IN THE MID 70’S, I undertook an end depth research / study of the “anti-Messiah Conspiracy” present in the earth, but behind the scenes. I was shocked at what I was learning. Suddenly, a realisation hit me square in the face. Behind every organisation, every facet of this “New World Order”, there were “Jews”. Even more startling was the fact that the “Jewish Bankers” in this nation had financed not only the Bolshevik Revolution, but even Hitler’s rise to power in Germany. It put me on my face before Jah. I told Him if the “Jews” were His chosen people, He chose the wrong ones.He then brought Rev 2:9 and 3:9 to my attention. This is where Jahshuwah states that there are those claiming to be “Jews”, but are NOT “Jews”, and are liars. That it is these that are the “Church” of Satan, and therefore worshippers and followers of him. I was wiped out. Yet I could not reject what I was seeing. No wonder they were behind the entire “anti-Christ” conspiracy to rid the earth of “Christianity”; working to establish the end day “anti-Christ” empire, and to bring forth the “Pure worship of Lucifer”.I began seeking Jah on this and asked Him, “Oh Father, who are these people?” I sure enough found out. They are NOT HIS CHOSEN, but SATAN’S!!! The carnal minds of people that believes EXACTLY OPPOSITE of The Truth, had been programmed to believe that Satan’s chosen WERE JAH’S CHOSEN. What an incredible revelation this was, and is one that is enough to boggle anyone’s mind.
Jacob I Have Loved Esau I have Hated
Jacob I Have Loved Esau I have Hated