Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 17

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 17

QUESTION: Who is Nicodemus of John chapter 3, who came to Jesus at night? How does he tie in with the other disciples for he came with Joseph of Arimathea later after the cross?

ANSWER: Since we have done the topic ‘Born Again’ and twice born people, and their differences will tell you here what we know about Nicodemus, and others of this close knit group of YAHSHUA’S ministry other than Joseph of Arimathea who we have spoken of before also.

In the time of YAHSHUA’S ministry there were several wealthy Israelite families living in Judea. In Jerusalem itself was the home of the father and mother of Mark who wrote one of the four Gospels of our Bible. This was a large home in the centre of the city, on Mt. Zion. It had more than one story and it was in the upper room of this house where the Passover supper was eaten. Here many times the upper room was used when the disciples or YAHSHUA came to Jerusalem. The mother of John Mark became a great hostess, and her home was known as the House of Mary. And this Mary is the 4th listed, Mary, in the Scriptures.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 16

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 16

QUESTION: John 2:4; ‘What have I to do with thee? Mine hour is not yet come.’

ANSWER: This was at the wedding in Cana of Galilee, and YAHSHUA was gathering His disciples, but he and they were invited to this wedding. In the Ferrah Fenton Bible this is translated as He replied to His mother when she said they had run out of wine. ‘What is that to you and ME mother? My time has not yet come.’

Good wine is not wine with an alcohol content. So YAHSHUA did not turn water into intoxicating wine as you might have thought. The process

of fermentation is not a natural one. Nature never forms spirituous liquors, she rots the grape upon the branch, but it is an art thought up by men that converts the juice into alcoholic wine.

In the Book of Josephus he makes mention of Herod’s fortress called Masada. There Herod had stored large quantities of grain to enable his army to survive for a long time. Here also was wine and oil in abundance with all kinds of herbs, vegetables, and dates heaped up together. These products were also fresh and full, ripe in no way inferior to such fruits laid in, although they had been there almost 100 years.

Such facts regarding long preservation of fruit and other foods are confirmed by many other historians, this seems to be something this world has forgotten.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 15

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 15


1. John the Baptist
2. The Gospel of the Kingdom
3. The Sermon on the Mount
4. Mark 3:23‑29

QUESTION: I have always wondered about John the Baptist because Jesus said: he was greater than any man born of woman, but I don’t understand why Jesus would need to be baptized by John?

ANSWER: Well! We will see what the Gospel has to say about this. Matthew 3:1‑12; ‘In those days came John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea saying, Repent ye; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. This is he that was spoken of by the prophets saying: The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the LORD; make his path straight.’ This John had raiment of camels hair, and a leather girdle about his loins; and his meat was locust and wild honey. They went out to him from Jerusalem, and all of Judea, and all the region around about the Jordan River, and were baptized by him in the Jordan confessing their sins’.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 14

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 14

1. Genealogy Charts
2. The Birth of YAHSHUA
3. The early life and missing 18 years in the Life of Jesus

QUESTION: How does the genealogy chart at the first of the Book of Matthew fit into the story of the birth of the Christ Child if he is the son or embodiment of God?
ANSWER: Well, as you know the Bible is the story of the relationship of the Adamic Race and their father YAHWEH. We now know that YAHWEH is the Eternal Father, and embodied his name is YAHSHUA, our Redeemer and Messiah. As for HIS embodiment in earth HE selected a mother through whom He was to be born. Thus this physical body of the man called Jesus The Christ would be formed in the womb of a woman of the Adamic Race, but the fullness of YAHWEH would abide bodily within this body, Mary would produce. This is one of the purposes of the MOST HIGH which He declared before the foundation of the world. Why would HIS household come into earth this way also embodied as babes out of this Adamic Race He established with Adam and Eve? This is His program for bringing back the earth into its rightful orbit under His rule. Thus He would then come to establish His identity with His race, and come the same way through physical birth out of the Race. No wonder then that the enemy tries to hide this fact from you.
Thus you are to remember those in opposition to this wondrous story, this fulfilment of prophecy, and remember who they are, what they are saying, and that these enemies killed thousands in order to stop this race from arriving at the time when prophecy said HE would come forth from the race, and then they killed babies trying to stop His birth in earth. Thus the enemy only seeds to hide the wondrous story of HIS Testimony as to who this babe was, and that HE came to visit His people, and to do the wondrous things HE had promised to do.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 13

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 13


1. Good figs and bad figs
2. The Great Star of Revelation 8:10‑12
3. Isaiah 26:20‑21
4. Isaiah 53:3
5. Isaiah 43:15‑19
6. Where do you find Israel called an Olive Tree?
7. Why do people not want to know more?
8. ‘Son of Man’
9. Deuteronomy 23:8
10. Leviticus 18:21

QUESTION: Who were the good figs and bad figs of Jeremiah, chapter 24?

