Where in Hell

Where in Hell

Hell is not a Hebrew word, Hell is not a Greek word, Hell is not a Latin word.  Hell is an English word from the Saxon’s (Germanic Peoples) that literally means to cover, or hide: paralleling the word grave.

[Hell] A word used in the King James Version (as well as in the Catholic Douay Version and most older translations) to translate the Hebrew she´ohl´ and the Greek hai´des. In the King James Version the word “hell” is rendered from she´ohl´ 31 times and from hai´des 10 times. This version is not consistent, however, since she´ohl´ is also translated 31 times “grave” and 3 times “pit.” In the Douay Version (Catholic Version) she´ohl´ is rendered “hell” 64 times, “pit” once, and “death” once.

The Three Headed Eagle of II Esdras

The Three Headed Eagle of II Esdras

I will first quote the relevant passages from II Esdras 11, which gives the entire vision. Then, Chapter 12 gives an “interpretation,” although we must still correlate the interpretation with historical events. What is discussed hereinafter comes from two main sources: Dr. Eugene Scott and James Scott Trimm. I will refer primarily to a transcription of a lecture given by Dr. Scott, plus minimal discussion of Mr. Trimm’s viewpoint, which is similar, with the exception of the identification of the Three Heads.

Word for Word 3 Leviticus

Word for Word 3 Leviticus

(Called) Commonly called Leviticus

WAYYIQ’RA IS A BOOK OF LAWS and procedures for the Aharonic priests. Also here are many National laws for Yisrael, for health, sexual behavior, proper conduct towards each other, business dealings, conduct toward visiting Yisraeliy from other countries, conduct toward aliens of other races in Yisrael, holy days and feasts, food laws, and sacrificial laws. The sacrifice for the propitiation (covering over) of sin has been eliminated by Yahshua Messiah. He made the last sacrifice of Himself, and animal sacrifice is no longer needed. The other laws that do not have to do with sin sacrifice still stand, however, and they are all common sense laws. Heaven and earth have not passed away, yet.

Some words are unclear today as to the type of unclean animals. The meaning has been lost over time, and where this occurs, I will note it in the Chapter Notes following the chapter.

The term “leprosy” is used in connection with fabric, and houses. This was a mold or mildew that was unhealthy to be around, such as toxic “black mold” in our time. This would cause severe health problems from breathing in the spores, and they had no other term to use back then, so they termed it “leprosy” for want of a better word. Leprosy concerning people, however, is actual flesh destroying leprosy, which then was incurable, and resulted in eventual death for those afflicted with it. Yahweh cured several people of it in Scripture, and this was always considered a major miracle. Even today, with modern drug treatments, leprosy is a true horror to cure.

Where “leprosy” is used in the KJV and others, but actually refers to some type of skin disease, I have used “skin disease” for accuracy.

As in the first two books of Mosheh, proper names of people and places are as in the Hebrew for spelling. Strong’s© Numbers will be used after key words a single time.

Chapter notes will be small in this book, as a lot of it is fulfilled sacrificial stuff. I will note the verses where laws still stand, and why. There is quite a bit of this in here, so read the Chapter notes carefully.

Please note – All words spoken by Yahweh and His messengers will be in bold type.

This work is Copyrighted© in 2016 by Stephen H. Anderson, and may not be reproduced for profit. Quotations are permitted, but only if no changes are made to the text, and due credit is given to the translator.

Where a Chapter ends, and there is some room, lines for writing your own notes while studying will be inserted in the otherwise blank space. I hope you are enjoying these translations, and receiving knowledge of Yahweh’s Holy Word from them. May Yahweh Bless and Keep You. Praise Yahweh!

Stephen H. Anderson – Translator

Word for Word 2 Exodus

Word for Word 2 Exodus

Sh’moth (Exodus)
The Second Book of Mosheh

Sh’moth refers to the opening words of the book – “These are THE NAMES” in the Hebrew.

“Exodus” is Latin for “the going forth”, and was put on this book by the Romish Catholic “church”. It is erroneous, as is most of catholicism, so I won’t be using their title. My translation follows the Hebrew chapter numbering, and some discrepancies will occur between the number of verses in the KJV and this translation. As in “Genesis”, all proper names of people and places will be in the Hebrew spelling. If you want to see the KJV spelling, follow along with your KJV side by side with this translation.

