Prophetic Voices and Warnings From Celestial Planes

Prophetic Voices and Warnings From Celestial Planes

AS WE SPEAK TO YOU ON THE SUBJECT OF VOICES that are coming out of the dimensions of spirit, and out of the energies which have just been released, we tell you that there has never been a period in human history when there are more voices speaking to gather the attention of people than now. Never have more powers, unseen, been at work to guide and influence men, than in the present period in which we are living. We recognize that it is hard in a period of sophistication which we now see, to bring some of the great factors and fantasies to dawn upon the consciousness of people who have set aside everything they cannot behold of cannot see, as not important, not significant, or maybe non-existent.

There are a great number of people who in their thinking have been conscious only of their physical existence, because they have been so blinded with the propaganda of gross materialism of our time, that even a great number of the household of God, Children of spirit, have been shall we say, put to sleep concerning their spiritual reality. Now the moment one talks about the planes of spirit, and things people cannot see, some are prone to say: superstition. And then there are others because in combating the areas in which their church did not participate in, or in opposition to theology which they oppose, came forth to try to say that there are no dimensions of spirit which surround us, and that therefore no voices which could come out of it. In fact the moment someone talks about the planes of spirit and Celestial voices, and inspiration some one says: Spiritualism. And someone else says: spiritism and another name was classified.

Prophetic Hour

Prophetic Hour

I THINK THAT ONE OF THE THINGS WHICH WE WANT TO CALL TO YOUR ATTENTION is a rather strange and unique situation. When ‘Golden’ (Golda) Meir came to the United States, she brought a golden bible with her. And this golden bible she presented to a propaganda minister for Israeli. She gave it to Billy Graham. So Billy Graham received a golden Bible from ‘Golden’ Meir and in his speaking a few weeks ago he utilized this golden bible that he received. And last Saturday night he spoke and he said he just wanted any Christian to know that there is no reason to fear being exposed to Jewry.

He wanted all the Christians to know that the one thing which was held against the Jews, by Christians, was that the Jews crucified Christ. And then he said that now he wanted all Christians to know that the Jews did not crucify Christ, that it was done entirely by the Romans. And thus Billy Graham whitewashed the Jews holding the golden Bible he got for being their press agent. And He also said that he does not know why Christian are so opposed to the National council of Churches, which we know denies the virgin birth of Christ and the blood atonement.

We well recognize that to get the response that he must get out of Conservative Americans, and to get the backing of conservative Americans that he must never turn back on the basis fundamentals, of the virgin birth and the blood atonement, he tries to explain away, But how can he turn his back on the death of our LORD? For when he says that the Roman did it all then he forgets that it was a group of Jewish soldiers who invaded the garden.

Prophecy – Russia, Red China and The Western World

Prophecy – Russia, Red China and The Western World

AS AMERICAN CITIZENS, each of us are interested in anything which effects our civilization and effects the very life of our nation itself. Nor can we escape the impact of events which transpire around the world because we are living within it. There is an inner linkage of all nations tonight, because we have been foolish enough to become entangled and entrapped in a world conspiracy to rule all of the earth. This program is not designed to share this administrative rule with the United States, but it is designed to influence these United States and to rule all of the world with the anti-Christ and evil influence.

We point out tonight, that we are in a doubly endangered entrapment, one of which is our membership inside of the United Nations. And the other is in having leadership which is advised by those who are friendly to our enemies, and the strange and peculiar process by which we are negating our strength and our power, all which, fulfils the enemies design and strategy. It is important for us to realize that diplomatic developments in the last few weeks, have added to the administrations pressure to the development of better relations with the Soviet Union.

Prophecy in The News

Prophecy in The News

TONIGHT WE SEE AGAIN, AN ATTACK UPON OUR NATION as we hear of the attack upon our aircraft in the Japanese sea and we see some strange conditions around this. First, we blame North Korea, for she claimed she shot down this unarmed reconnaissance plane and she claims a great victory and calls America a ‘Paper Tiger.’ And well she may be, under our present leadership.

