The Great Election

The Great Election

WE ARE LIVING IN A TIME WHEN ELECTIONS HAVE A GREAT IMPORTANCE ALTHOUGH WE DO NOT HAVE TOO MUCH TO DO WITH THEM.  We think that we have to take our choices and take our chances, and think that we have voted for something.  In these instances, we watch our candidates selected in our national elections, at the conventions.  And the general thought is that if you are a Republican you will get a Republican candidate and if a Democrat then you get a Democrat candidate.  Although today the issues which divide the two parties are not the essentials of a modern election. The modern election today is decided before you ever get to the polls.  They have selected candidates who do not give you any place to go.  So you go down and select a person who you think will do you the least amount of harm instead of selecting someone who will do America the most good. But the idea is that we vote and we have selected the individual that we desired to elect.  And we accept the decision of the people and we think it is the decision of the people.  But we are not always sure.  We are not sure, but we think in the last election that Mr. Nixon lost Illinois and Texas by fraud.  So you cannot depend upon these elections.

But the election I am interested in this afternoon had only one person casting the ballot.  And this ballot was cast by HE who can make all things come to pass.  And that, my friends, is the election of God.  In this instance, the most important thing for you and I, is to be classified as the Elect of God, for the task of God which God commits HIS Elect.  For in this instance, it does relate to offices and power.  It does relate to destiny.  And it does relate to the earth and all that is in it.