOD TO YOU.” It is most important that we understand this part of theology, for this is a related experience to those who relate to the people who constitute the household of God. Often we hear that those, who have any identity with the household of God, do not understand Grace, and they do not understand God’s purpose. But I want you to know that this is Grace unto a race, and Grace unto a family.

And the Grace which constitutes this is one of the great dynamic patterns of a divine force flowing from heaven earthward, carrying out the program of God as it relates to you. There is much confusion today in theology due to improper translation. Sometimes there is continuing confusion because of the contention of God’s household in the world, due to translation and the words in the King James Version or in the Doray version. Sometimes the translation leads into confusion because of the identity of the various branches of God’s household. And sometimes the King James Version and others were translated not as they should have been, but into the areas of confusion, and those making the translation helped with this confusion as they translated certain passages.

The Government The Bible and Flying Saucers

The Government The Bible and Flying Saucers

TONIGHT WE ARE SPEAKING ON A SUBJECT WHICH MAY BE VERY CONTROVERSIAL, especially for the treatment it has received from official sources in our times. We are talking about the subject often referred to as ‘flying saucers.’ And possibly this was not too bad a name for some of the things which some men beheld. But we have just had in the last two weeks, an official announcement from one of the government investigative agencies of the U.S. Government related originally to the Air Command. And then later to the ‘Flying Saucer Project’ and then later to the HOP which is carrying on identifications concerning flying objects.

We are told as to that period of time and for the reports which came since 1947, that a great number of objects were observed, some of which were indefinable. Some were identified as weather balloons and then as aircraft, and in late periods, as satellites moving through the heavens. But a great number of the sightings could never be confirmed by those investigating them as some natural object easy to identify or explain, which had originated from some experiment or from the earths surface. A great number of the sightings were confirmed as being beheld by a great number of men, many of them technical experts on objects that move through space. Objects that travelled at speeds from a few hundred miles per hour up to 600 or 700 miles per hour. That such objects did pass through space and did surround our physical world and in our atmosphere of this there was no question. For there were enough witnesses to prove that something was going on. Something was happening in this world that we live in.

The Government Ends at Armageddon

The Government Ends at Armageddon

OUR SUBJECT TONIGHT, ‘THE GOVERNMENT ENDS AT ARMAGEDDON,’ for surely you are much closer tonight to Armageddon than many people realize. The strategies for world government are being prepared by high officials in our government. And of course we gave this mighty input when we signed the charter of the United Nations in 1954. For this United Nations even said that the justices of our courts would now depend upon their edicts. And of course you know that we have a constitution that says that the courts would defend the constitution and the treaties there of. And when we entered into the United Nations, we were told that this was the way to peace. They said that the world was longing for peace. They had brought a tremendous way. And we had come now to the great crossroads. And as we joined the United Nations, we joined a tremendous society. We joined around a table with men of all colours and races and backgrounds to decide the issues of the world. People were not told that this was to be a super government. Rather, they were told that this was rather a super gathering like a great debating society. Senators of the United States did not realize that a super world government was being set up.

Many have cited that they would never have signed the charter of the United Nations had they understood this. Along with this, we are to discover that Senator Langor was the only man in the United States Senate who had the courage to say ‘this thing is treason, this would dissolve the Declaration of Independence. This will dissolve my society. I cannot sign this.’ And he called on other Congressmen not to sign it, and other Senators to refuse to sign this measure. But they did not take the time to read the charter.


The Gospel For Our Day

The Gospel For Our Day

TODAY WE ARE TALKING ON A SUBJECT ENTITLED THE GOSPEL FOR TODAY. There is no question about the fact that you hear much about the Gospel, about the preaching of the Gospel and the acceptance of the Gospel. But there are a lot of gospels. I think it is most important that we recognize that God has a Gospel for today. And it is important that we understand what that Gospel consists of.

I would turn to the first chapter of Hebrews for a moment where it tells us that God in Sundry times and in divers manners, spake in times past through the prophets and has in these last days spoken unto us by HIS own embodiment, whom HE has appointed as heir of all things. And this is HIS revelation by whom the very creations, worlds and cosmic orders were made. And that this personage was the brightness of HIS Glory and the express image of HIS spiritual or Celestial person, upholding all things by the Word of HIS power, and is speaking of this embodied Christ seated in the seat of authority in the heavens.

Now, I point out this to you, that God knew in Sundry times and divers manners, and spoke in times past unto the fathers by the prophets. When we talk about the Gospel, this word ‘gospel’ is Good News. But it is also ‘good news’ from God unto HIS Family, and to the dwellers of earth. It is the Good News out of the plain of spirit to earth. That is what the word Gospel means. When we talk about the Gospel according to the words of Jesus Christ, then you will also note in Mark 1:1, that it refers there to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which HE received out of the spirit and brought to earth by HIS coming. So the Gospel is the Good News. The Gospel is the plan. The Gospel is the purpose.