ANSWER: Back in the days with Jeremiah this was referring to those who dwelt in Jerusalem, as figs. Remember the moment that a false religion takes over a city or community, it is then tied to the false religious emblem, which is the fig. For the fig is the fruit of the Fig Tree which is that tree of good and evil, or the emblem of Lucifer’s kingdom. Thus the religion of Jerusalem in the days of Ahab became a false religion. In the days when Zedekiah and his sons were taken by Babylon, then Jerusalem was under the religion of Baalism, and the people there in that old city were worshiping many strange and evil gods. But Jeremiah was to write that some of the people within the city under this system of false religion were still good. But some he called bad, very bad, in fact there wasn’t one thing they preached or stood for that could be used, everything about them was evil. Thus there is a division here of the people caught in the web of Baal religion. The evil ones were to be scattered over the world as a taunt, a byword, and a curse. These people, the SHEENIE, Yehudin were the bad figs to be driven out of Jerusalem, and they were dispersed finally in 70 A.D.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 12

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 12


1. Rahab
2. Who was Jael
3. Judges 9
4. Who are the Jews?
5. II Kings 17:6‑23
6. Ezekiel 17:22‑23
7. Nehemiah 13:23

QUESTION: Who was Rahab? And if a Harlot then why is she listed in Hebrews 11:31?

ANSWER: In the Ferrah Fenton Bible she is listed as an Innkeeper, so the word, Harlot, is bad translation. This was a woman of the Adamic race living on the wall of this old city. Her father, mother and brethren in fact her whole household would be marked to be rescued as the Israelites take the city. Why? Because she helped the Israelite scouts who came to see what it was like in that city. But notice Joshua 2:9; for this lady said: ‘I know that YAHWEH hath given you the land. We have heard how YAHWEH dried up the Red Sea for you’. Then verse 11; ‘Our hearts did melt for YAHWEH, your God is the God of heaven above and in the earth beneath’. She not only hid the Israelites but she let them down outside the wall, and told them how to escape those hunting for them from the city.

Now; remember this is a very disciplined fighting force that Joshua is leading here, but the writ of circumcision had not been kept in the wilderness so the Israelites were encamped here after passing over the Jordan on dry ground as YAHWEH held back the waters of the Jordan. And while they were camped for this writ of circumcision then Joshua meets this great warrior (Joshua 5:13). Joshua was astonished but he goes near this great figure and said: ‘Art thou for us or against us?’ Joshua sure didn’t need any more enemies. But then Joshua had caught the vision, had seized the sword, and was ready to launch this crusade and whether he knew it or not the enemy would not be able to make the Israelites break rank or fall. But then there stood that great warrior before him so of course Joshua wanted to know if he was for him or against him.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 11

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 11


1. Abraham
2. The Tower of Babel
3. Esau and Jacob
4. Exodus 4:24

QUESTION: it seems that Abraham is a very important person in the Bible, why is he mentioned so many times in the New Testament as well, since we hear that the Old Testament is supposed to belong to the Jews?

ANSWER: Whoa there, who says that the Old Testament belongs to the Jews? Remember there were 165 Scrolls to be considered when the Bible was put together at Nicaea. Of those 165 Scrolls, 153 were inspired. And this number 153 shows up in Pyramidology as the displacement factor, and in the Scripture Jesus had the disciples count the fish in the net, and there were 153. Fish is the symbol for Israel, so this number is connected to you. In the heavens there were 612 illuminaries (stars) of seventh magnitude, this divided into the four quarters is also 153.

Thus these 153 Scrolls had the message for this great Mosaic which we call the Bible. And also the Bible is not a Book, it is a library of facts, many Books bound together for you to study. Of this 153 we have in our Bible 66 Books with two of them being spurious. Thus we have been trying to give you a broader picture of what the Bible contains so that it will come alive for you as it has for us. As to Abraham, when you come

down the list of Patriarchs from Adam then to Abraham, this race line comes under the covenant and feeds through one, the son of Sarah and Abraham (Genesis 21:12), Isaac. This is the program of YAHWEH and you can’t change it no matter how you misunderstand. As to Abraham being in the New Testament, of course, the people of the New Testament are descendants of the people of the Old Testament. The story is of this same race (Genesis 5:1) all through the Bible.

