The Power of the Shekinah Glory

The Power of the Shekinah Glory

AS WE CONSIDER THIS SUBJECT THEN WE THINK UPON THE WORDS, “THINE IS THE GLORY AND THE POWER“, there is no question about the fact that the eternal God who is the Power and the Glory is the author of all things. He is the one in Colossians where it says that all things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. They were made for HIM and By Him, and thus we have the attributes of God. Here we have the power of God manifested first in Omniscience, and then in Omnipotence. Knowing how to do everything for Omniscience is all knowledge. And Omnipotence is all power. This is all power to do any thing, to accomplish anything, to bring anything to reality. So if you know everything and can do everything, then you cannot have a total and complete victory in the universe, this would be very anti-God.

Thus, my friends, HE cannot deny himself. This Eternal God who is your Father is the master of this situation. Therefore he looks down over the course of ages, and over the periods of time and says that ‘this is what I am going to do’. And you can depend upon the surety of this. The power and the Glory, and as we look upon this area of glory then we have some area of understanding. Of course as we go back into the background of the origin of this our own race, the Adamic race. And we discover that as we go into the background of this race, that you were begotten of the Father in the plains of spirit before this world began, in the heavens above, in the ages of yesterday. Long before you were in earth in this flesh body, you existed with the Father, as it tells you in the book of Ephesians, before this world was framed. And it was these people that he foreknew that he invested in the kingdom.