The Gospel of The Kingdom

The Gospel of The Kingdom

AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT “THE GOSPEL THAT JESUS PREACHED“, there is probably nothing more important for you and I to understand than to think, and to know and to activate the thoughts of God in a physical world. It is most significant for us to realize that communication is the most important thing in the realm of the great operation of God’s Kingdom. From the day when your race was placed in earth until this hour, communication has been an important thing. There are many who wonder when they talk about the Gospel that Jesus preached. Just what does that gospel consist of, and just where does this Gospel exist, and just what does that Gospel indicate? That Gospel has many interpretations and we have heard many Denominational approaches to it.

We have heard that it is considered Good News that this Gospel is of GOOD NEWS. It is true that the Gospel that Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom is certainly the most unusual and tremendous of the ‘GOOD NEWS’ that can be delivered. It is the news of redemption, to a race that required it, and was certainly of Great importance to them. But the Gospel that Jesus preached was the declarations and purposes of God’s plans in the earth. Of what He expected out of those who could react and perform, and carry on this responsibility. When we talk about the Gospel that Jesus preached, it is not the Gospel that many today declare it to be.

The Fruit of The Spirit

The Fruit of The Spirit

THIS AFTERNOON WE ARE TALKING UPON A SUBJECT THAT IS VERY VITAL AND THE UNDERSTANDING OF CHRISTIAN RELATIONSHIP IN THE WORLD IN WHICH A PERSON DWELLS. We are speaking on the subject of ‘The fruit of the spirit’ well recognizing that many discussions of this ‘fruit of the spirit’ has actually been used to hinder the development of God’s kingdom rather than to carry it forward. We are dwelling in an area in which a great struggle for control of the earth is being carried on, and that this struggle has to succeed in the seat of human consciousness. Again we would lay the premise that all that you see in all of the Universe round about you and in all of the work of the creation of men’s minds, everything that you behold IS THOUGHT TRANSLATED INTO ACTION.

As you see, we have referred this to the buildings that you see and the great technology. And we talk about the areas of knowledge, science and inventions which have produced the instruments for all of the functioning substance of our society. All are the by-product of thought. We might also point to the Universe round about from the sidereal systems to all that grows round about you, to all that lives and grows, and you have the blueprint of the creative purposes of the MOST HIGH. So the universe and all that is within it, even the opposition forces which are against you, are the by-products of thought translated into reality. This being so, then this is the most important area of conflict of what we are facing, which we are told, is the world order and a brave new world. I want you to know that the battle of semantics and the impressions and ideas that are being created are one of the most significant things that we face in our time.

The Four Horseman

The Four Horseman

As we turn tonight to our discussion of the four horses, we are watching developments coming with even greater speed than some might have anticipated. Remember that as we talked about events of this year, we told you that it would be a turbulent year. We spoke about the Jupiter opposition to our national house. And we made it known unto you that even with the opening of the Union message, it will be diametrically opposed to what will be best for the nation. And as we move early into this year, it will not be a year of peace. Instead, it will be brush fire wars and trouble. We have only been a few days into the year and we are engaged in trouble in Panama and many areas where we did not expect trouble to erupt.

We tell you that America should be ashamed that we do not have more intelligent leadership in Washington than we have tonight, when we signed the treaty before and we undertook the building of the Panama Canal outside the city where pirates once lived, and the remnant of a small and crumbling civilization existed. We carved a great pathway across a piece of jungle and we developed the Panama Canal. We brought prosperity, employment and development to Panama. Our treaty not only guaranteed the development and the prosperity of this area for 100 years, but the sovereignty of it was that either side of that canal gave us a 10-mile strip which was our territory and our property for the duration of this treaty and as long as it existed. Over this area no flag would fly but ours. No troops would march. No strength would be within it, but that of the United States.

The Flight of Gold

The Flight of Gold

WE ARE TALKING TONIGHT ABOUT A SUBJECT WHICH SHOULD BE OF MUCH IMPORTANCE TO YOU BECAUSE THIS IS AN HOUR OF PROPHETIC DEVELOPMENT. This is an hour in which we find the economic and social life of our nation in a strange and unusual unbalance. We turn to the words of Daniel as he came before the King of Babylon, King Nebuchadnezzar who had just had a dream and a vision. And although he could not remember it, he was still very disturbed by it. And he wanted an explanation as to this vision and its meaning. When Daniel, inspired by the Living God, came before the king then Daniel told him about the course of the pagan powers that sought to rule the world. He told him of how these Empires would run their courses and that with great significance would be identified by their part in prophecy. Then Daniel said, ‘Thou Babylon, thou O King art this head of Gold.’

As Daniel introduced this vision to the King as a great statue, he said that the statue had a head of gold. Its arms and breast were of silver, his belly and thighs were of brass. The legs were of iron and his feet and toes were part of iron and part of clay. This was the symbolism of these Empires, but especially was this important as it related then to Babylon. Because Babylon summed up the total of Satanic and evil influence. It became the tremendous international world metropolis of evil. Here were gathered together the pagan priests of every pagan philosophy. Here they were gathered together in a vast Baal temple of universal worship. Behind the scenes the strategy of this evil, Satanic, Serpentine program, was to extend through their Priest craft into the thinking of men throughout the world.