AS WE TURN TO OUR SUBJECT IT IS WITH THE REALISATION THAT WE HAVE MOVED INTO A VERY STRANGE PERIOD OF TRIBULATION. The Book of Revelation talks about the day and the age in which we live. It refers to a large physical institution called the church as being in the church age of Laodicea. At the same time it talks about a true church that has been built out of the household of God’s family who have been guided by the Spirit of God, to whom the knowledge of God is constant. And from which the doctrines of God’s truth emerges forth from this church, and is referred to as the church age of Philadelphia. But in the course of these patterns the doctrines of the true church stand so far apart from the doctrines of Apostasy that today are sweeping the nation until we can well see that we have arrived at the period spoken of in the Book of Thessalonians as the period of Apostasy and falling away.
In fact in the second chapter it tells us: we beseech thee brethren, by the coming of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, and by our gathering together unto HIM, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter. Let no man deceive you by any means for that day of Christ shall not come except there be a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the sons of perdition.
There is no question of the fact that we have approached the climax of events that lead up to the return of The Christ. And we have also come to the day of the Great Apostasy.