This work is Copyrighted © in 2016 by Stephen H. Anderson, and reproduction or quotation for profit is prohibited. Non-profit quotation is permitted, but only with no changes to the text, and full credit given to the translator. Enjoy your studies and May Yahweh Bless and Keep You –

Stephen H. Anderson, translator.

Word for Word 1 Genesis

Word for Word 1 Genesis

Translation by Stephen Howard Anderson

SHALOM ALEYCHEM MY FELLOW PURE-BLOODED YISRAELITES! I have been working for many years to produce a copy of the Old Testament with the malicious tampering of the Masoretes and so-called “churches” removed, the Holy Name of Yahweh fully restored, along with the word order corrected where it misrepresents the context of the verse. I have put all margin notes, and the chapter notes following each chapter. Many Strong’s numbers are included, but not for every word. Spelling of proper names of people and places are as they appear in the Hebrew.

Please Note – Masoretic vowel pointing has many errors, and some are intentional to deceive the readers because of the Babylonian traditions they followed. Spelling is not consistent, and changes from scribe to scribe. At best, they are only a suggestion for pronunciation. The several sects of jewry have different ways of pronouncing many words, and vary also in their particular “traditions” that they follow. Original paleo-hebrew had no vowels, and there have been two types of vowel indication in more modern times. Many words have unclear meanings, and “opinions” of what they mean were inserted by the former “mistranlators”. Where the meanings are unclear, I have put the word in transliterated Hebrew, and note the problem in the notes for the chapter which follow. I have not inserted any opinions in this translation. The Masoretes changed the spelling of many peoples names that had “yah” in them. This was another attempt to hide The Name. The English mistranslators followed this pattern. I have restored all the names to their proper form, such as Yahudah (Yahweh is praised), instead of Y’hudah. You will note the spelling changes when you compare to other texts. They will pay dearly for their evil works on the day of Judgement.

To get this straight from the beginning, the Torah was given to YISRAEL, and not to the jews. In B’reshiyth (Genesis), the RACE of adam was created. This race has distinct characteristics which continue to this day. Strong’s H119 shows this, as it precedes H120. These folks had a rosy complexion, and would blush under their fair skin. Only one racial group qualifies under this description. They entered Europe through the Caucasus Mountains from their former captivity. They were, and are called Caucasians. This is the “white” race of today, and none other, including any of mixed bloodline. Sorry, but pureblood means pure, not mixed. A specific adam is then mentioned, with a capital A, and the Hebrew article ha preceding Adam, thus the Adam as a proper name. It then proceeds down the descendants until it comes to Yaaqob, who was renamed Yisrael by Yahweh. This sub-group of adamics became the “chosen people’ of Yahweh, all of pure seedline, and this entire book is about them.

Cave of Treasures

Cave of Treasures

The Cave of Treasures was introduced to the world by Giuseppe Simone Assemani, the author of the Catalogues of Oriental Manuscripts in the Vatican Library, which he printed in Bibliotheca Orientalis in four thick volumes folio. In Vol. ii. page 498 he describes a Syriac manuscript containing a series of apocryphal works, and among them is one the title of which he translates Spelunca Thesaurorum.

He saw that the manuscript contained the history of 5,500 years, from the creation of Adam to the birth of Christ, and that it was based upon the Scriptures. He says that fables are found in it everywhere, especially concerning the antediluvian Patriarchs, and the genealogy of Christ and His Mother. He mentions that the Patriarch Eutychius also describes a cave of treasures in which gold, frankincense, and myrrh were laid up, and refers to the “portentosa feminarum nomina,” women of Jesus’ ancestry. No attempt was made to publish the Syriac text; in fact, little attention was paid to it until August Dillmann began to study the Conflict of Adam and Eve in connection with it, and then he showed in Ewald’s Jahrbüchern (Bd. V. 1853) that the contents of whole sections of the Book of the Cave of Treasures in Syriac and the Conflict of Adam and Eve in Ethiopic were identical.