Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 110

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 110

The Maccabees

THE BOOKS OF THE MACCABEES WERE NOT INCLUDED IN THE KING JAMES VERSION OF OUR BIBLE, although they are in the Common Bible and in some other translations. Their time span was in between the Old Testament and the New, toward the end of that time span, and they describe the work of one family who fought to maintain a place for Israel in that old land until the birth of the Christ Child which they were looking forward to with much anticipation.

To understand these events which happened you will need to know who the people of the story are, just as you do when you read the rest of your Bible. The leader of this famous family was Mattathias who was (as the old book 1813 confirms) a Priest of Israel from the direct lineage of AARON. This was as you know an inherited Priesthood, thus his sons would also be Priests of Israel after the death of their father.

Mattathias had five sons who were:—

1. John, surnamed Gaddi
2. Simon, called Thassi
3. Judas, called Maccabeus
4. Eleazar, called Avaran
5. Jonathan, called Apphus

In his time span then, Mattathias seeing the conditions in old Jerusalem moved his family to the city of Modine, to remove them from the temptations which had now taken over this old Hebrew city.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 109

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 109

The Secrets of Ancient Egypt A Review

SINCE MOST OF OUR PEOPLE FEEL A FASCINATION FOR THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA, although they may not quite know why, we find this old book very interesting as well as finding a slightly different theory as to why this Great Pyramid was built.

The Author follows and amplifies the theory advanced by the late Mr. Marsham Adams that the Great Pyramid of Giza was built in such a manner to be a symbolic monument of, THE SECRETS, contained in the book, ‘The Egyptian Book of the Dead.’ This book and the Great Pyramid are thus held to be mutually explanatory, and to enshrine the ‘Secret’ truths taught by those teachers of Ancient Egypt. (Secrets we believe because they were great ‘Truths’ not to be given to the World Order which not understanding would only corrupt. They were messages to be passed on generation after generation to a certain race of people some of whom would always understand and pass them on keeping them alive.) This book was published by the David McKay Co. Pa., in these United States, and published first in Britain. It was written just after the final work done by Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter as they did their last excavations in Ancient Egypt.

In our day as well as over the years, those who did not understand have termed these so called ‘Mysteries’ as being on the Occult side of religion, but the symbolism which has veiled the deep meanings of this Ancient Wisdom Religion from which true Masonry came is still not unravelled for the World Order to see, and is still a ‘Mystery’ to most of our people here following the path of the World Order.

Today the word ‘Mysteries’ conveys something vague and indefinite or uncertain. In the olden days this was known as the instructions into the Meaning of LIFE; its origin, and its immortal nature for a people. In the lower degrees it stood for the culture of those days; for knowledge in Chemistry, History, Mathematics, Physics, and so forth. In the Greater Mysteries (truths) those practices led the aspirant gradually beyond the confines of physical experience into the realization of Immortal Life, and a knowledge of the conditions which are obtained in the Next World.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 107

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 107

The City and The Tsar
Peter The Great And His Move To The West 1648‑1762
A Book Review

WE ARE TRYING TO UNRAVEL THE HISTORY OF A PEOPLE OF THE EAST, especially that which led to Communism in the Soviet Union in 1917. Again we turn to the storyteller Harold Lamb as we again trace some of this history of Ancient Asia, out of which came this ‘ARYAN MAN’. We have seen that one mighty Conqueror after another held sway over great dominions for a time, and that Genghis Khan and his sons led their Hoards from the Steppes into Europe in their drive for world power. In each of these drives by these mighty Conquerors, there was a mixing of blood of the people which has had an effect on the way they think and the way the people act even in the generations to come. Since this was a breaking of God’s Law the consequences are always inescapable.

In our time we saw the rise of Communism in Russia which changed the picture in that area, and we have told you how that came about, but as you understand this you also know that the area called Russia today has been overrun with various races and mixed races at least every since the coming to earth of Aryan Man. After the Mongols came no more against Europe then we find that Aryan Royalty again turned eastward seeking to gain a foothold in Russia. The great Mongol Conquerors did their thing seeking power over people, but the Aryan Man has always been searching for land, a homeland to build their homes, this is the difference in Asiatic Conquerors and the Western man.

In this time we are interested in then it was the Romanovs who were seeking a homeland and they came eastward looking for such a home. The greatest of this Royal family would be Peter, the son of Alex, and later he would be called ‘Peter the Great’ because after three generations of rule by this Royal family, then Peter tried in one generation to lift this land of the Rus to a cultural equality with Europe.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 108

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 108

Ancient Secrets Point out Today’s Problems
March 1, 1991

TRYING TO SORT OUT THE WHY? OF “OPERATION DESERT STORM”, we turned again to Ancient records. In the old book sent by Jeanette from the same Library is the book called “Geography or Gazettee of the Bible”, by Elijah Parish D.D., Minister of Byfield, Mass, published in 1813., we find more information about the countries, kingdoms, nations, hills, mountains, rivers, lakes, seas and islands mentioned in Sacred Scripture, Apocrypha, including accounts of the religions, governments, populations, fulfilment of prophecies, and even present conditions and important places.

