Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 11

Ella Rose Mast Study Tape 11


1. Abraham
2. The Tower of Babel
3. Esau and Jacob
4. Exodus 4:24

QUESTION: it seems that Abraham is a very important person in the Bible, why is he mentioned so many times in the New Testament as well, since we hear that the Old Testament is supposed to belong to the Jews?

ANSWER: Whoa there, who says that the Old Testament belongs to the Jews? Remember there were 165 Scrolls to be considered when the Bible was put together at Nicaea. Of those 165 Scrolls, 153 were inspired. And this number 153 shows up in Pyramidology as the displacement factor, and in the Scripture Jesus had the disciples count the fish in the net, and there were 153. Fish is the symbol for Israel, so this number is connected to you. In the heavens there were 612 illuminaries (stars) of seventh magnitude, this divided into the four quarters is also 153.

Thus these 153 Scrolls had the message for this great Mosaic which we call the Bible. And also the Bible is not a Book, it is a library of facts, many Books bound together for you to study. Of this 153 we have in our Bible 66 Books with two of them being spurious. Thus we have been trying to give you a broader picture of what the Bible contains so that it will come alive for you as it has for us. As to Abraham, when you come

down the list of Patriarchs from Adam then to Abraham, this race line comes under the covenant and feeds through one, the son of Sarah and Abraham (Genesis 21:12), Isaac. This is the program of YAHWEH and you can’t change it no matter how you misunderstand. As to Abraham being in the New Testament, of course, the people of the New Testament are descendants of the people of the Old Testament. The story is of this same race (Genesis 5:1) all through the Bible.

When you understand why the constant attack upon the Scriptures you are not surprised to find that at the Nicean conference as they decided on the Scriptures to be canonized they were definitely seeking to separate from the selection of Scriptures those doctrines which they could not control. They definitely wanted to eliminate areas of Biblical knowledge which would clearly mark the identity of the enemy, but they did not understand how to obscure all truth. Anything which did not give eternal punishment into the hands of an Eternal Priesthood they sought very carefully to remove.