In this situation you will note several things. Several newspapers in the Mid-West and one in Canada, and even the television, came on with the first news and said this: ‘the first of our aircraft into that area found Russian Destroyers in that area trying to find wreckage of our plane.’ Now, supposedly, helping us. However, these first reports said that the Russians had taken seven living crew members from the wreckage and two dead ones and had them on board those Destroyers, three Destroyers. That one of the wings of the plane showed that it had been hit by shrapnel from below.

Now, the idea that we were hit by Migs could well be true as North Korea has Migs. But these first items said Russian Destroyers had shelled our craft and seven crew members were taken alive. That story was pulled back and buried. And the next morning, the Russians were taken to Japan and turned over to our authorities and nothing was ever said again about the seven survivors. If there were survivors, of course, they could tell us what happened so we will hear nothing more from these men.

Promised Before The World Began

Promised Before The World Began

Current events – About our getting out of the United Nations) (Adam Clayton Powell, put out of congress) (a trouble with the colleges in California, and Mr. Reagan’s stand for correction in the schools) (the rising of the right wing) Promised before the world began. .

WE TURN IN THE BOOK OF TITUS TODAY, and the Apostle Paul begins with a great declaration and moves into a great area of truth.

“Paul a servant of YAHWEH AND AN APOSTLE OF Jesus Christ according to the faith of God’s elect, and the acknowledgment of truth, which is after godliness. In hope of Eternal life, which God who cannot lie promised before the world began.” Promised to whom? The Elect. Hear this now. The Apostle Paul who is writing to the Elect of God, writing to the children of the Kingdom, to the house of Israel. And he has already proven that they are the elect of God in the world, sites that therefore in hopes of Eternal life, from a God which cannot lie.

And in fact this is an understatement for God is true and he cannot lie, not at all. But God has promised us something, and He promised it before the world began. He promised His kingdom that he would restore to Eternal Life. And he had promised that we would have Eternal life before the foundation of the world. He promised that this would be brought forth, and he would fulfil it in his redemption. Therefore He as Yahweh-God, as redeemer promised to the Household of Israel, the children of His elect, this promise of Eternal Life. And promised this Eternal life, before the world began.

Proclaiming Liberty Throughout The Land

Proclaiming Liberty Throughout The Land

We recognize very well that we are in one of the great turning points in all human history. But behind it is the panorama of events which has its foundations in the eternities and reaches out into the endless tomorrows. In the book of Isaiah, we read: “The Spirit of YAHWEH, God is upon me, because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; He hath sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound.”

Here he is not literally talking to people in prison, he is not literally talking about people who have been held captive in some far off dungeon. He is talking about the strategy of the enemy of God’s kingdom. The forces of evil that try to bind men where they think, to hold them in dungeons of darkness, of oppression and to hold them by the process of fear. So the proclamation that Isaiah is talking of is the liberty that comes with knowledge. That is why we repeat, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” This statement by Christ was inferring that the knowledge of truth that proceeds out of the mind of God illuminating the individual will set him free, free from fears, from errors, from brainwashing, and all of the things that capture and destroy men. Therefore Isaiah said: I have been sent to proclaim liberty.

Preserving Our Racial Self Respect

Preserving Our Racial Self Respect

IN FORMER SERMONS WE HAVE BEEN TALKING ABOUT OUR CONSTITUTION. In this we cited “that this Great Nation under God” had been built by God’s hand wisely as He guided the people to migrate out of the nations of Western Europe and settled them in this great land of “The Wilderness”, which was prepared for them. Here we became a great people, having a great least common denominator in our background … we were all White, we were all Christians. The point of our national origin was not as important as the fact that we all came out of one race, a race which God had established in the earth when He placed Adam here and told him to have dominion over it in order to bring in His Kingdom.

