AS WE TURN TO THE SUBJECT “THE GOSPEL THAT JESUS PREACHED“, there is probably nothing more important for you and I to understand than to think, and to know and to activate the thoughts of God in a physical world. It is most significant for us to realize that communication is the most important thing in the realm of the great operation of God’s Kingdom. From the day when your race was placed in earth until this hour, communication has been an important thing. There are many who wonder when they talk about the Gospel that Jesus preached. Just what does that gospel consist of, and just where does this Gospel exist, and just what does that Gospel indicate? That Gospel has many interpretations and we have heard many Denominational approaches to it.
We have heard that it is considered Good News that this Gospel is of GOOD NEWS. It is true that the Gospel that Jesus preached the Gospel of the Kingdom is certainly the most unusual and tremendous of the ‘GOOD NEWS’ that can be delivered. It is the news of redemption, to a race that required it, and was certainly of Great importance to them. But the Gospel that Jesus preached was the declarations and purposes of God’s plans in the earth. Of what He expected out of those who could react and perform, and carry on this responsibility. When we talk about the Gospel that Jesus preached, it is not the Gospel that many today declare it to be.