The Government The Bible and Flying Saucers

The Government The Bible and Flying Saucers

TONIGHT WE ARE SPEAKING ON A SUBJECT WHICH MAY BE VERY CONTROVERSIAL, especially for the treatment it has received from official sources in our times. We are talking about the subject often referred to as ‘flying saucers.’ And possibly this was not too bad a name for some of the things which some men beheld. But we have just had in the last two weeks, an official announcement from one of the government investigative agencies of the U.S. Government related originally to the Air Command. And then later to the ‘Flying Saucer Project’ and then later to the HOP which is carrying on identifications concerning flying objects.

We are told as to that period of time and for the reports which came since 1947, that a great number of objects were observed, some of which were indefinable. Some were identified as weather balloons and then as aircraft, and in late periods, as satellites moving through the heavens. But a great number of the sightings could never be confirmed by those investigating them as some natural object easy to identify or explain, which had originated from some experiment or from the earths surface. A great number of the sightings were confirmed as being beheld by a great number of men, many of them technical experts on objects that move through space. Objects that travelled at speeds from a few hundred miles per hour up to 600 or 700 miles per hour. That such objects did pass through space and did surround our physical world and in our atmosphere of this there was no question. For there were enough witnesses to prove that something was going on. Something was happening in this world that we live in.