Perfect Hatred

Perfect Hatred

I HAVE HAD THIS MESSAGE ON MY HEART FOR QUITE SOME TIME NOW. I have already studied this out and I know what Yahweh has shown me so I have no reservations in sharing this gospel truth. I am very careful when it comes to teaching any subject and basing it upon scripture. I will not put a teaching out until I have studied it and prayed about it. I have no reason to teach lies, but I have all the reason in the world to teach the truth.

The truth is not a popular message. Are the messages you hear and read and believe, popular? Can you click on the Jew-Tube and hear what you believe by your favourite TV evangelist? Are you a victim of mainstream religion and so-called Christianity Today?

Is the message that you listen to a message that is popular amongst the masses? Well if it is, I would venture to say that what you are listening to or reading is NOT TRUE.

The New Testament = New Covenant

The New Testament = New Covenant

These young men had opened their discussion with me by asking me if I was a “New Testament” Christian. When I did not respond promptly enough, they began their presentation to me by taking me down the primrose path of the Roman Road. My first question to these sincere people was this: “What is the New Testament, anyway?” In any sales arena, once you get the prospect talking or asking questions, you are on your way to a sale. Having told me that they were graduating students, they were more than willing to answer my question. Further, since they had claimed that glorious status, it was up to them to explain the term. One of them told me that while the Old Testament dealt with the Jews and The Law, the New Testament was primarily for the Gentiles and operated under Christ’s Grace. He flatly stated that the New Testament Church was not to be concerned with The Old Law, which had been abandoned at The Cross, but was to emphasise Christ’s Grace.

The Bible Teaches That Multiculturalism Leads to Calamity and Extinction for The Host Nation

The Bible Teaches That Multiculturalism Leads to Calamity and Extinction for The Host Nation

HAVE JUST READ “PEOPLE OF FAITH UNITE IN RESPONSE TO TERROR” from a Kent newspaper published in Canterbury. This letter is signed by a motley assorted Babel of religionists ranging from Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, The Salvation Army to dozens of silly clergymen who style themselves “Reverend” and wear their collars back to front.

The Book which these “Reverend” gentlemen profess to follow clearly teaches:

“Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?…. Therefore, be ye separate”..II Cor. 6.14-15.

Frankly, these so-called leaders of the so-called Christian community disgust me. Their rejection of the plain truth, infantile pronouncements, convoluted reasoning, anti British stance and their total failure to condemn real evil has all but emptied the churches. Less than 5 per cent of the British now go to Church. Across this land tens of thousands of churches have become defunct and closed down, while the Muslims are building new mosques and the Hindus new temples in England.

Misconceptions about Josephus The Judean

Misconceptions about Josephus The Judean

(To my family and friends in Christian Israel: I wish to posthumously dedicate this article to my e-buddy and colleague, Arnold Kennedy, who was taken from us December 28, 2006. Arnold and I almost had personal contact when he visited the Eastern United States a couple of years ago. He made it as far west as Cincinnati and I made it as far east as Toledo (from Chicago); but we just couldn’t find the time for a face to face meeting. One thing we had in common was our belief in the Exclusiveness of True Israel, namely that the Anglo-Saxon/Caucasian peoples are the True Descendants of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, although Arnold was reluctant to call himself a 2-Seedliner.

Some of you may have followed our ongoing dispute as to whether ANY JEW can count as an Israelite or a Judahite. Arnold felt that the Bible could be understood even if we accept that some Jews were Judahites. I have taken the opposite point of view, saying that, under no circumstances, can any Jew be counted as an Israelite or as a Judahite. This article, in fact, was composed with Arnold’s perspective in mind. I’m sure that Yahweh – a name which Arnold also did not accept as the Name of Our Creator (one of our other disputes) — will arrange for him to read this article from some place in heaven.

In my last email to Arnold, I told him that every boxer needs a good sparring partner to practice against. He accepted the statement as a compliment, which is how it was intended. Arnold forced me to sharpen my arguments, so that we were not just arguing semantics but legitimate cultural differences between Jews and Israelites.

Aside from our Scriptural dispute, Arnold had given me, and us, every reason to believe that his surgery was a success , his health was improving and that he would be back with us at full strength. That was not to be, however. Despite our disagreements over Scriptural interpretation, I have only one thing to say: Arnold, you are a very gracious person in addition to being a gentleman and a scholar. See you in the Kingdom. – Eli)

Israel in The Book of Revelation

Israel in The Book of Revelation

IN OTHER ISSUES, I have traced for you some of the many references to Israel in the New Testament, showing that the New Testament is as much an Israel book as is the Old Testament. In this issue, I want to examine the Book of Revelation, to show you that this, too, is an Israel book.

No book in the whole Bible is as little understood as the Book of Revelation. It is a prophetic book: history pre-written. But it is much more difficult to understand than any other prophetic book, because it is written principally in symbols.

Jesus Christ Was Not a Jew – Nick Goggin

Jesus Christ Was Not a Jew – Nick Goggin

Many Christians and even church leaders are under the mistaken belief that Jesus was a Jew. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In the New Testament, the English word ‘Jew’ is a translation of the Greek Ioudaios (Yehudah-os), a Judean or inhabitant of Judah (Yehudah) – Judea – the former territory of the tribe of Judah (Yehudah).

