Do the above headlines shock you? We certainly hope they do! for it is about time that the Christian people awaken to the fact that they have been brainwashed by the Jews with the “big lie technique” to the falsehood that Jesus was a Jew.
We ask you now, to set aside all prejudice in the matter and as God states in the Bible, “Come let us reason together”.
There are two ways that a person can be a Jew; racially or religiously. Let us now see whether Jesus fits either of these categories.
Ninety-five percent of the people that we know as Jews today, are mongrels. That is they are a product of the amalgamation of many races.
The majority of the Jews are Asiatics, of Mongolian, stock. They are the descendents of Cain. No racial Jew is an Israelite. That’s right, we re-peat, NO RACIAL JEW IS AN ISRAELITE. The Bible itself identifies the Jews as the seed of Cain thereby identifying Satan as their father.