Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 108

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 108

Ancient Secrets Point out Today’s Problems
March 1, 1991

TRYING TO SORT OUT THE WHY? OF “OPERATION DESERT STORM”, we turned again to Ancient records. In the old book sent by Jeanette from the same Library is the book called “Geography or Gazettee of the Bible”, by Elijah Parish D.D., Minister of Byfield, Mass, published in 1813., we find more information about the countries, kingdoms, nations, hills, mountains, rivers, lakes, seas and islands mentioned in Sacred Scripture, Apocrypha, including accounts of the religions, governments, populations, fulfilment of prophecies, and even present conditions and important places.

In the preface of this old book we find these words: (quote) ‘The hour is fast approaching when the studies of such Christians will be a blessing to those left behind. Such a volume as this is a LIGHT directing all nations to the NEW JERUSALEM. The Scripture appears to many to be obscure, and unintelligible and unless guided, how could they understand? They read of Canaan, and of Mesopotamia, and Cush, and Misraim, and Ishmaelites; they find nothing to satisfy their curiosity. Is it then so strange that Sacred History is not understood, or appealing to them.’ (unquote)

Here early in the year of 1991 as we moved into this ground war of ‘Operation Desert Storm’ pity then the person who cannot find that area on the map. In fact can they even find the area where the Mount of Olives stands which felt the SAVIOURS last footsteps, or the Hill of Calvary where His blood stained the Rocks? If even that area has been obscured up to now how then could the people of His Kingdom find any connection to the events in the other area of this old Biblical Land??

Using this old Geography we will try to establish who the people in this great struggle in the Persian Gulf really are, and why as the BATTLE AXE AND WEAPONS OF WAR we and the people of the coalition are now doing what is being done.

Under the heading of Arabia in this old book we see that the Arabian Desert is where the Israelites wandered in the Wilderness, for 40 years as the Almighty, using Moses as Commander, built a great fighting force of His people so as to take back that old land of Canaan once the homeland of their ancestors. Here in this Wilderness, in their preparation, manna even rained from the heavens to feed them, since there were no trees, no pasture for flocks, nothing but desert, no Inn, no hospital, or cottage for the weary traveller, only the sand for his couch, and the heavens for his covering, the provisions in his sack, and the water in his bottle.