In the preface of this old book we find these words: (quote) ‘The hour is fast approaching when the studies of such Christians will be a blessing to those left behind. Such a volume as this is a LIGHT directing all nations to the NEW JERUSALEM. The Scripture appears to many to be obscure, and unintelligible and unless guided, how could they understand? They read of Canaan, and of Mesopotamia, and Cush, and Misraim, and Ishmaelites; they find nothing to satisfy their curiosity. Is it then so strange that Sacred History is not understood, or appealing to them.’ (unquote)

Here early in the year of 1991 as we moved into this ground war of ‘Operation Desert Storm’ pity then the person who cannot find that area on the map. In fact can they even find the area where the Mount of Olives stands which felt the SAVIOURS last footsteps, or the Hill of Calvary where His blood stained the Rocks? If even that area has been obscured up to now how then could the people of His Kingdom find any connection to the events in the other area of this old Biblical Land??

Using this old Geography we will try to establish who the people in this great struggle in the Persian Gulf really are, and why as the BATTLE AXE AND WEAPONS OF WAR we and the people of the coalition are now doing what is being done.

Under the heading of Arabia in this old book we see that the Arabian Desert is where the Israelites wandered in the Wilderness, for 40 years as the Almighty, using Moses as Commander, built a great fighting force of His people so as to take back that old land of Canaan once the homeland of their ancestors. Here in this Wilderness, in their preparation, manna even rained from the heavens to feed them, since there were no trees, no pasture for flocks, nothing but desert, no Inn, no hospital, or cottage for the weary traveller, only the sand for his couch, and the heavens for his covering, the provisions in his sack, and the water in his bottle.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 106

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 106

ONCE MORE WE BRING BY BOOK REVIEW, A TRACING OF OUR ANCESTORS. Two volumes were found bearing the title ‘Race Life of the Aryan People,’ by Jeannette, in the library of WSU (Wichita State University). These two books are in very good condition, perhaps not been read by many. But they have thus been preserved. Again, as others found in that library there is some marking of interesting passages as though someone understood what they were reading.

We of course, read from an ‘Identity point of view.’ But as you read some of the thoughts of our author, remember what has taken place since he penned these interesting thoughts:-

Every masterful race of this world’s history has its tales told, from father to son. This is a story of the race in spoken language, and side by side is the tale of Race life, not in words, but lived in deeds done. This epic ‘Lived’ is always more wonderful than the epic told. Race life is broader and deeper than the life of any man or of many men. The great men of the Race stand out as Landmarks of a people. But the marvellous tales of how the Aryan people lived, made the deserts bloom, built up Empires, sailed the unknown seas, these are the tales handed down from father to son which become the history of a race of people.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 105

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 105

TODAY WE ARE SEEING THE YOUNGER HISTORIANS AND ARCHAEOLOGISTS REALIZING THAT A LARGE SLICE OF AMERICA’S PAST HAS MYSTERIOUSLY VANISHED FROM OUR PUBLIC RECORDS. Today some are wondering why and looking for those vanished records. Ancient inscriptions from nearly all parts of the United States, Canada and even Latin America are again being reported. These inscriptions are written in languages in alphabets that date from 2500 years ago and perhaps further back. They speak of visits from ancient ships, or permanent colonies of Celts, Basques, Libyans, and even of ancient Egyptians more distant in the past. These inscriptions appear on buried temples, tablets, gravestones and on cliff faces. From some of the inscriptions, we find that these ancient colonists intermarried with earlier colonists. And of course, this attempt to bury the ancient history of these United States, these early colonists were all termed ‘Indians.’ Although the authors do notice a distinction between the Asiatics and those we call ‘AMAZING ARYANS.’

In this attempt to bury the ancient history of America, these ‘finds’ of traces of ancient people were called misguided folly or forgeries, or cranks trying to fabricate a society that did not exist. However, in the past fifteen years, these ancient scripts have been deciphered, and this ‘truth’ has now come to light. Now it has been admitted that these inscriptions could only have been inscribed by those ancient people. No longer can historians claim that people wandered naked over this planet without the knowledge of how to cross from one continent to another.

These signs tell us that settlers from the old world came, remained, and became founding fathers of even some of the ‘so-called’ American Indian nations. By the summer of 1975, many of the ‘facts’ came to light in an Archaeological survey in New Hampshire and in Vermont which could no longer be ignored. This brought about the publication of this book ‘America B.C.’ by Barry Fell.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 104

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 104

AFTER READING OF THE LOST PHARAOH’S WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO BELIEVE that these early Master Builders of this Adamic Race just sat down in Egypt after their great building venture in that land, and stayed in their rocking chairs until they died and were buried? Or would you be willing to accept as we do the evidence that these Master Builders and some of their descendants moved on leaving others to Administrate what they had set in order in Egypt while they fulfilled their Destiny in other places?

As we were searching for more records of the past, Jeanette found in the Library of the Kansas University this book called, “The Druids”, and here it is stated that this was a study in Keltic History. Of course we were interested in seeing as to what this author, T.D. Kendrick M.A., Department of British and Medieval Antiquities, of the British Museum would have to say about the Ancient Druids of Britain.

