The Fruit of The Spirit

The Fruit of The Spirit

THIS AFTERNOON WE ARE TALKING UPON A SUBJECT THAT IS VERY VITAL AND THE UNDERSTANDING OF CHRISTIAN RELATIONSHIP IN THE WORLD IN WHICH A PERSON DWELLS. We are speaking on the subject of ‘The fruit of the spirit’ well recognizing that many discussions of this ‘fruit of the spirit’ has actually been used to hinder the development of God’s kingdom rather than to carry it forward. We are dwelling in an area in which a great struggle for control of the earth is being carried on, and that this struggle has to succeed in the seat of human consciousness. Again we would lay the premise that all that you see in all of the Universe round about you and in all of the work of the creation of men’s minds, everything that you behold IS THOUGHT TRANSLATED INTO ACTION.

As you see, we have referred this to the buildings that you see and the great technology. And we talk about the areas of knowledge, science and inventions which have produced the instruments for all of the functioning substance of our society. All are the by-product of thought. We might also point to the Universe round about from the sidereal systems to all that grows round about you, to all that lives and grows, and you have the blueprint of the creative purposes of the MOST HIGH. So the universe and all that is within it, even the opposition forces which are against you, are the by-products of thought translated into reality. This being so, then this is the most important area of conflict of what we are facing, which we are told, is the world order and a brave new world. I want you to know that the battle of semantics and the impressions and ideas that are being created are one of the most significant things that we face in our time.