When you understand why the constant attack upon the Scriptures you are not surprised to find that at the Nicean conference as they decided on the Scriptures to be canonized they were definitely seeking to separate from the selection of Scriptures those doctrines which they could not control. They definitely wanted to eliminate areas of Biblical knowledge which would clearly mark the identity of the enemy, but they did not understand how to obscure all truth. Anything which did not give eternal punishment into the hands of an Eternal Priesthood they sought very carefully to remove.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 10

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 10

QUESTION: What was Admiral Byrd looking for at the South Pole?

ANSWER: Admiral Byrd was looking for an entrance into Inner Earth. He was very curious as to this. Admiral Byrd used to discuss this at the Explorers Club and tell of the things his expedition had uncovered in the Antarctic. He said on one of their trips they could see under the ice great stone buildings, way down in frozen ice. The Byrd expedition came on this spot twice in their transversal of Antarctica, and unless the snow would blow away in drifts they could not find the spot. But they knew that at one time there was a civilization at the South Pole of this globe.

Admiral Byrd had a tremendous notebook of all they had found, and he thought that they could find this area of the frozen city again even though there was nothing to mark it as it was not close enough to any high

mountains to use the peaks for markers of the place. Admiral Byrd reported that there were areas down there covered with perpetual vapour and mists. This means that there is warm air coming out of the earth at all times. Birds fly out of the opening down there, and they found fresh twigs and some leaves and plants scattered around on the ice.

Admiral Byrd believed there was a large opening at either end of the earth and thought that at times these were covered over. He had studied all these things and he knew there was supposed to be a land entrance at the South Pole, and a cold land entrance at the North Pole. And that the seas there were also to be a part of the entrance in the north before the shift of the earth’s axis.

Admiral Byrd was probably more of a student on this subject of the inner earth because he believed so thoroughly in this that he went looking for the entrance. He knew that with birds flying out of areas down there with thousands of miles of ice and snow around that there had to be some area from whence the birds came carrying those pieces of sticks and grass. Some where other than those cities frozen in ice.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 9

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 9


1. The Anti‑Christ
2. Identity of People
3. Under Grace not under Law
4. Born again
5. Black Pope

QUESTION: Scripture talks as though there will be an Anti‑Christ in the last days who will take over the world and rule with evil powers. Is this just one man or many? For instance as in Daniel chapter 8?

ANSWER: The seventh and eighth chapter of Daniel are overlapping and Daniel is explaining, using much symbolism as does John in Revelation, the rise and fall of great powers over the years. This is symbolically describing the continuing battle between the Luciferian kingdom and this Stone Kingdom set in place by YAHWEH which was set in place as a great stone cut out of a mountain without hands.

Some of the symbolism used here is of the horn, this would be as on the headdress of leaders, and kings, and Daniel always refers to this symbol of the horn. Sometimes it was Rams horns, sometimes twisted horns of other animals, but always a symbol of leadership and of military powers. And the Asiatic ruler would always take over the kingdom that rose and wage war against this ‘Stone Kingdom’ which YAHWEH set in place. Thus the prophecies that Daniel was seeing, many of them came true a long time ago and they keep coming true until the time decreed for the fullness of transgression to be reached by the transgressor who is of course Lucifer, and he leads his kingdom people. Lucifer and the people of his kingdom are Anti‑Messiah, translated Anti‑Christs, they have always been since the Luciferian rebellion started.

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 8

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 8

Subjects are:

1. The Stones of Fire
2. Colour in the Celestial
3. The Third Eye
4. The Urim and Thummim
5. Laser Beam

QUESTION: The Stones of fire in Ezekiel 28:14-16; what are they?

ANSWER: ’Thou hath walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. I will destroy thee from the midst of the Stones of Fire.’

In this chapter of Ezekiel, then YAHWEH is talking about Lucifer, about how he once was a great Archangel and could approach unto YAHWEH, Himself. But then he rebelled and was driven out of his place. This Satanic nature must be destroyed.

The Stones of Fire are the colours of the spectrum, all the radiation of the total light band of the ultimate Holy of Holies, out of Celestial white which is a golden light.

At one time, then Lucifer could approach this light before his rebellion. But you, being children of HIS Spirit, begat in Spirit so long ago, can enter this light. You can and will be surrounded by this light, this colour. This sets you far about Angels. And the Stones of Fire are also referred to as the ‘Living Stones,’ sons and daughters who make up the Kingdom.

These Stones of Fire are going to lead us into the following subject: colour in the Celestial realm, the third eye, and the Breastplate, Jewels of the High Priest of Israel, and the Urim and the Thummim, and even the laser beam of today.