WITH ALL THE DISTRACTIONS AROUND US TODAY we would do well to heed these words from John’s Gospel (4/14), for one of our greatest needs in these times is to know the truth and to live accordingly. Now there is only one sure place to obtain truth and that is in the infallible word of God. I use the word infallible deliberately, because logic demands that the Almighty, Himself infallible, would not have caused a book to be written for the guidance of His creation, that was anything less.
The first step towards arriving at truth is therefore to realise this, and to accept the fact that the Bible is God’s word, inspired by Him, and as such does not contain the thoughts or wisdom of fallible man. Nor is it permissible for man to alter the words of this book either by taking from or adding to it. Likewise he may not assume to have the ability, moral-intellectual, or otherwise, to criticise this, the work of his Maker.