Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 107

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 107

The City and The Tsar
Peter The Great And His Move To The West 1648‑1762
A Book Review

WE ARE TRYING TO UNRAVEL THE HISTORY OF A PEOPLE OF THE EAST, especially that which led to Communism in the Soviet Union in 1917. Again we turn to the storyteller Harold Lamb as we again trace some of this history of Ancient Asia, out of which came this ‘ARYAN MAN’. We have seen that one mighty Conqueror after another held sway over great dominions for a time, and that Genghis Khan and his sons led their Hoards from the Steppes into Europe in their drive for world power. In each of these drives by these mighty Conquerors, there was a mixing of blood of the people which has had an effect on the way they think and the way the people act even in the generations to come. Since this was a breaking of God’s Law the consequences are always inescapable.

In our time we saw the rise of Communism in Russia which changed the picture in that area, and we have told you how that came about, but as you understand this you also know that the area called Russia today has been overrun with various races and mixed races at least every since the coming to earth of Aryan Man. After the Mongols came no more against Europe then we find that Aryan Royalty again turned eastward seeking to gain a foothold in Russia. The great Mongol Conquerors did their thing seeking power over people, but the Aryan Man has always been searching for land, a homeland to build their homes, this is the difference in Asiatic Conquerors and the Western man.

In this time we are interested in then it was the Romanovs who were seeking a homeland and they came eastward looking for such a home. The greatest of this Royal family would be Peter, the son of Alex, and later he would be called ‘Peter the Great’ because after three generations of rule by this Royal family, then Peter tried in one generation to lift this land of the Rus to a cultural equality with Europe.