As we have outlined for you before there were Druids in Britain long before the coming of the Kelts, but our author struggled through several chapters in his book pointing out that this study of Druidism is a general knowledge of THE RACIAL HISTORY AND PREHISTORY, AS WELL AS THE SOCIAL ATMOSPHERE OF THE EARLY GALLIC AND BRITISH CIVILIZATION. He however found it difficult to establish the distant past because tradition is laughed at in the modern world. He did point out that the word MAGI is associated with the word DRUID, then added that this does not mean much to a sophisticated Modern student. You will recall that Dr. Swift told us that the Druids as well as the Magi were a part of the Ancient ‘Light Carriers’ of the race, and in that category we would place them as interesting.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 103

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 103

AS WE REVIEW THIS BOOK PUBLISHED IN 1950 IN BRITAIN, and written by Leonard Cottreal perhaps you wonder why this study of these Ancient so called Egyptian people is so important as we are tracing the Adamic people as they spread out over the earth as those ‘Amazing Aryans’? One thing our people fail to realize is that these Ancient peoples had a great knowledge and a great faith as they moved out over the earth.

Perhaps this will explain: This is an excerpt taken from a writing called: ‘The Second Treatise of the Great Seth.’ This was found by Jeanette in the Book called, ‘The Nag Hammadi Library’, now in English. (Christ is now speaking to Seth, and seemingly explaining His part as His children walk the earth as those Amazing Aryans)

‘I was in the mouths of lions. And the plan which they devised about me to release their error and their senselessness, I did not succumb to them as they had planned. But I was not afflicted at all. Those who were there punished me. And I did not die in reality but in appearance, lest I be put to shame by them because these are my kinsfolk. I removed the shame from me and I did not become fainthearted in the face of what happened to me at their hands.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 102

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 102

‘This Generation Shall Not Pass Until All – Things Be Fulfilled’. (Matthew 24:34)

The word Generation carried a double meaning which is often not realized. It carries the meaning of RACE as well as a period of time in someone’s life. The Generations of the Adamic Race begins in the Scriptures in Genesis 4:1. When The Christ walked the earth as Jesus, Saviour, the word still carried the meaning of Race because many of the generations of this race would come and go and still the Kingdom Administrations is not in place. Jesus thus was saying that there would still be some of His race here in earth as He comes as KING OF KINGS. He was also saying that the Viper Race would still be with us also right up to the time of the Return of The Christ as KING OF KINGS. They would still be denying the Resurrection, still be trying to pervert the doctrines of the Church (the spiritual centre of the Kingdom), still be trying to subvert the plan of this Divine Administration of earth, and still be shedding the blood of men who are on the ‘RIGHT’, as well as usurping the position of God’s chosen people.

For instance: ‘The tree (family tree or race) is known by its fruit, O Generation (race) of vipers how can ye being evil speak good things?’ Matthew 12:34. ‘The children of the World (order) are in their generations (races) wiser than the Children of Light’ (Luke 16:8). ‘A seed shall serve HIM; it shall be accounted to the LORD for a generation (race)’. Psalms 22:30.

Today we still find the same battle raging between the Children of Light and the Children of Darkness. In this tape we are recalling to your memory another time in our history when this battle was very much in focus. At that time in our history as a nation there were still too many communists in our Government, too many people in high places in our nation did believe in our God, and the drive was on to make these United States a part of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, no longer a Sovereign Nation.

At this time in history then God ‘called’, and another Patriot stood for God and Country and denounced the enemy. As we look into the life of this other Patriot in this continuing battle we have the testimony of a Lady who worked for this Patriot during the time the powers of Darkness sought to destroy a young Senator who sought to warn the American people of this Communist infiltration of their Government, this was Larry Lent. We also have a book by the young Jewish attorney who worked for this Senator and his name was Roy Cohn.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 101

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 101

‘The Continuing Battle Between The Children Of Light And The Children Of Darkness.”

IN THIS SERIES, YAHWEH WILLING, THE THEME IS THE SAME AND IDENTIFICATION IS THE STORY, and we will be using as always the Tape Ministry of Dr. Swift and my understanding as we try to bring you more details in this continuing battle in our time in the flesh.

Today all people walk under one banner or the other, as they move here in their time table in this program of Restoration and the eventual Restitution of all things. Today there are two ways of teaching, One is of Light, and one is of Darkness. There is a great difference in the two, one is of the LORD from Eternity to Eternity, the other is the rule of the present time of Iniquity. One is the Gospel of the Kingdom which is the Administration of the earth by Divine Law, from the throne of God, and The Children of LIGHT who inherit the kingdom while the other is by Satan and his Children of Darkness who have been trying to gain total control and hold the whole world in Darkness.

In the DEAD SEA SCROLLS there is recorded: ‘the war between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness’. This is written as though a battle here in the physical, which it is, but also it is in allegory and symbolism, and we have learned when we find his reality to look further for a much deeper meaning.