There are a great many things for which we can be thankful for the guidance of God and for the prayers of our forefathers when they drew up the great Constitution of these United States and the Bill of Rights, and so it is as we consider the problems of our times, “The time of Jacob’s trouble”, as in the 30th chapter of Jeremiah. At this time strange alien influences have come into our land and are seeking to destroy this great nation of God’s Kingdom. The way they know best to do this is under the guidance of their father the devil by bringing about the violation of divine law and trying to destroy the things which God hath wrought.

Prehistoric America

Prehistoric America

AS WE TURN TONIGHT TO THE SECOND MESSAGE AS TO THE ANTIQUITY OF OUR CONTINENT, and to the things which have taken place in this our homeland in this part of the earth we will talk to you again about Prehistoric America, and some of the things which are essential for us to know. Never has there been a period in history when men have been so blessed with the results of research. The strange inquisitiveness God has placed in us has caused us to search out, and to know, out of which has produced the great areas of our modern science and archaeology. In its probing study of man, and the origin of Races in its basic concepts and patterns we have been searching, seeking knowledge.

We have watched the emerging concepts of anthropology having added to it, fact to replace theory. And out of the Ethnic studies of the peoples of earth we find again that the leading areas of such an investigation reposes upon your race. There is more known about the earth today than has ever been known about it in any age of human history. There is more known tonight about the pattern of events that even preceded our own Race upon the earth than has ever been known before.

But today how few are discussing, how few are researching these factors for their own knowledge outside of the research scientists themselves. How much is being done today to confuse in the mind of the student inside of our colleges the true knowledge of things which have gone before. Strange substitutes are established in the earth to replace the areas of truth which the LORD willed, and delivered unto HIS people.

So as we turn to the subject tonight of Pre‑historic America we would go back; way way back, even back to the positions which follow the first and second verses of Genesis. For we are told:…………

Power For You Today

Power For You Today


You will note that one of the major areas of legislation in this past week was in the House of Representatives who in that House passes the modification to our immigration laws WHICH ARE IN CONFORMITY TO A MASTER STRATEGY IN THE PROGRAM OF THE ANTI-CHRIST. THIS PURPOSE UPON THE POWERS OF DARKNESS IS TO TOTALLY DESTROY IF POSSIBLE THE IDENTITY OF THE GREAT NATIONS OF THE WESTERN WORLD AND ESPECIALLY THESE UNITED STATES.

In the days of our founding Fathers, they recognized their responsibility before God in their desire to preserve the race in which we are a part.

The Power of the Shekinah Glory

The Power of the Shekinah Glory

AS WE CONSIDER THIS SUBJECT THEN WE THINK UPON THE WORDS, “THINE IS THE GLORY AND THE POWER“, there is no question about the fact that the eternal God who is the Power and the Glory is the author of all things. He is the one in Colossians where it says that all things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. They were made for HIM and By Him, and thus we have the attributes of God. Here we have the power of God manifested first in Omniscience, and then in Omnipotence. Knowing how to do everything for Omniscience is all knowledge. And Omnipotence is all power. This is all power to do any thing, to accomplish anything, to bring anything to reality. So if you know everything and can do everything, then you cannot have a total and complete victory in the universe, this would be very anti-God.

Thus, my friends, HE cannot deny himself. This Eternal God who is your Father is the master of this situation. Therefore he looks down over the course of ages, and over the periods of time and says that ‘this is what I am going to do’. And you can depend upon the surety of this. The power and the Glory, and as we look upon this area of glory then we have some area of understanding. Of course as we go back into the background of the origin of this our own race, the Adamic race. And we discover that as we go into the background of this race, that you were begotten of the Father in the plains of spirit before this world began, in the heavens above, in the ages of yesterday. Long before you were in earth in this flesh body, you existed with the Father, as it tells you in the book of Ephesians, before this world was framed. And it was these people that he foreknew that he invested in the kingdom.