Judea and Galilee were two separate states and political entities, as any Bible with maps of the Holy Land in New Testament times will show. Jesus Himself was not a Jew (Judean) living in Judea – he was a Galilean who lived in Galilee (Matthew 26:69, John 7:41), although a descendent of the Tribe of Judah. The Judeans of prominence were not of Judah, but of the evil Edomite people. Pilate was using irony when he wrote ‘Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews [Greek = Judeans]’ (John 19:19) – i.e. ‘the Galilean who was King of the Judeans’, as in ‘Queen Victoria of England, Empress of India’. Jesus grew up in Nazareth in Galilee. His disciples were fishermen from the Sea of Galilee. Christ visited Jerusalem, but spent most of His life in Galilee. John 7:1 says, ‘After this Jesus stayed in Galilee; He could not stay in Judea, because the Jews were out to kill him’. His followers were constrained ‘for fear of the Jews’ (John 7:13, 19:38, 20:19).

Jesus Christ Was Not a Jew

Jesus Christ Was Not a Jew

Do the above headlines shock you? We certainly hope they do! for it is about time that the Chris­tian people awaken to the fact that they have been brainwashed by the Jews with the “big lie technique” to the falsehood that Jesus was a Jew.

We ask you now, to set aside all prejudice in the matter and as God states in the Bible, “Come let us reason together”.

There are two ways that a person can be a Jew; ra­cially or religiously. Let us now see whether Jesus fits either of these categories.

Ninety-five percent of the people that we know as Jews today, are mongrels. That is they are a product of the amalgamation of many races.

The majority of the Jews are Asiatics, of Mongolian, stock. They are the descendents of Cain. No racial Jew is an Is­raelite. That’s right, we re-peat, NO RACIAL JEW IS AN ISRAELITE. The Bible itself identifies the Jews as the seed of Cain thereby identify­ing Satan as their father.

Jacob I Have Loved Esau I have Hated

Jacob I Have Loved Esau I have Hated

IN THE MID 70’S,  I undertook an end depth research / study of the “anti-Messiah Conspiracy” present in the earth, but behind the scenes. I was shocked at what I was learning.   Suddenly, a realisation hit me square in the face.   Behind every organisation, every facet of this “New World Order”, there were “Jews”. Even more startling was the fact that the “Jewish Bankers” in this nation had financed not only the Bolshevik Revolution, but even Hitler’s rise to power in Germany. It put me on my face before Jah. I told Him if the “Jews” were His chosen people, He chose the wrong ones.He then brought Rev 2:9 and 3:9 to my attention. This is where Jahshuwah states that there are those claiming to be “Jews”, but are NOT “Jews”, and are liars.   That it is these that are the “Church” of Satan, and therefore worshippers and followers of him.   I was wiped out. Yet I could not reject what I was seeing. No wonder they were behind the entire “anti-Christ” conspiracy to rid the earth of “Christianity”;  working to establish the end day “anti-Christ” empire, and to bring forth the “Pure worship of Lucifer”.I began seeking Jah on this and asked Him, “Oh Father, who are these people?”  I sure enough found out.  They are NOT HIS CHOSEN, but SATAN’S!!!  The carnal minds of people that believes EXACTLY OPPOSITE of The Truth, had been programmed to believe that Satan’s chosen WERE JAH’S CHOSEN.  What an incredible revelation this was, and is one that is enough to boggle anyone’s mind.

Genesis Disclosed

Genesis Disclosed

The Christian world have ever been in search for the pure word of God, and we have all supposed that it was contained in the Bible now in common use. The discoveries set forth in this work, however, will clearly show the following astounding facts:  That the name of a class of human beings made in the account of the creation has been eliminated from that account, although that name was specially given by God himself.  That the creative name [was] given in the same account to the man put into the Garden of Eden, although it occurs in the first eleven chapters of the Hebrew Genesis thirty-six times is not to be found in our Bible at all, having been eliminated from the account of creation as well as from the body of the Bible.  That a very important word has also been eliminated, and another of opposite meaning substituted, by which the class of human beings above referred to has been left out of the creative account, and thus the whole nature and meaning of the Genesis on this subject changed.  That by similar eliminations and substitutions the flood has been made universal.  It will not be our object to trace back and find out where these stupendous errors have arisen, but to deal with them as they stand in our King James Bible, the whole discussion being confined to the misuse of two names and one word.

Is There A Need to Be Born Again?

Is There A Need to Be Born Again?

WITH ALL THE DISTRACTIONS AROUND US TODAY we would do well to heed these words from John’s Gospel (4/14), for one of our greatest needs in these times is to know the truth and to live accordingly. Now there is only one sure place to obtain truth and that is in the infallible word of God. I use the word infallible deliberately, because logic demands that the Almighty, Himself infallible, would not have caused a book to be written for the guidance of His creation, that was anything less.

The first step towards arriving at truth is therefore to realise this, and to accept the fact that the Bible is God’s word, inspired by Him, and as such does not contain the thoughts or wisdom of fallible man. Nor is it permissible for man to alter the words of this book either by taking from or adding to it. Likewise he may not assume to have the ability, moral-intellectual, or otherwise, to criticise this, the work of his Maker.